Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

PRODUCT UPDATE : Natively Forums(!), Email Verification

I’m very excited to introduce our very own Natively forums! I hope this will become a place to discuss all things Japanese media and Japanese learning :slight_smile:

I’ve already started a variety of topics & categories, check them out!


There are four categories from which to choose from. Do note that you have to choose a category. In order to keep moderation requirements at a minimum, we are only allowing conversation in the categories below.

You’ll notice only the ‘Natively’ category has topics right now, but please go ahead and start your own!

Initial Topics

You’ll notice only the ‘Natively’ category has topics right now, but please go ahead and start your own!

Before chatting away, please take a quick look at our welcome message with our guidelines. If you’d like to discuss the guidelines, please do so here.

Email Verification

You’ll now notice that Natively asks you to confirm your email address. Technically, the only functionality which requires email verification is participation in the forums. However, I will continue to prompt you once every few days.

With all the discussions around bot abuse, email verification is a relatively easy mechanism to help prevent some bot abuse. For that reason, along with the forum software (discourse) email verification requirement, I’ve come around to requiring email verification.

If this is an issue for some reason, or you strongly disagree with this requirement, please let me know!


For this sprint, I’ll be focusing on a first version of movies & tv shows! I’ll be utilizing the wonderful database as a source for all the information on Movies & TV shows.

This sprint may take a while, but I’d like to get a basic version out as quickly as possible and iterate from there.

If you have any questions/concerns/suggestions, of course respond below!!

Happy Reading! :slight_smile: