🧙 Multilingual Harry Potter Book Club 🪄 Home Thread

If there’s no change in the next week or so, I think we’ll make the start date April 1st. (I was hoping the month would start mid-week, then everyone could be happy! :rofl:)

I think it’ll make sense to decide the reading pace and stopping points based off the English version, and use the end of scenes as stopping points for weeks that end mid-chapter. I’ve had a quick look but I can’t see any ready-made book club/readalong schedules, but if anyone finds one that we could use, let me know!

Happy to hear others’ thoughts! :grin:


The Wani Kani bookclub read one chapter every 2 weeks.

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I’m all for a start in April! Tbh I’m in a bit of a stupid predicament, I already have the physical version of Harry Potter in Korean, but I left it somewhere (didn’t fit in my suitcase) so I’ll only be able to join around mid April. Any earlier than that I won’t have access to the book, and I’m not going to be buying it a second time.


Okay, so we’re starting next week! I’ve put up the reading schedule - if anyone has the time/energy to look up convenient stopping points, feel free to do so (I’m too tired :melting_face:).


I see you’ve got a rough schedule up. Man, not finishing until November… That’s mega long. Dividing by chapter will probably be easiest given the number of languages involved. (Speaking of, you probably want to let people know to vote anew in the OP as well.)

I’m a bit torn on my opinion with the schedule. I’m tentatively planning to listen to the Japanese audiobook while listening and reading to the Spanish version. JP I can definitely do a chapter a week, Spanish I’m not so sure about. :stuck_out_tongue: But reading one book until November has it’s own psychological burden as well. But I’ve been super busy these last few months and it would be a terrible idea to unnecessarily load myself down even more, specifically with that Spanish version… So maybe it would be better to err on the side of slow.

I don’t know, what do others think?

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From what I could find, each chapter is around 15-20 pages. The only chapters that are longer than that are chapters 5, 6 and 16.

It’s true that the current schedule is super long, but well. Being realistic, I could probably read through that first book in a day for Spanish. For Korean however, considering the difficulty, a couple pages a week sound very reasonable.

It might be worth it to do a poll, see what everyone would like best.

Table of contents (English)


I can pull a TOC from my Japanese copy when I get home if needed. Checked my Spanish last night and there didn’t appear to be one printed, oddly.


I didn’t realise the chapters were that short… How about we read one chapter a week then? And I can keep the table with the slower pace up for anyone that wants to follow a more relaxed schedule.

  • Sounds good! :+1:
  • I’d prefer… (comment)
0 voters

I’ll vote sounds good for now; I would like to see more data from other language TOC and feedback from other participants as well.


I’m happy with one chapter a week, but also happy to go at the slower pace as well.

Any precedent for how a multilingual reading club works? Do all languages discuss on the same thread?

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Also I feel like I need a profile picture to be in a bookclub but for some reason it can’t find anywhere in settings to set one up!

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We’ve run Japanese/Korean language books in the same thread, and there weren’t any issues (granted, the balance was way in the favor of JP there), so I wouldn’t expect many issues if we did the same here.

No shirt, no shoes, no avatar, no service! → :door:

It might be linked to your Natively profile picture, so see if you can upload one there.


I just took photos of both the japanese and the korean table of contents. Maybe that helps with finding a schedule :smile:

Table of contents (Japanese)

Table of contents (Korean)

Don’t be surprised. The korean first volume is split into two books

Edit: I could also provide the German table of contents if needed


Ah, I forgot to take a picture of my JP’s copy TOC, speaking of; it’s also split into two books. Will need to do that tonight…

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This is what I needed thanks! Was digging around in discourse and hadn’t realised it was on the main natively profile page.


Nooo :smiling_face_with_tear:
I’d noticed that for the other ones, but not for the first one. So I guess I only bought the first half of book one then


Oh no :cry:
I am not sure whether this is true for every version. The following one is the one I have: 해리포터와 마법사의 돌 1 | L29
Maybe you have another one?

But reading the first part of volume 1 will take some time, so maybe it’s enough time to get the second part?

But yeah, this also always confuses me. And the first Harry Potter volume is not that big/long that a split is really justified imho :woman_shrugging:


Okay, I should’ve had this up several days ago but kept forgetting, so for penance I’ll put these in a nice table. orz
For reference, my copies are:

  • The two-volume JP edition published by 静山社ペガサス文庫, total page count 259 + 244
  • A Latin American edition published by Salamandra, total page count 254
Chapter JP Start Page ES Start Page
1 7 9
2 34 23
3 54 34
4 77 46
5 101 58
6 145 79
7 185 99
8 213 113
9 231 (end of book) 123
10 7 139
11 33 152
12 54 163
13 87 180
14 108 190
15 132 201
16 163 217
17 208 237

I wonder how many volumes there are for book 7!!!


There are only two versions translations of the HP series in Korean:

  • 해리포터 | L29-34 - original translation, physical only, each book split into multiple volumes

  • 해리 포터 | L30?? - revised translation, digital only physical and digital, each book a single volume, has accompanying audiobooks

If you’re reading a physical copy the original translation, there are indeed two volumes:

ETA: Just double-checked and there are physical copies of the revised translation, but they have different covers. The translator for the revised edition that matches the audiobooks is 강동혁; all of the following have different covers, are single-volume, and are the same translation:

Book 1 - 2 volumes
Book 2 - 2 volumes
Book 3 - 2 volumes
Book 4 - 4 volumes
Book 5 - 5 volumes
Book 6 - 4 volumes
Book 7 - 4 volumes