Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

前編: Ch 1 - 12, 後編 Ch 13 - 24
But in my case I just edited the total number of pages. I set it to the number of pages of the edition I was actually reading for 前編, and to 1 for 後編 and tracked it like that.


Ok - User Libraries are all good! I’m quick fixing a few bugs and I may have to repopopulate the books & movie search… but again i’ll prioritize the most popular items to be added back in first, so hopefully you don’t notice too many issues. Will keep you updated!


Alright. Maybe I’ll just double the percentage my reader shows and just track it that way. I don’t really track individual reading sessions and don’t really care, but don’t like to have my “pages read” all get put on one day for the stats. So I just update it whenever I remember to have them spread out a bit.


FYI, book search will be spotty for the next 30 mins. Will keep you updated.

Video search is back to normal and updated.

Edit: Ok, so book search is being repopulated at a rate of 4500 books every half hour, but in order of popularity. I don’t think people will be too impacted after the first hour (that’s 9000 of the most popular books), but it will take ~5 hours to be fully repopulated.

I probably should figure out a better system for this… if anyone is talented in ElasticSearch and knows the best way to reindex after a mapping change, let me know. I know there’s some alias index I probably could create.


I searched some of the weirdest thing I ever read, and they are indeed not available through the search :crazy_face:


For those who might want to mute the Korean category.

You have to go all the way to mute all the subtopics, otherwise it will still show up.


Oh sorry, I guess i didn’t sync this yet. You shouldn’t have to do that… as your ‘target’ language will put you in a discourse group (Japanese Learners) which mutes Korean by default.

I will try to add everyone to Japanese Learners, see if that does it…


Oooooh, so exciting! Congrats on getting Korean out the door @brandon! :partying_face:

You’re probably still working on this brandon, so ignore me if so, but just a heads up that the top level Korean forum category is muted for me, but the sub(-sub)-forums still show:

Another edit:


Hah, this is probably going to be the only situation where I see this screen. Nice message! I’ve always had a soft spot for placeholder messages, for some reason.


I still think you need a user preferences for languages you’re learning. There’s really no benefit to me seeing a toggle on the top navigation bar since I’m not learning Korean. Really the only people who need the toggle are people who are learning both languages.

If you’re worried about it being too hidden in the user preferences, you might want to make it part of the sign up / onboarding process.

EDIT: Oh, it’s already in the preferences. So is seeing the toggle in the navigation bar just a bug?

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Ah, that’s a little annoying, but should be fixed now. Are the all muted now @eefara ?

So, I agree that in the end I’ll probably get rid of it from the header… or at least default a preference to get rid of it. For the time being though, I think I’ll leave it for a few reasons:

  • It’s a good debugging tool to see if you somehow got onto the Korean site accidentally… as this is a new feature.
  • Promotes that there are now multiple languages on the site. It’s really the only way you can get to the Korean site right now.

If it’s annoying to you though, happy to add a preference that removes it :slight_smile:



It would be one less hack on my side so I’d like that :rofl:


Yep! Everything’s all muted now! Now time to unmute :musical_note:


Do you expect that many people currently on the site (therefore learning Japanese) to also be learning Korean? There are other ways to promote that, like announcement banners and such.

Besides I don’t think you should need a new preference. The “Target Languages” preference (currently using for forum category muting) should be used for this too. If there are multiple selections, the toggle is shown with those options. If only one is selected, the toggle is not shown. This is also forward looking to when even more languages are supported. If a user is learning 2/3 languages available and selects those two, the toggle in the nav bar would only show those two options.


I don’t mind seeing the Korean part of the forum, in fact I’m curious. Not to mention that it makes me vaguely want to learn Korean too (maybe in a few decades, after I’ve perfected -ha!- Japanese).

Here’s a silly question: Once the Korean part becomes popular and posts increase, will people need to keep up with posts across both/all languages in order to keep their regular status? If, for example, the Korean part somehow has 80% of the total forum activity, will someone learning Japanese only never have a hope of becoming regular? :thinking:
(this is for ease of setting up wiki posts mostly, by the way, or renaming threads, so basically book club managing activities. not that I’m interested in the badge as such)


Oh, that’s a good question; I’m curious as well.


I think as you mentioned, the onboarding process should take care of this.
Also I’m guessing a minority will be daunting to do Korean and Japanese at the same time.
They are two completely different beasts, each with it’s own difficulty.

Unless the Regular requirements are internally adjusted, it could affect the Regular badges, yes. But I think the popularity of it would have to be higher than the Japanese and General forums, which seems like a maybe distant future.

To get to trust level 3, in the last 100 days…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different non-PM topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended or silenced in the last 6 months

No not really. But the ones who do are drastically more likely to be big contributors :slight_smile:

This is just an easy way to showcase it, I don’t particularly want to do an announcement banner or anything. Ideally, I’d just allow you to put any language as a target language, even ones I haven’t added, and then I could promote it to you if I add it.

Really, this is just a quick, easy temporary thing. I’ll probably get rid of it in a month. So don’t worry too much about it, i’ll add a preference for you all :laughing:

I agree with you about not needing a preference in the end & the onboarding process.

Yeah, even when I do remove the top toggle, i’ll allow all you nosy folks to be able to poke around. I think it’s fun too :slight_smile:

I hadn’t considered this. I could always just crank that post & topic % requirement down to 5% or something… or turn it off entirely. Not a huge deal. But good callout!

FWIW I think Japanese will probably always be the bigger community, but we’ll see lol. Kpop + Kdrama faceoff against Anime & Manga


Are the colours in the forum randomly generated or you choose them?

I think Korean would need it’s own colour, Right now it matches the Reading, which makes it confusing. Maybe green?

Also I’d change the Reading subcategory to match the same color as Japanese

That way Watching and Watching, Reading and Reading would have colour codings that would make sense.

Is just a minor OCD thing, disregard if it can’t be done :sweat_smile:

Demonstration of what I mean


If we ever got a bit enough Korean community, it would be fun to have JP vs. KR (would that be the correct abbreviation?) contests or something. Reading/watching challenges with the two languages facing off or something. That may never happen, of course, but it’s a fun thought.

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Is orange ok? I kinda went with blue for Korean as it’s in the Korean flag, red for Japanese for obvious reasons.