Update 29/11/2022:
This weeks progress:
This week I’ve continued working through the main textbook, reading/ listening books and the exercise book for MNN. Alongside that, I’ve also read through the bonus story from Short stories in Japanese (there’s no option to mark this on natively so I’ve just marked init me personal notes for this book) and started to work through Read Real Japanese fiction as well as listening to the first story, 神様 before I’ll start reading it properly. I tried to make a start on the penguin parallel text book and Reading Japanese with a smile but neither have furigana so I decided instead to work through those once my kanji recognition is better.
Read real Japanese has furigana the first time a kanji is shown then each time after, the furigana is removed, so I can use the text itself to look things up if I’ve not recognized it the second time etc. Whereas with the penguin parallel text and reading Japanese with a smile, I need to look it up in an app or dictionary each time. Sounds silly but if I need to look stuff up every few words, I tend to get distracted and lose interest in trying to figure out what I’m reading so I’m trying to get my recognition skills and grammar skills up to scratch before tackling things where I need an external dictionary or app to search stuff.
I will be going back through several of the higher level short story books for the grammar explanations at a later date but for now, I want to focus on trying to consume as much different material as I can while still getting the gist of what I’m reading if I can’t understand it fully.
Next steps
For now, I’ll continue with Read Real Japanese fiction and focus on one of the stories for a few days, reading through it intensively, listening to it and trying to better understand the grammar used.
My hope is that by working through this book and Read Real Japanese essays intensively, it’ll better set me up for starting キノの旅 once I’m ready.
Hopes for the beginning of 2023
My hope is that by just after Xmas, I’ll be ready to start tackling キノの旅 though I think it will be slow going to start with and I will have many vocabulary and grammar that I need to look up but I’m hoping that if I start by reading the first few chapters intensively (or first few books if I’m really struggling) then my understanding of the vocabulary and grammar within the series will be enough for me to then continue by reading them extensively. We’ll see what happens when it comes though.