Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Hmm, it works for me but maybe that’s just dark mode quirks.

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Ahh the joys (pains) of dealing with icons :upside_down_face:. Likely you can fix that by changing either the font color or background color for the icon

As @暁のルナ said, 네이버 웹툰 is really popular, as is Kakao Page. Naver is more popular in the Korean learning community since it’s free and easier to access outside of Korea. I read a lot of webtoons (as in, 1000+ chapters per year in English) so I would really appreciate if you added them!


There are hundreds of webtoon sites, and it probably deserves its own thread, but here are some of the big ones:

Korean: Bomtoon, Lezhin, KakaoPage, Comico, Ridibooks, Mr Blue, WebComics, Peanutoon, Manyeo Comics
English: INKR, LEZHIN US, MangaPlanet, Bilibili, Manta, Mangatoon, Webnovel, Tappytoon

Some of them are available from retailers as ebooks, and the most popular ones often have physical copies. Still, the vast majority are only available in webtoon format, so it would be nice to have the option, especially since it’s difficult and prohibitively expensive to acquire physical manhwa outside Korea.


I really appreciate all those links @NihongoLearner19 @bibliothecary!

I’d certainly love to do it and I’ll keep it in mind, but yeah I don’t think it’ll be happening very soon. Hopefully the most popular toons are indeed published as a physical edition.

It’s just hard to add new data types and there’s lot to do already… not to mention lots of requested data types already :laughing:


@brandon A few minor things on the Korean side:

  • when adding ‘where to find’ links, there’s a furigana checkbox
  • when requesting a new book, the search result still reads “view Aladin”
  • The book filter includes Japanese prizes and WK book club
  • The book search page lists “comics”, but the browse drop-down list and the my books page lists “manga”. Could these be changed to “manhwa”?

Is there a way to mark just selected episodes of a series as watched (because of poor reception of the station), like #1,2,5,7 and probably some more to come?


You should be able to do that on that series’ page. Just scroll down to the episodes list, and click/tap the tiny icon on the right of the episode’s frame. Here’s how it looks on mobile:


I’m liking the auto-add setup making its way over from TV/Movies to the Book item request page @brandon! I can see a lot of potential for extra options to add to the book version: a checkbox for Mature books, for whether there’s a digital version, for whether there’s an audiobook, etc etc. Is it too soon to start thinking of this stuff? Should I hold until you’ve gotten more Korean kinks wrapped up? Should I create a product request? (Do we already have one, speaking of?)


:laughing: :laughing: you submitted a book request! @eefara do you even know what those squiggles mean?

Yes, it’s a bit too early for product requests, I’m still iterating on how it all works. But I can tell you already that I would maybe only add the ‘mature’ tickbox. We don’t want the initial form to be super long and intimidating. Many of those things could be added on a book after it’s created. :slight_smile:

But yes, let’s wait… I got enough on my plate right now!


I do not, thank you very much. ^o^ Actually had to turn on the Chrome page translate to navigate semi-well on yes24. :rofl:

Noted on the product requests! I’ll keep them in the back of my mind~

Ah, and this probably isn’t a bug per se, but I did want to mention it. If I’m on a JP book page and try to switch to Korean, it just stays on the JP book page and doesn’t flip the flag to Korean. I feel like there should be some sort of interaction with Natively at that point; either switching to Korean kicks you to the Korean book search page, or a little pop-up or something tells you you need to go to XX page to switch to Korean mode. I’m not sure if I like that second suggestion, honestly; it makes more sense to me to do the first. That’s what my brain expects, anyway.

Perhaps in the future, once book editions are out, different language editions could be linked, and swapping languages on that book’s page redirects you to the other language’s version. If there is no other version, you’re kicked to that language’s book search page your dashboard in the new language.


Is there a bulk data import option somewhere? I currently keep my list of read books on, which has an “export as CSV”, so if there’s an import option here I could potentially script up a format conversion and have my books I’ve read on Natively too. But for 275 books I don’t really want to add them all by hand :slight_smile:


Not to my knowledge, no. I actually don’t think we have a product request for it, either. Nothing comes to mind, at least.


There was some discussion about that, but I don’t think it materialized yet?

Edit: can’t find it, but I remember talking about something similar, and @brandon mentioned using csv on the back-end?

Edit2: ah, found it! (well, that’s the reply to my question about adding new books through csv files, but that would be also adding books to one’s library in that specific use case)


There isn’t yet no. I have built an import process for goodreads & bookmeter accounts, but to add all the new books is quite labor intensive.

I could certainly leverage my goodreads import and add all the books that exist on Natively already for you if you’d like - all i’d need is a csv with:

  • ISBN
  • ISBN13
  • Exclusive Shelf [‘currently-reading’, ‘to-read’, ‘read’] (this is the status field)
  • Date Read [YYYY/MM/DD]
  • My Rating [int, out of 5]
  • My Review [text]

I will say too that by the end of the year this may all be easier… but no promises. As a part of Korean, I’m moving more towards auto import & book creation, similar to movies. The major complication with that is handling editions well, which hopefully we can do by the end of the year. We’ll see :slight_smile:


Thanks, I will take you up on that at some point. Where would you like the csv sent to?

Some format questions:

  • do you need both isbn and isbn13, or is it just “whichever of the two is available, other field can be blank”?
  • what should the rating field be for “no rating given”?

either / or but I need at least one. Blank for the other one

blank. However, I need a rating for every written review… so if you have a written review with no rating you need to make something up :slight_smile:


Sorry, I know I’ve seen a button/link for this before, but I can’t find how to get it to appear.

How does Natively treat pages read if you only enter the books and not your activity? Also how do you enter pages in the past?

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Yeah, I need to add a button which quick links you to the data manager.

Basically you need to pop your ‘additional options’ and either edit your date started / date finished / current page there or, if you’d like to add / edit past reading sessions, toggle ‘basic info’ tab to ‘data manager’.

Open ‘additional options’

‘Basic Info’ tab

‘Data manager’ tab