I competed a book I was tracking in percentages, but when I flipped to complete, it auto converted the percentage into a page number, so I ended up with this weird result
Thanks for your post. I will stay far away from that site. I can’t stand people, who are full of themselves.
Considering writing some book reviews on this site but I’m not sure if they would be that good. Of course I would only write ones for books which don’t have any reviews yet.
huh… that’s fascinating. So i’ve only ever seen amazon generate /dp/xxxxxx/ or /gp/product/xxxx/ urls… never /dp/product/ urls… I wonder if they copied wrong.
Does that link actually work? Can change the url checker if so.
In the meantime, can just remove the product/ from the url and it should work.
For what it’s worth, I find it super helpful when books have multiple reviews and the reviews are different styles. I was a little intimidated to start writing book reviews at first, but I got lots of good tips and inspiration in this thread if you want to take a look!
Well a proper desync implementation would be to be able to choose what it gets desynced.
For example, if you just want to desync the episode airing time, or just the description and so on. So I can see why it would be annoying and hard to implement.
It’s worth noting that if you flip from percentage to book pages (or vice versa?) after any update, not just a finished, it also auto-converts the raw number instead of figuring it out by dividing, say, [pageNumber]/[totalPageNumber] = [percentage] or whatever. Probably a rarer case.
Right. Yeah the thinking there is that you would ever only switch once and, in general, you’d have input the number you could’ve input (you usually don’t know the page if you only know percent)… so it actually makes sense to keep that I think. It’s also what other sites do in my experience? At least I know storygraph does it that way.
Makes sense, pretty minor issue. Thanks for the Finished fix though.
I’ve been thinking again about stats… I don’t find the stats page particularly useful right now but I’m not sure what stats I actually want, so need to sit down and consider before lodging a request. I think you mentioned working on an export stats button, is that still in the far-flung future?
I can’t set a blank start date from the data manager page. Clicking the pencil icon causes the entire page to “crash” (popup closes and all content on the page disappears). The basic info version works.
Did just run into a (probably) more common variant of this on another of the shows I was watching which is related to time zones. (Still not that big of a deal, but more common so I thought I’d point it out).
TMDB records its air date with respect to the time zone it aired in which means you frequently have to wait until the next day to record watching something if you don’t live in Asia. Anime air times aggravate this since they frequently air just after midnight (Japan time)