Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Well, I am out of votes, so there’s that :stuck_out_tongue:

You mean you’re still out of votes? I did update the settings so you should have them. Perhaps it takes a day to recalculate?

Oh, sorry, I had the page saying limit just before opening this one, but I guess that was just not reloaded.
It looks fine now.

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TIL there’s a vote limit :stuck_out_tongue:


Small Product Update

Hey all - per @bibliothecary’s request, I’ve made a new top level category - All Languages - Natively Forums .

This category will serve as a general category for people who want to interact with the broader language community. I ended up naming it ‘All Languages’ rather than ‘Language Learning’ or ‘General’, simply to emphasize that this category contains the same types of topics as the top level ‘Japanese’ or ‘Korean’ categories… just for everyone / multilingual.

If people prefer a different name, I’m all ears!

Also, you will note that there are now more tags in the language categories which everyone can apply (learning-log, resource). We can add to these tags as we see fit. The All Language category additionally has ‘korean’ & ‘japanese’ as tags… but more languages are welcome.

Right now, I’ve included the ‘All Languages’ category into your Natively Dashboard feed, but this will change as we get to have a larger multilingual community.


I worry you’ll end up with duplicate topics in All Languages that are also in the individual language categories, scattering conversation in confusing ways. Guess we’ll see.

One thing from the request topic I want to respond to though:

Is there a reason to have the learning log topics in All Languages given that users can still unmute or visit other language categories?


I very much appreciate being able to filter by books available on audible. :heart_eyes:


I personally would prefer them in one place without having to go to multiple categories to see what is essentially the same thing.


Anyone had this happen where the time on your status updates is wrong?

Those should both be “2 hours ago,” and in fact 20 hrs ago would be 11 p.m. last night in my time zone, though it is properly marked as being finished today, 8/11. When I didn’t see it under Global, I thought for some reason it just wasn’t showing up, but…

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Interesting. So it looks like you manually set the date finished, which puts it as finished at 00:00:00 on 8/11 (really we only store the date 8/11/2023, but for activities we treat it as 00:00:00).

If you simply let the auto process mark it finished, then we use the exact time it was marked finished.

In general, we still need to implement timezones, would really solve a lot of these issues.

What do you mean by “auto process”?

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Ah, I meant using the ‘update progress’ pop up, or the quick toggle button.

Out of curiosity, how did you mark the book finished?

Found it in my “Owned” list, went to the book page since I was planning on adding a review, then marked it as finished from the dropdown thingy

What “update progress” pop-up?

Hmm, very odd… that should’ve auto marked the date finished. You didn’t use ‘open additional options’ right? Or edit the book dates specifically?

I think I’ve had this happen to me as well; if I mark a book finished from the book’s page, the date finished is fine, but the time finished is always set to 00:00.


I added it to a custom list, but only after I’d marked it finished from the dropdown, and I didn’t touch the date

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Ah. I think that’s what did it. Interesting. It shouldn’t do that, but I think that’s what resets the time to 00:00

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Apologies on that brief book page outage… should be all resolved.


I just noticed that pressing the + on the dashboard to mark another episode as watched doesn’t generate any activity on the item itself?