TL:DR - Did little in the way of reading or listening last week due to ill health but hoping this week will be different, though I am back at work as of tomorrow.
I think I got a little done on Tuesday last week then everything went to hell from Wednesday after the Broadband was installed. Good news, the broadband works great, bad news, I spent most of the week in bed ill or struggling to focus so nothing much got done.
Listening: I managed to listen to Game Gengo’s grammar series videos, full N5 grammar, full N4 grammar and full N3 grammar. I feel like I understood most of it but at the same time, I don’t remember it all. I did pick up a few things though so that helps at least. I also spent a decent chunk of yesterday listening to the audio in Shin Chan.
Reading: I did very little reading last week, most of it yesterday while playing Shin Chan. On a plus though, I can understand about 90-95% of that game without looking anything up and I like the fact that they explain some of the vocabulary because Shin Chan seems to either be acting like he’s deaf or the poor boy has issues and his family just don’t care enough to take him to get checked out. Some of the misheard words are quite funny. I think I have also given up on ダンジョン飯 manga for the moment, it’s becoming too much to follow set book club time frames between what I’m trying to do myself, so I’ll pick it up again at a later date. Think I will continue to listen to the anime though but start again and only do an episode at a time so I don’t get overwhelmed.
Speaking: Managed to do about 2 sentences at the language exchange group on Tuesday last week before the guy switched to someone who’s Japanese was way better than mine. Didn’t appreciate the new comer deciding to be an asshat and take the piss out of my progress while self studying (I have enough issues getting out of kicking my own ass for lack of seeable progress, I do not need anyone else doing it as well). He decided to imply that the last 4 years of study for me had been a complete waste of time and tried to pass off that he was N3 or N2 level in 6 months til he slipped up and told us his N4 marks from a few weeks ago (online tests not actual JLPT marks). I’m not saying his Japanese wasn’t good, it was definitely better than mine for speaking and listening but we had been focused on different things. He had spent the last 6 months in Japan, speaking with friends and texting all in casual Japanese for around 12 hours per day but struggled to read from the book someone took in, whereas I’ve spend the last 4 years mostly working on reading and understanding than listening and speaking, and definitely not managed more than a few hours focus on only a few days each week. I wish I could focus for 12 hours a day and just immerse in it for a few months and I’m sure my Japanese would be a hell of a lot better than it is now.
Writing: non existent this last week.
So plan for this week;
- Try more listening now the October Challenge has started.
- Get started back on reading ふしぎ駄菓子屋銭天堂 book 4 so I can finish it and go onto book 5.
- Continue reading ハウルの動く城 oversized book.
- Continue with my tutor lessons and language exchanges
- And then from next week, see how I can re-incorporate the textbooks so I can finally get the rest of the N4 grammar internalised so I can make a start on the N3 stuff since I’m still stumbling around the grammar from the first みんなの日本語初級 red textbook.
I’m hoping that work won’t be too bad over the next few days since I’m still recovering but we will see how it goes.
Also, I managed to pick up a few more books from series I was missing them from as well as the physical copy of レンタルロボット and the Japanese Thesaurus that was mentioned to me and another essential expressions book in Japanese that I’ve been wanting for a while but was too expensive on Amazon.