Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Tags are here! At least, only for books. As I said, this is only a v1 to quickly get things into your hands, i’ll continue working on this for the next week.

Things to note

  • This is essentially a copy of Anilist and the prepopulated options for genres & content tags are from there
  • Search filters has not yet been implemented. Movie & TV has not yet been implemented
  • By default, when you add a genre or content tag it opts in to adding it as a series tag (if a series exists), but you can uncheck this option
  • Any tag you can click and vote on, indicating if you think it’s a main / major / minor / not relevant element to the story. The percentage is simply a weighted average score… where ‘main’ = 100%, not relevant = 0%, major = 75, minor = 25
  • Spoiler tag options exist when creating, but do not have any report if you think an existing tag should be marked spoiler
  • AniList has a lot of NSFW tags. NSFW handling probably needs to be handle within this bucket of work

In general, since these are AniList tags, there’s no focus on language learning. I think i’ll probaby quickly add an ‘Accents’ and / or ‘Language’ tags section pretty quick. Pacing / mood tags similar to Story Graph will require different handling, but also on the agenda.

All in all, exciting times! Come join the discussion in the newly created Tags, Tags, Tags [Official Management] thread!