🕵️‍♀️ 推理小説読書会 📚 Mystery Novel Book Club 👮‍♂️ Preparing to read 点と線!

The power of the poll creator.


Is this the template one or the Natively automated one with the spoiler?

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Both include the spoiler, so I’m guessing it’s something intended by the author to be known since the beginning? For me it’s just a turn off though, removes part of the shock.

Since the template does have the description closed by default and that’s the publisher summary I’m going to leave it as is. I reread the summary and it seems pretty normal for a mystery book summary, I suspect the meat of the book would be after that setup. I understand not everyone wants to know details, but I don’t think it’d be fair to other club members to remove it.

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Yeah it was not my intention to change it, it’s just me voicing my opinion on it. I’d probably would have voted for it otherwise

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I voted I don’t care, but I’m fine with making one and am also OK with granting some club regulars edit access. The site seems a bit unstable at the moment though, but once the overhaul is less shakey I can take this on.

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As the site is no longer having server issues, the list was made, available here: Mystery Book Club Current Nominations | Japanese list by cat | Natively

I just added the comments from nominators in the description for the time being, with some light tidying because it didn’t look like links would work in those boxes? @eefara @omk3 I added you both as collaborators as I saw you voted as wanting to help on it. Don’t feel the need to ask my permission for any tweaks, I trust your judgements.


A five-way tie so far :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:



Didn’t want to push this on you, but thank you for taking the initiative. :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Link back up to poll


Also I went ahead and simplified the nomination template a bit. Summaries are no longer required if the book page already has them, and I made content warnings not behind a drop down but put in a request to use spoiler tags if the content warnings are known to be spoilers (most books nominated here haven’t been read by the nominator so not a major issue).


I just realized the poll closed two days ago and we still hadn’t announced the winner. Congratulations to 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う! :tada:

I’ll probably sit this one out, have fun!


You could watch the drama adaptation. :popcorn:


Oh gosh, I forgot to mark it on my calendar to check :see_no_evil: Things not on my calendar cease to exist unfortunately.

I’ve already listened to the audiobook so I won’t be participating, but since I nominated it I can manage the threads. Does anyone happen to have a copy they are willing to section out into weeks given our pacing guidelines? They’re at the top of the thread but from memory I want to say it’s 30-60 pages per week. Ramping up towards the end won’t be as necessary with this book as it’s actually a series of (lightly) connected short stories.


Home thread is up for 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う :wolf:


If we ever run out of nominations:


Just for my planning: Are we taking a break? :thinking:

If we go by previous precedent:

So there should be a few weeks break in-between, most likely.


This is correct. The timeline/club and voting life cycle is also listed out in the top post for ease of reference.

I have an event in my personal calendar for when the next poll needs to go up (which is to say, when I need to not forget to post it).


Apologies. I did not think about checking the first post. :see_no_evil:

Thanks for the info. :yellow_heart:


Book: 推しの殺人 | L30??
Is there an ebook available?: yes

Summary because I just added it and one isn't on the Natively page yet

deepl translation (lightly edited because wow massive error in one sentence):
The three-member underground idol group “Baby Starlight” in Osaka is in a critical situation with various problems. There is an arrogant office boss, a disparity in popularity within the group, and the center … is being abused by her boyfriend. One of the members has killed a person in the office. To cover up her crime, the three decide to bury the body in the mountains.

Content warnings if known:
Summary suggests both murder and domestic violence.

Why are you nominating this book: I find 推し culture fascinating and the trope of ‘hide the body’ is one of my favorites.