I’m mid-west, so if it is an Optimum issue it’s definitely region specific.
I don’t trust stats when produced by someone who is invested in coming out on top in the results,
however, in this case, it's true:
It’s probably not fair to use the site name in the ping, as then there is a call to your DNS server in-between. It would be more objective to use the DNS address directly in the ping call, I’d assume, like ping vs. ping and for good measure ping (for quad9).
My results: 10.5ms vs 10.75ms vs 9.25ms, resp.
using the address directly didn’t change anything. but quad9 surprisingly has the same ping as Google remains a few ms slower.
Just wanted to leave a quick shout-out to @brandon ; thanks for all the feedback fixes! Woke up to an email full of them this morning, haha.
Yes, I’m nearly through all the feedback… finally back from my somewhat impromptu month / 2 month korean learning hiatus. I must admit, I think I was quite burned out after my intense fall → February grind on Natively. I was pulling very long hours… guess it finally got to me.
But i’m feeling rejuvenated now I think. We’ll see how it goes this week. Feeling good!
We are currently experiencing some slow/down time… working to resolve. Issue with a slow database
Ok, I think we’re back. Apologies for the down time! Not entirely sure what happened
I am missing the entry of May, 28th in the book’s activity log for いみちぇん! 1 今日からひみつの二人組 | L30??
The website is down for me.
Ugh. It seems to be extremely slow and intermittent… investigating.
Edit: It’s an issue with my DB performance… struggling to diagnose but still investigating
Edit 2: yeah i’m upgrading the DB, will be down for a little while, maybe an hour
Ok, should be back up and snappy. Apologies for the downtime you all! I think this upgrade will also relieve some of the other speed issues we’ve been seeing…
I don’t remember where @seanblue posted about it, but wanted to add my support towards a feature that lets you mass select books to add a custom tag to. I was thinking of adding an expansive new tag, then realized how many individual books I’d need to do separately. @.@
I don’t think I ever made an official product request if you’d like to do that.
This request, maybe?
Oh, I did make an official request? I think I need more sleep.
Thanks for the link! I’ll go post over there as well…
It’s been a while since we’ve had an update on the global number of gradings for each language, so do you have the data, @brandon? I’m also very curious about the growth of users.
As for French, any news on your slow battle with French administration?
Sorry everyone… I know we’re down right now… addressing as quick as I can
Edit: Ok, we may be back? I’m still diagnosing
Edit 2: Alright, we’re definitely back. Apologies on that!
Moved my response here because I of the announcement below.
Ah, right!
ANNOUNCEMENT: There was a one-time change I did today which did auto log everyone out. Apologies on that, but it was necessary.
As a result though, you should notice everything being much speedier than before!
Oh good catch, I hadn’t noticed that. There does seem to be a bug here