Chrome is giving me SSL Protocol errors, and I’m unable to view the site or forums on both mobile and desktop (I’m writing from Firefox rn)
well that’s less important heh
what…? I’m not seeing that . I’m guessing it’s related to these dns issues… mind sending a photo?
Also, I’ve fixed the Quad9 & OpenDNS issues I think? @seanblue, @Megumin, @Jintor … mind trying the site again?
Update: this seems to be ISP-specific (Optimum). When I log in using just my cell service, everything is fine.
If I access the site from a new profile, I get this:
Clicking it leads to this:
If I access it from a familiar profile, I just get the 2nd screen, regardless of whether on desktop or mobile. Edit: Issue is on Win 11 Chrome, Android Chrome, and Android Firefox. For w/e reason Desktop Firefox is fine for me rn.
I’m sure it’s related to the DNS stuff, since it only happened after y’all were talking about it today… hopefully it will resolve itself soon.
Error text (sry my computer & Chrome are both JP rn)
このサイトは安全に接続できません から無効な応答が送信されました。
Windows ネットワーク診断ツールを実行してみてください
LN is back on Quad9 now.
You mean that it is not blocked, right?
Both Quad9 and OpenDNS are also fine for me.
Yes, Quad9 blocked LN since Monday morning and it is back to normal now.
DNS/blocking issue seems to be resolved from my work!
Thanks for the note! You’re right, it’s probably DNS stuff. I’ve set the DNS settings so that it should refresh quickly, but let me know if it doesn’t resolve soon.
Just checked, didn’t have any affect for me. I’m not sure which of my various edits you saw, but it seems to be specific to my ISP (optimum). It still only.
Also you probably know this, but in general you’re better of having a longer refresh time on DNS. Just wanted to mention, so you remember to set it back to whatever it was
I can try contacting optimum if it hasn’t changed later, I guess
Oh, the issue seems fixed on my work laptop as well. Thank goodness, hopefully this means no one at work notices how much time I spend on natively…
I’ve always read that it doesn’t really make a difference and many ISPs ignore your refresh time anyway… I do have a relatively short refresh time (hour) - happy to hear opinions from more knowledgeable people though.
Can’t you use non-ISP DNS?
Sure (and thx for the reminder), but that doesn’t solve the problem for anyone else who might be experiencing it, who doesn’t know about that sorta thing.
Anyway I changed it to
, and it’s working for me… Actually the whole Internet seems to have suddenly sped up by a lot… Guess I should change that on my desktop too!
(I’ll try turning it back off later, to check if it still gives an issue)
ISP DNS are a bit on the crappy side.
I personally prefer the over Google (They have enough of my information already to give them voluntarily more), but it should still give decent results.
If it didn’t matter, there wouldn’t be a setting for it. (Also depends who’s paying the bill, if it’s really high traffic). Also “many ISPs ignore” means some (many?) don’t. In terms of optimizations, I’d agree there’s much more significant stuff to tackle first.
I think this gives a pretty straightforward pros vs cons of each: What is DNS TTL + Best Practices
Indeed… Which seems kinda counterintuitive
Just bc of the info stuff, or other reasons? I just used the Google one, cuz I’ve done it in the past. Saw someone write that they found Cloudflare’s fastest and most secure, but no idea if there’s actually a relevant difference.
Mainly because I feel a bit better using CloudFlare’s. Not trusting Google much lately, but I’ve also noticed they are faster.
Speed (according to oneoneoneone):
About security, I don’t know, probably is due to the fact that you can use filters and such.
The existence of a setting here only means “it mattered in the internet of 40 years ago”, not necessarily that it’s still important today, though in this case there’s a reasonable argument here that it’s still worthwhile to have the flexibility rather than one-size-fits-all.
Ohhh interesting, maybe I’ll try Cloudflare then. I did a quick lookup, and they do seem to be much better about privacy
@pm215 I see it as still being relevant, even if it’s not anywhere near as significant as it used to be.
That’s odd. I also have Optimum and have not ran into that issue. Optimum does operate in several different regions of the US though. Maybe they treat their regions differently?
I did have an issue with the main site (but not the forum) giving me a 403 error, but disconnecting from my VPN fixed that issue. After reconnecting the problem didn’t come back, so I’m guessing it was something to do with the exact server that I was connected to.
Weird… I’m in Northeast / New York. Just tried it now on my phone, and still had the issue. shrugs