Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

I think it’s useful, as you mentioned before that the language-specific threads kind of get drowned out by PR/Natively threads - as it is now, there aren’t any German threads in the recent topics on the dashboard. :slightly_frowning_face:

I don’t think the last commented thing is a big deal, it’s something people are used to on forums with pinned/featured threads.


Fair enough, added! I also added two for Japanese… we’ll see how people feel about that :thinking:


Reporting general but infrequent server errors across the site – the main issue for me seems to be generating my data export sheet (since I want to do a 2023 recap), which seems to error out. Most other pages seem to work with a reload or three, but I can’t get it to generate my data.

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whoops! Sorry, I forgot to do one thing on my last release, should be good now.

If you’ve been experiencing issues more than just in the last 5 mins, then that’s good to know.

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I was just able to generate my data after a different set of error messages (which seems to have receeded), so looks good now! Thanks for the quick response!

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The data export still doesn’t work for me. :sob:

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Sorry! Just been very focused on bigger issues… will try to address soon! :disappointed_relieved:


FWIW, I did get yours to generate… and now cannot reproduce the error.

In any case, it’s available to you now! I may not have solved the core issue, so let me know if you hit that again.


Thank you ! Its all there now :smile:


Would it be possible for us to get a Book Club subforum in the All Languages category @brandon? Just thinking it that it might help reduce clog for the small percentage of stuff that’s not a weekly book club thread.


Back on WK I always thought that it would be nice to have the weekly threads be children of the book club home thread… but WK opted against this as they only wanted so many forum levels. But I think here we already have more hierarchy levels than on WK, and your remark reminded me of that wish, so I thought I’d just check back with everybody how they’d feel about this?


Oh, that sounds interesting; how would that work, do you know? Would the children threads be a sub-category you could only find here?

Like, there would be an extra box there?

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Yeah that probably makes sense

So, you can only really have 3 levels on discourse i believe which we already have. And even that is somewhat discouraged (enabling has to be done in the yaml config file manually).

Even if we had 4, we could only have a ‘Book Club’ and a ‘Book Club Thread’ level… we can’t nest threads underneath specific book clubs as there’s only the category tree in discourse and we aren’t doing separate categories for each book club.

I do agree that book club organization is generally a mess and hard in the forums without hierarchy. I think the best way to improve bookclub navigation would be to have bookclubs managed on Natively and the threads simply for discussions. We could have the hierarchy on Natively then with links to the appropriate threads.


FWIW all the clubs I run (and the majority I’ve participated in) utilize tags to organize and make it easy to find other threads belonging to the same club.

Ex: here are all the threads for the most recent Mystery Book Club read

IIRC WK doesn’t allow you to tag your posts so this isn’t available there.


Totally agreed that makes it easier if you know about that tag.

However, the mixture of Home Threads for a club, Home Threads for a particular book and weekly discussion threads all on one hierarchy just makes it confusing for newbies… I remember my first experience on Discourse trying to figure out the WaniKani book clubs wasn’t pleasant :joy:


Oh ok I was not aware of that limitation.

Ah ok, then the idea is moot anyways. Thanks for explaining!


Oh yes good call! I forgot about that feature as WK doesn’t have this, just as you said. That should indeed help quite a bit.

So, what are you waiting for? :sunglasses: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Apologies, I will stop slacking and get right on it :joy:

Seriously though, I know it’d be super nice. And I do think bookclubs will be one of the key selling points for Natively in other languages. We have to bring the WaniKani (and now Natively) book clubs to other languages! Discourse bookclubs don’t really exist in other languages :exploding_head:

Making them more accessible for newbies is pretty essential.


Just give us like a week, and there’ll be more than you can shake a stick at. @.@


Spanish looks amazing! I have a very low level of commitment so I will wait a bit for the content to fill out, then maybe try a bit.


Had no idea this feature existed (yes I’m that oblivious)… Will utilize for また、同じ夢をみていた!