🕵️‍♀️ 推理小説読書会 📚 Mystery Novel Book Club 👮‍♂️ Preparing to read 点と線!

I’ll be opening the poll in a few hours, probably 4-5 from now. I’ll note that an unfortunate side effect of using Natively Lists for the nominations now is that very recent books can’t be added (need to be approved first). @brandon just for visibility in case this is something that can be tweaked. I’ll track and monitor any fresh nominations for the poll though.

With my nomination we have 4 remaining spots. Looking forward to the next pick!


If the adder has the book link, like in this case, you can add the book to a list by clicking on the arrow part of the book status button:


Thanks, looks like that worked!

But I cannot add it directly to the list via search which is how I would normally do it for the book club :thinking:

edit: Should explain why - since I add notes to each entry it’s easier for me to add + note in one fell swoop as opposed to add, go to list, click edit, scroll to last entry, add notes, save.


It is time to vote!


The nomination list is here. You can vote for up to 5 choices. The poll will close in a week.

  • アンデッドガール・マーダーファルス 1
  • ノッキンオン・ロックドドア
  • 砂の家
  • 変な家
  • 名探偵は嘘をつかない
  • 私が大好きな小説家を殺すまで
  • 時空旅行者の砂時計
  • 眼球堂の殺人 ~The Book~
  • 『クロック城』殺人事件
  • 黒蜥蜴
  • 悲嘆の門 (上)
  • 湖底の光芒
  • 点と線
  • 満願
  • シャドウ
  • 推しの殺人
0 voters

I want to vote, but it’s looking like I’ll be almost completely unavailable for my usual stuff for about three weeks in July due to work, so I’ll have to consider how I want to prioritize stuff…


So far it looks like シャドウ is winning :eyes: This has been in my TBR for a while.

I also haven’t heard any youtubers talking it up which strangely I view as a good sign :rofl:


It also has 2 audiobook versions, so it should be somewhat decent. :eyes:

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I won’t have time to join for the moment, but before I forget, I do have a nomination for a future round of voting.

Book: 妃は船を沈める (光文社文庫 あ 42-6) | L30??
Is there an ebook available?: Yes (I don’t think any audiobook yet)

Content warnings if known:
Death (I assume murder?) based on natively blurb

Why are you nominating this book:
Sounds kinda fun, and nice cover.
I think the author is quite a classic mystery writer, he was the first president of the honkaku mystery writers club according to wikipedia.


2 days left :eyes:
I’ll be traveling when the poll closes so I probably won’t announce it immediately but looking forward to seeing what wins!


シャドウ has won! :tada:

As per usual there is a 2 week period between voting end and club start for people to get copies of the books (meaning this one opens June 10th). I’ll take a look at my copy soon and come up with a schedule as well as a home post.

As a note, I’ll be traveling/away from my computer for the first two weeks of the club, so I’ll probably end up posting them in advance because Discourse does not allow scheduled posts except for admin-y people.

ノッキンオン・ロックドドア did not receive any votes this round so it has been :hocho: 'd and is going to the nomination graveyard. See the top post for rules on re-nominations if you’re interested.


:partying_face: :tada: :tada:

The time has come! I’d been hoping for this since I found a used copy in a loot box :coin: outside of a Japanese bookstore in Düsseldorf.

文庫本 table of contents

Aside from the last chapter (90ish pages) they’re all around 60 pages, so we could theoretically read a chapter a week for 4 weeks and then afford 2 for the last one, or read each chapter for 2 weeks with a ramp up at the end for a total of 10 weeks, something like that?

Or some other option, I don’t mind, I’m just excited~~ :laughing:

Edit: also, June 10th, right?


Oops yes, will fix. I always mix up those months.


Ahaha I guess I know the store :rofl:


You most certainly do! :grin: It’s a shame they take off the covers, but it’s still super cool when they have books I recognize.


I created a home thread and gave us a 7 week schedule as that seemed the most reasonable way to cut it. I think 4 weeks would be too aggressively fast and 10 weeks seemed a bit awkward given the limited sections in the book. If there are strong objections to this schedule, please bring them up in the home thread for discussion, though.

:arrow_right: Home thread here

side note: the summary for this book is so vague I really had no clue what emojis to use in the title :joy:


No link to Natively page? Natively list doesn’t have Shadow, nor in home thread.

I’ll update the home thread, but I’m not sure if it usually links it or not tbh :thinking: I copy the template each time

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Perhaps update the Natively list as well? There are 15 items, but did the list change? I don’t see Shadow there. It may be a little harder to search, being a short and generic word title.

In addition, forum nomination list has 15 items, but there are 16 choices. (Up to 20 at some point.)

It’s not a current nomination though, it’s the current selection. I removed it when it was selected.

The forum nomination list has been deprecated in favor of the Natively list because there’s not much sense in trying to keep both up to date, and the forum editing of that list was honestly a pain.

Edit: I can see your frustration here though and I can include a Natively link in the home posts going forward


Perhaps consider a new list for current amd removed nominations. It can be useful for finding books in the genre.