Grabbed these at Book-Off earlier. Much less selective than I’d normally be, but one of my goals is to read more magazines with interviews and introductions. One has a 薬屋のひとりごと feature, and another has a Sawashiro Miyuki interview (yes I’m really that simple lol)
- ソードアート・オンライン ガールズ・オプス | L28 - when I tried these 1.5 years ago, they were too hard. Curious to see now
- 花とゆめ 年 2/20 号 | L28?? - hoping I’ll find a few series besides 暁のヨナ in here to enjoy
- アニメージュ 2023年 12 月号 | L30?? - has 薬屋のひとりごと with 悠木碧
- Animage アニメージュ 2021年 04 月号 | L30?? - idk why I got this
- アニメージュ 2015年 06 月号 | L30?? - 沢城みゆき and FictionJunction!!!
My manga finally straightened out, after getting a dehumidifier, so I reorganized the shelves last night.
Ordered some acrylic stands as well, so I can move my トゲトゲ merch to its own table