🕵️‍♀️ 推理小説読書会 📚 Mystery Novel Book Club 👮‍♂️ Preparing to read 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う!

Yes, please! :pray:

I totally don’t doubt that there are good books for middle schoolers, it’s just that in the overwhelming majority of Japanese books I read for that age group you inevitably get to the “moralizing moments” because the author feels they need to teach the young readers something. And… that’s so… ugh… I’m sorry but I don’t need that any more.

I already found the title to be such a dead giveaway that I did not even look further :sweat_smile:

Oh, thanks for your classification! That helps a ton.


It’s time to vote!

Which One Choices GIF

As a reminder, :arrow_right: NOMINATIONS ARE HERE :arrow_left:

ebooks typically have previews (立ち読み) so if the book is unrated and you’re unsure, or you just want to scope out the writing style, please make use of it! Keep in mind that a good deal of books are entered at 30 by default and some of the books with only one or two ratings can have pretty unstable ratings.

As with last time, you will have 5 votes in this poll, and any books to receive no votes will go in the Nomination Graveyard :headstone: They can be renominated, but please wait at least two voting cycles before reintroducing them.

As a quick reminder, the schedule is as follows:

  • January 9th - voting opens

  • January 16th - voting closes and winner announced

  • January 30th - first weekly thread for the chosen book is opened!

Without further ado - the vote!

  • 黒い森の記憶 | L30??
  • グラスホッパー | L35
  • 柔らかな頬 上 | L30??
  • 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。 | L30??
  • アンデッドガール・マーダーファルス 1 | L30??
  • ノッキンオン・ロックドドア | L28??
  • 砂の家 | L30??
  • 変な家 | L27
  • 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 | L33??
  • 白光 | L30??
  • 模倣の殺意 | L30??
  • 名探偵は嘘をつかない | L38
  • 透明人間は密室に潜む | L30??
  • 私が大好きな小説家を殺すまで | L25??
  • 吹雪の山荘 リレーミステリ | L30??
  • テロリストのパラソル | L30??
  • 七回死んだ男 | L30??
  • 時空旅行者の砂時計 | 30??
  • そして五人がいなくなる | L25

0 voters


ゎ‹ゎ‹( ˶˙ᴗ˙˶ )ゎ‹ゎ‹

1 Like

This looks like some sort of ritual and Cthulhu text, haha. Trying to summon an Old God to get your picks to win?


:rofl: I wish that would work. But alas, was just trying to show some excitement. Also, I just really like 顔文字. They are a lot of fun. 乁( ˙ ω˙乁)ウェーイ


I can “read” this one:
ゎ‹ゎ‹( ˶˙ᴗ˙˶ )ゎ‹ゎ‹
and this one:
乁( ˙ ω˙乁)ウェーイ
But this one is a complete mystery (ha! way to stay on topic!) to me:
What is it supposed to be?


someone lurking around a corner (you only see 1 eye) with an excited heartbeat (ドキドキ) :smiling_face:


Seriously? I could just barely see a chick lying down with eggshell on its head (!) but an eye? I see no eye. :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Ah, I see it now! That one was confusing me as well.

|ωΦ;))))ドキドキ… → |ωΦ;)))) The eye is Φ, the ω is a mouth!


| ← wall
ω <-mouth
Φ ← eye


Aaaah, right! Thanks, both of you. I feel like I’m learning a new language right now :joy:


Sorry for being pedantic, but I was looking at the nominations a little more carefully in order to vote, and was surprised that a genre novel won the Akutagawa prize. It turns out it didn’t. It won the Ayukawa Tetsuya Award instead, which is awarded to unpublished mystery novels. :slight_smile:


Whoops, apparently I’ve had those mixed up for a while b/c in my head I thought 体育館の殺人 and 屍人荘の殺人 had also won the ‘Akutagawa’ prize :joy: Apologies if I falsely enticed anyone


Voting has closed!

Congrats to 七回死んだ男 | L35

And RIP to 吹雪の山荘 リレーミステリ , テロリストのパラソル, and 模倣の殺意 :hocho:
I actually waffled hard on voting for two of those so bit of a bummer…but I’ll just read them on my own time :smile:

As a reminder the first week for this book is January 30th to give people time to purchase physical copies if they’d like.

New home thread for 七回死んだ男


Oops, not as many voters in this poll as the last one…

Oh well, I’m glad the winner is a book I already own ^_~


I actually removed my vote for two of those at the last minute, because it was the only one, and it felt wrong to save my own nominations when no one else was interested. :sweat_smile: If I start reading any of them I’ll let you know.

Meanwhile, I’ll probably sit the current pick out, so have fun everyone! :books:


Nominations can come at any time, right?

Book: 眼球堂の殺人 ~The Book~ | L30??
Is there an ebook available?: yes

Summary - Japanese

新たな理系&館ミステリ。シリーズ第一作神の書、"The Book"を探し求める者、放浪の数学者・十和田只人(とわだただひと)がジャーナリスト・陸奥藍子と訪れたのは、狂気の天才建築学者・驫木煬(とどろきよう)の巨大にして奇怪な邸宅"眼球堂"だった。二人と共に招かれた各界の天才たちを次々と事件と謎が見舞う。密室、館、メフィスト賞受賞作にして「堂」シリーズ第一作となった傑作本格ミステリ!

Summary - English

A new science & museum mystery. In the first book in the series, wandering mathematician Towada Tadahito and journalist Aiko Mutsu visit the huge and bizarre mansion of mad genius architect Todoroki Yoh, who is in search of The Book of God. The geniuses invited with the two, from all walks of life, are visited by incident and mystery one after another. A masterpiece of authentic mystery, the first novel in the “Do” series, winner of the Mephistopheles Prize for The Secret Room, The House, and The Mephistopheles Award!

Content warnings if known

None that I know of.

I’d seen some favourable reviews of it here and there and had vaguely had it in my wish list for ages. The idea of blending science, architecture and mystery is attractive, if implemented well. Strange buildings in Japanese mystery fiction are abundant for some reason but here we also get physics and mathematics to play with. (The book is currently on sale on Bookwalker at the very attractive price of 99 yen till February 9 if anyone’s interested.)


Kindle as well, though I don’t know when the sale ends. It’s such a steep discount that I’m tempted to buy it, though I can’t tell if I’d be interested in the book or not yet, haha.



Sadly I bought it months ago :slightly_frowning_face: I love weird building mysteries. Although I can’t say I enjoy reading about math in Japanese.


Oh I literally just reviewed this.

(Also the heroine’s name is Mutu, not Riku)