Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

@brandon Some Natively links still don’t work. :frowning:

See What are you reading today? - #2158 by seanblue

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Is there a UI for “Natively doesn’t have a series page for this book but Amazon does think it’s a series, please sync it” ? I couldn’t see one. Example, the “medium” manga, where Natively has only volume one: medium 霊媒探偵城塚翡翠 1 | L26 (at least I think Amazon thinks that’s a series).


there’s not yet, no. I’d just send in a feedback request for now, but that’s a good point… i could add that.

In any case, i’ve put that book in the queue to be synced… should be added in a half-hour.


Hi Brandon, is there a way to see stats for the different listening types? I believe the options are No Subs, TL Subs, and NL Subs and I’d be curious what my distribution of these are.



Adding to what @perrydimes, it seems like this information is not being dumped in the CSVs either or did I miss it ?


You know, these are very good suggestions. They are not in stats currently no. Mind submitting a product request?

Although i’m sure this would be popular thing for end-of-year stat tracking :thinking:


And done, not sure if you prefer it in two different posts though.


I know this has been thrown around a while back @brandon but is adding VN/video games to Natively on the product roadmap any time soon enough for me to put off starting new games for a bit, or is that more of a maybe one day feature addition?

fwiw, I’d rather have French than games, but I’m also greedy and want both :sweat_smile:


Nooooo, don’t ask the forbidden question! As long as Brandon doesn’t answer it I can continue pretending that it will happen any day now :smiling_face_with_tear:


OK! I’ve added Spanish now as well. Today, my focus is on adding the Spanish & remaining German forums and making a formal blog announcement. Once I have Spanish, German & French added, i’ll probably wait a while for another language to be added. I want to prove that we can grow those languages first.

The good news is that the actual process of adding a language with amazon to the site is quite straightforward now.

I would go ahead and start your game. Best case scenario would be sometime in April, but there are quite a lot of priorities ahead of it. It’s more likely to be the second half of the year.

This is much more doable! All we need is 3 purchases from See the book providers thread for more detail.


Oooh, when is French expected to be added? :heart_eyes:


Once we get the requisite 3 purchases and then approval from


Don’t forget to auto-mute the new categories for users who haven’t selected these languages. Right now I see Spanish in the regular list of categories.


Yep good callout. Working on that right now (and a better way of automating for future additions).


Just checking in for general consensus - right now, are we meant to not log books in our native language? I’m holding off on adding my German books for now. I get that the site itself is for learners, but it’d be nice to have somewhere I could log all of my reading.

Personally I think it’d be fine as long as I didn’t rate them, but I also don’t feel like going through the process of excluding every book from the ratings one by one.


That’s what I did. Tbf, I only logged books I gave 4 or 5 stars to, because I want learners to potentially stumble upon them. But I do not grade them. The system doesn’t ask me to unless I am on the German side of things. So, I don’t see an issue there.

(I do give them a star rating, though…)

Edit: OK, I did end up giving a couple of gradings because they were very obvious as to which one is more difficult. I.e. things I read as a child without issues vs. things I read as an adult with issues. :rofl: but the majority got skipped.


I think its great to log your native books! Right now, we just need data for the new languages so it really helps… reviews, gradings, everything.

However, I’ve already started a code project to allow you to mark your native languages which I’ll release quite soon. At some point I may limit gradings from native users and restrict native user activities from being shown in the activity feed, but I think for now those are very limited concerns :slight_smile:


Thanks for the feedback! I’ll get right onto that then. :smile:


Viel Glück!