šŸ“š Reading and Audiobooks šŸŽ§

Pretty much the same as Biblio here. Though I mostly like pairing audio and text so I can speed it up and go fast.


Iā€™ve been trying to only use written materials with audio in German and French where we use (mostly) the same character set and are way more prone to picking up reading influenced accents. While this is less of an issue in Japanese (and my language level is way higher in Japanese), Iā€™m still trying to audiobook+text when thatā€™s an option for the same reason. Itā€™s obviously not going to help much with manga, but if I like a series I do try and go back and watch the anime (raw or with j-subs, depending on the vocabulary and style of show).

For not being able to keep up with the reading speed, I usually just turn the audiobook speed down to where I can keep up in the text. Which does lead to some hilariously slow audiobooks sometimes, but I can usually keep up with about 0.85x-0.9x so itā€™s not too too bad.


I tried reading+audio once but found out just wanting to read ahead and was annoyed how slow the audio was. I guess I couldā€™ve sped it up, though, but somehow I didnā€™t feel right doing that to the audio.

Few times Iā€™ve used the audiobook effectively to get out of a slump or finish a book I found a bit taxing to only read (too difficult etc.). Can also give more connection to the characters.


If I like the voice of the person reading, reading and listening at the same time is the best (it especially helps fight my ADHDā€™s tendency to have my mind drift away and keeps me focused).

Otherwise, if I like the book and really want to know what happens next, I may use the audiobook while Iā€™m walking/outside and the book when I am home/seated.


I listen to most English audiobooks at 3x speed. (My brain canā€™t concentrate on normal speed.) Donā€™t feel bad. Narrators purposefully read slower than spoken language. (and definitely slower than most people read quietly)


Yeah but you donā€™t probably read the text at the same time? Iā€™d rather just read on my own pace without it at that point. I think audiobooks could be valuable practice with natural speed, but if Iā€™m just speeding through it, I donā€™t think Iā€™m absorbing as much.

3x?? Wow! Even at 1.5x I feel uncomfortable. Granted, I also read very slowly tooā€¦ and have a narratorā€™s voice in my head.

You must get so much done :pleading_face:


I donā€™t particularly enjoy listening to audiobooks in English - itā€™s been a few years since I last listened to one - but I do feel theyā€™re unbearably slow. I have the same problem watching youtube videos in English; I usually watch them at 2x otherwise I get annoyed. :rofl:

So after reminding myself that Storytel existed, I ended up signing up and trying it out.

Itā€™s a monthly ā€œunlimitedā€ subscription, so you can stream as much as you want. Unlike Audible JP, there doesnā€™t seem to be an option to buy titles individually. I didnā€™t have any problems with payment, and it doesnā€™t seem like thereā€™s any regional restrictions.

As part of the sign-up process, you choose the language you want from the several they offer - I picked Korean, but I can also listen to English and Chinese audiobooks. In the settings, you can select which of these languages you want to be displayed (Iā€™m only interested in Korean, but can select all three if I want).

I donā€™t know if they offer this if you choose another language - perhaps they always offer English titles alongside whichever language you choose, but it would be interesting to find out what other languages are paired up (Iā€™m assuming if I had chosen Chinese, theyā€™d have given me Korean, too).

Although you can browse their catalogue online, you can only listen using the app, which is a little annoying. They also offer ebooks, although not a huge amount (in Korean at least).

Iā€™ve come across several titles I was planning on buying on Google Plus, so Iā€™m happy about that (especially the Harry Potter books - the price for the Korean audiobooks on GP are shocking).

Iā€™m liking it so far! :smiley:

brain go brrrr

3x is for fiction only, though. (German can sometimes go up to 3.5x :rofl:) Non-fiction is usually around 1.8-2x tops. But yeah, while I do have an inner voice, I have always been a fast reader. :woman_shrugging:t2: I think everyone just has a natural speed at which their brain is comfortable processing speech and thatā€™s kind of where youā€™ll end up with your reading speed, imo. Even with youtube, TV shows or movies, I usually speed them up, if itā€™s not Japanese. Otherwise for me itā€™s like swimming through a swamp. It feels just so slow and I find it difficult to keep engaged. Cinemas work to some extent but even there I sometimes feel my brain drift away. :sweat_smile: It has itā€™s perks but is also annoying, ngl.

