Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

That’s the light novel, not the manga. :sweat_smile:

Well that book links to the amazon page you linked… so is your amazon link the manga or the light novel? :sweat_smile:

If you look at the paperback bunko the editions are identical which our system flagged.

^ This is the manga

^ That’s the LN


I’m sorry y’all but what you’re saying isn’t resolving the situation haha.

If you click the amazon jp link on this book, it goes to the paperback bunko version of the link you all are sending me -

so i’m not sure what’s what.

Maybe send the amazon link for both the manga and the light novel.

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I think the problem is that Amazon have linked the light novel and the comic:

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Hmm. So it seems like there’s a mistake on Amazon’s part, looking at this. This is me clicking the different formats for the same book:

(Manga :arrow_down_small: )

(Manga :arrow_down_small: )

(…LN :arrow_down_small: )

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Although the links are different?

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We pull all editions and store them in the database on each amazon page, so this causes issues for us.

Ok good to know that this is an amazon issue. Will try to resolve.

Edit: But yeah, maybe better to respond to the books added email than to do these sorts of discussions here :slight_smile:


Ok! You will now be prompted to compare movies vs TV shows (prioritized after comparing like things).

This new addition, along with the temporary-temporary comparisons, may produce quite a few more gradings for you. If you encounter any issues, of course let me know!

Thankfully, the grading system is now completely configured for handling future item type additions (videogames / webnovels … etc). The next improvement will probably be for sub-series arcs, but I think I probably won’t do that for a bit.

Next up will be tags. Hope to have something out by middle of next week, but it would only be a part of tags / beta version.


The system wants me to grade 125 times, that’s turns into “work”.


Heh, it tells me “Grading Book … 0 / ~2585” :sweat_smile:

The grading experience is not great if you have a lot of books. In particular I find it is not very good at selecting books to grade against that are an easy harder/easier choice to make – often it picks a book I read a decade ago and have only a very vague memory of, for instance.


I feel bad because there’ll be ones that I’ve read just within the past month and while I still have an impression of the story, I don’t still have an impression of what the language was like, so it’s only sometimes that I can definitively say that they were harder or easier than the more recent one that it wants me to grade against. Sometimes I’ll check a book’s current level and go “hmm…” and then 99% of the time still click “skip,” 'cause I don’t know! My skips number almost 6x my completed gradings, and I’m sure it’s only going to go up.

For some reason, I feel like the difficulty of novels sticks with me longer than that of manga, even when we’re talking series that are at least a handful of volumes long. And I still mostly read manga.


So in preparation for the 2024 Reading Bingo, in case “read a book with a one-character title” gets picked as a prompt, I’ve been browsing the catalog. I got to pg 166 and then…

It’s the same with every page after that, too. It loads, shows that I’m on a new page, but nothing’s different from pg 166 except for the error message. Pg 166 and earlier all work fine still.

I know it’s not actually the last page and is just showing more after that by mistake, because if I switch to “sort by difficulty level (asc.),” it takes most of 5 pages to get to the start of the L20s with those settings.

Heck, I tried going back to “level (desc.)” and jumping straight to the last page and:

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@pm215 that is quite a tally haha. You must have a lot of temporary - to - temporary comparisons, eesh. I know, having a lot of book comparisons can be annoying, but you can do two things to manage it:

  • You can block items you don’t remember
  • You can grade only one item via the item page ‘grade’ button, rather than do them all at once.

Yeah I know, once you go above 10,000, the pagination breaks. Eventually i’ll fix, but for the time being, just switch the sort to the opposite :slight_smile:


Do you plan to do both community and personal tags or just one?


Just community to start off. Planning just book tags to start off, that will be more than enough as a first iteration. The main goals here is to get a basic implementation of tag input & management:

  • tag creation (users can create community tags, but need approval)
  • tag types (genre / content tags to start)
  • tag voting (allow users to vote up/down on tags… like anilist)
  • series tags / book volume tags (default to series tags, but needs a mechanism to allow tagging a book)
  • spoiler tags (allows initial user to specify if it’s a spoiler, other users to flag as spoiler)

This may sound like a lot, but it’s really just one widget on the book page (similar UI to AniList). The actual book search filtering, video tags, other tag types (accent, pacing) and other features will come in a followup branch, the week after.

Personal tags, while they may have some shared ui & data aspects will be handled pretty differently than community tags.


That sounds really nice!

Is there a chance that we could import the tags that are already there on anilist as a one-time import for new books (and once for everything that exists at the moment)? I understand that it would be non-trivial, but it would be a shame to not use such a well-curated wealth of data from a much bigger community.


It’s definitely something to think about, I agree it’d be really nice. There are a few different sources we could pull from. However, I’m focusing just on the input implementation for now :slight_smile:


I wrote a review about a book I just finished, then changed my star rating after the fact. To my surprise, this caused the review to disappear. I found it and reposted it, but then I checked another book I reviewed but then changed my star rating (what can I say, I’m indecisive), and that review is gone too (and I have no way of retrieving it). Is that expected behaviour? If so, shouldn’t there be a warning when you try to change the star rating?


Oh my! I did not realize that was a bug… a really bad one too. I hope we didn’t lose too many written reviews that way :weary:

It’s now fixed… ugh! Really appreciate the note and shocked that we haven’t discovered it before now.

To be clear, the new functionality simply updates your ‘overall rating’ and will not change anything else.