Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion


You can filter by those.

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Ah, and then you can filter by “None” to see just Reading… :thinking: Dunno how I missed that!

Is there a CSV export function anywhere? I want to play with some chart creation stuff to see if there’s more useful charts (for me anyway) that could be generated with the data.

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Not that I know of, though @brandon’s provided data himself before.

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Unfortunately i haven’t built an export function yet, but it is in the plans (it’s your data). I’m happy to provide you with the data if you’d like, just shoot me an email :slight_smile:


If you want to drop a vote on the PR, it will also notify you when it’s completed.


Okay, someone tell me if I’m crazy: I’m not able to open up the update book pop-up, whether on the dashboard, library, or book page.


Just tested and it’s not working for me on PC, but it did work a couple of hours ago!


The last person on my update feed who updated their pages was about two hours ago, which tracks. Tagging @brandon, though he may be asleep by this point.


Work around for the moment:

Go to the book/movie and press +

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Huh. I didn’t know that button did anything. It doesn’t on the dashboard, at least, and I think my brain just filtered it out on the book page…

Well, on the dashboard it tells you that you can use that button on the book/movie page.


The text needs to be updated though, as it only mentions reading right now.

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That text never made any sense to me. :rofl: Why go to the book page, scroll past the obvious book updater button, all the way past gradings to the very bottom of the page to update your status? Comes in handy now, sure, but is that button normally useful? How many people know it exists? I think your screenshot of that popup is the first time I’ve even seen what it looks like since I joined.


I’ve used it a few times, but sure is not the main way I go with.


Whoops! Oh no :sweat_smile:

Well I guess you all got a preview look at the data manager if you opened up a movie item, yeesh. I like to update things in the background so as to not have massive changes all at once. Unfortunately broke this here before i’m ready for the data manager launch…

Thanks for the note, it’s fixed now! @Megumin @eefara @SophieShiori

Fwiw, I finally made a breakthrough with the architecture for data handling for tv sessions / tv data management. Will hopefully get that out soon now.


If you were curious…

A way too long description of the data manager issues

First, for your recollection, I’m working on a data manager to give you better control over your reading / watching data which impact your statistics. As an example, for books this means a consolidated interface which shows all your reading sessions for a book in one place, along with the ability to edit. This will give you better ability to control exactly when natively thinks you read or watched something.

For Books and Movies, data management is relatively straightforward… you have start dates & end dates on the book/movie and then potentially ‘progress sessions’ which give more granular updates on when pages or movie minutes were consumed. In the data manager this is easy to surface.

However, with TV it’s a bit more complicated. Right now, we have potential progress updates from either individual episode data (marking episodes finished individually) or from watch sessions created by the ‘update progress’ popup… which can span multiple
episodes or be partial episodes. That means, in the data manager, you could either look at your individual episode data (when you started and finished the episodes) or a list these multi-episode spanning ‘watch sessions’ you see in the activity feed.

I’ve been struggling to figure out how to handle this and how to show this in a sensible way.

My solution is to only show your progress on a per episode basis. If you have a ‘multi episode’ spanning watch session, we just treat it as if you had marked the episodes finished individually. If you have a watch session that starts or ends in the middle of an episode, then we will create a ‘partial episode watch session’ that will live underneath the episode data as a more granular data item. In the data manager UI, you will be able to edit these as well, but they will be shown as a sub item of an episode.

The only complication is timed watching sessions. We can’t really break them apart without it being a bit confusing. My thought here is that these sessions will be editable and live under a separate tab of the tv data manager… however this editable data would only contribute to your timed stats (tv watching speed). Only the episode data & partial episode watch sessions would determine when you watched the minutes.

I know that was a lot of context, but figured if anyone might appreciate it, it’d be one of you all :joy:

And I know some of you still find the notion of partial episode updates a little unnecessary… but as I myself have been using it, as I thought I am finding a lot of value in it. I ‘watch’ episodes more like reading :slight_smile:


Is watching partial episodes a big use case? If I were you I would have just replaced pages/percent/minutes with episodes for TV shows and called it a day. :joy:


I would say it’s less of a use case for Anime for sure. However, a lot of the kdramas I’m watching are around 60 mins an episode and I think it’s beneficial for a lot of learners like myself to be able to log something daily.

60 mins is very often too much :sweat_smile:

I do think it’s a pretty big benefit, but you’re right there’s probably better things I could be doing. Oh well. Will be done soon.


FYI - search seems to be down for the last five minutes. I’m trying to diagnose.

Edit: Unfortunately, I cannot even access my account on to diagnose the issue, so it seems like they’re having serious issues. Will keep you updated :confused:

Here I thought switching to Elastic away from Amazon search would make it more robust.

Edit #2: Elastic seems to be investigating the issue

Edit #3: They have confirmed there’s an issue, working on a fix

Edit #4: Fix has been implemented. Update rolling out now.

Edit #5: [NOW FIXED] We’re back!


Fun fact: Elastic actually uses AWS (as well as GCP and Azure).

They also don’t have any SLA at all for basic subscriptions (same FAQ). Curious what issues you were seeing (though this is quite off topic so feel free to email me or ignore, I’m just nosy).