You can see when I started with audiobooks (2014) and also when I was struggling mentally. :see_no_evil: 2021 was an experiment which I do not recommend. :skull: 2022 is when I really started reading Japanese, so my average went down a bit. This year is a bit of a weird year, because I am not trying to read a lot, it just happens. :face_in_clouds:

not in English or German, no. And in Japanese I donā€™t speed up. I am not there yet. :face_holding_back_tears: donā€™t ask me how slow this feels to me. :see_no_evil:


I canā€™t really get into audiobooks. I get distracted too easily and I found (at least for English books) the narration for the handful of audiobooks Iā€™ve sampled to be monotone and/or awkward. Maybe I just havenā€™t tried the right ones.

The only audiobook I actually listened to in full was 恋恌ćæć®å­¤åŸŽ (Kagami no Kojou) in Japanese because every character is voiced by a different voice actor and overall it felt like it added something over the text-only book.

While no one has to read audiobooks, if you would like to start enjoying them, here are some things that I have found to be true for me:

a.) I need to finde the perfect speed for every audiobook. While 3x is common, itā€™s not set in stone.
b.) doing something besides listening (running, commuting, housework, ā€¦) is vital
c.) not every genre works for audiobook for me. [I struggle, for example, with high fantasy or hard sci-fi as an audiobook. Same with non-fiction with lots of numbers etc., narrative non-fiction (memoirs, etc.) works extremely well, though]
d.) not every narrator works for me

but if you like full cast audiobooks, those exist in English too. :+1:t2:


I tend to be unable to read and listen at the sane time, I end up focusing on listening then forget where I am or I just blank both completely and space out :sweat_smile: so I tend to use audiobooks when Iā€™m doing other stuff and use them to passively listen, or I read the story first, then listen separately then maybe Iā€™ll read it a second time. There are a few books I have listened to multiple times purely for exposure to the language, especially some of the short story books.


Welp, those are pretty much 95% of my English books read, so at least Iā€™m not the only one struggling with their audiobook version. Iā€™m really keen about catching every detail so usually my concentration drifts a bit and then I need to go back, which makes it a bit annoying. Maybe I need to try raising the speed to concentrate better like you saidā€¦ Sometimes you just want to savour the content, though. Being super-efficient could lessen enjoyment as well. Can happen if just reading too fast, too.

I have really fond memories of listening to Ready Player One, though. Read by Will Wheaton.

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I am not going for efficient, though. Speed-reading is a whole different game. But yeah, with detail heavy books where those details are important to the story (such as the world-building in high fantasy or the tech stuff in hard scifi), physically reading is easier. If something confuses me, I can easily go back a paragraph or even a different chapter, if I remember something had been mentioned before, etc. with audiobooks thatā€™s basically not possible.

but for low-effort (and I donā€™t mean this in a bad way) stuff like Ready Player One, audiobooks can be great, imo :slight_smile:


My listening is pretty weak. I want to try some audiobooks but I canā€™t keep up and have to pause it frequently.
So do you think itā€™s a good idea to turn the speed down or will it make my ears and brain even more lazy?

I donā€™t think it makes your brain lazy. The more you read the faster you get. Same with listening. Eventually youā€™ll be able to get back to normal (or even above) speed. Just make sure that the audiobook is on an appropriate level (i.e. usually lower than your reading level).


I stumbled across a reddit thread earlier this year that, for me, has been a game changer. The tl;dr version is that the OP uses an app called WorkAudioBook which uses pauses in the audio to break down the story into roughly sentence length chunks. You can either play those line by line, or allow it to continue to play until you pause it. The really key part of this workflow for me is that the narration waits for you. You can easily repeat a phrase, or even make it shorter if thereā€™s a part of the sentence that you got, but you missed the other part of it. I personally use it along with an ebook for lookups, but you could easily use it for listening only.


Dang, my version of Android is too new for their app. :frowning:

Me too. I found a version from an apk mirror and sideloaded it and itā€™s been working fine for me. :grin:

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I think this auto repeat feature is exactly what I need. Thank you!

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