Reading Goals 2023 (and some OT musings ;))

Two people talking about various books:
Hon Tame

This woman seems really popular but I don’t seem to overlap with her tastes much (only watched a couple videos though):
Belle Book

I used to watch this guy but I stopped and the only reason I can think why is Youtube just stopped putting him in my feed :person_shrugging: I should watch him again sometime

General but he likes mystery a lot: Masaki

He just likes mystery: Abeshi
I watch him the most but probably the least relevant to you as you are more into other genres so no need for the hyper focus :sweat_smile:


I had to scroll quite a lot through her video list to find something I had read, but we both enjoyed アリス殺し | L29, so I’ll give a closer look to the other stuff she has.

I quickly checked the video list of the others, but couldn’t find anything I know about (well, there are a bunch of videos like “top 3 something novel”, so it’s hard to know what it’s about :sweat_smile:)
I guess I’ll just randomly try a few and see how it goes.


I second ほんタメ. The guy likes nonfiction, mystery and manga for the most part. The woman reads more broadly general fiction, romance, contemporary, experimental, … She has a soft spot for short stories.
Belle reads fairly broadly but maybe a tad on the high-brow side. tbh, half the time I have no idea what she is saying. :see_no_evil: My lack of Japanese is showing. :face_holding_back_tears:


Nice! That sounds like it matches perfectly my goals for this year.


My goals for this year are simple. I’m not really aiming for a number or anything, and I’m obviously not aiming to finish everything on my wishlist (that would be impossible.) I just want to read and have fun. I have forced myself through too many books I didn’t really care for in the beginning because I prioritized easy books over books I actually felt like reading. I think I’m past that stage and can read the majority of the stuff I actually want to read now. Basically, I just want to read good books.


Let’s see; like everyone else, I guess my goals just boil down to “read more” in general. I want to become more comfortable with different styles of writing and author voices so that it lowers the barrier of entry when I’m trying something completely new. I’ve got a soft goal of 30 books I’d like to read this year (novel and light novel), and while I have a ton of manga piled up beside me, waiting, I haven’t really set any specific goals for that. :sweat_smile: I guess I’m kind of hoping I’ll pick one up from the pile every now and then if/when I get too tired to work on a current novel and slowly finish them that way? We’ll see.

I’m hoping to listen to more audiobooks as I read this year; my listening’s not good enough to just listen to something solo, but I’m hoping I can reach that point eventually. Right now my plan is to listen to audiobooks for the books I don’t really want to intensively read (e.g. or ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋 | L32).

Ah, I do like this idea. Trying to moderate bookclubs is one more goal of mine this year; the mystery club is, of course, an automatic ‘yes’ (unless the book really just does not look like my thing), but I need to be careful about what I try to commit to over on WK. :sweat_smile:

Good luck with the new language!

You’re doing better than I did. Took me forever to make the jump to a novel, light or otherwise.


A few days late, but my simple goal is 2 books a month. Pretty similar to last year’s total of ~26 books plus dozen or so manga. I often read 3 books a month, but sometimes you need to do something else!

I’d like to get into an LN series, but never seem to read more than 1-2 books! :joy_cat:


same :handshake:t2: well… I am doing good with 本好き so far… :crossed_fingers:t2:


i just want to try to read more consistently. over the last 20 years or so i crashed from 100+ novels per year to basically nothing. last summer was the first time in years that i was able to read consistently and almost daily. it felt very good, and i want to get back to that.

in specifics, i don’t have any goals. i’m enjoying my manga again, and will see where that takes me. i also devoured the Gideon the 9th series (in english), and if i find any recommendations off of that i might pick those up.

if i could manage 1 volume of manga per week that’d already be a success :smiley:


Whoa; was this in Japanese? Or a different language?

that was reading in english mostly, some french and german. i started learning japanese during a time when i could hardly concentrate on a book for 10 minutes, so when i wasn’t reading…

Off Topic

I have been tracking my books since 2012 and not reading for me is a clear indication that my mental health is not good. It’s like an early warning sign, but I only ever realize once I am past whatever was the problem. :see_no_evil:


(Please ignore 2021. That was an experiment that I would not recommend. :sweat_drops: 2013 I discovered audiobooks which is why there is a significant increase from then on.)

I am glad you found your reading bug again. :green_heart:

I am not in love with gideon the ninth, but bookriot has a cool list, with recs based on what exactly you liked about the book. Read These 10 Books If You LOVED Gideon the Ninth | Book Riot
The only books I read on that list are MIddlegame (loved it!), the Murderbot series (it’s good fun) and this is how you lose the war (don’t remember much, but ppl loved it); There might be something on here for you. :slight_smile:


very much agree with that, though that’s not the only factor which has modulated my reading ability. (the internet. getting internet was a disaster for my reading. wouldn’t want to miss it anyway).

and thanks for the recommendations ^^ i’ve heard good things about This is how you lose the Time War, i’ll have to pick it up when i get a chance.


I wish to read most of my L13-19 manga. And read enough L20-26 'til it become a similar experience to the one I currently have reading L13-19 ones (i.e. in terms of ease of understanding the grammar and everything).

I find LN particularly difficult, most of the ones in my 積読 list are L27+. I’d like to start reading one by the end of the year.

Lastly finish all my textbooks.




I don’t have that many hahah
I have to finish Genki 2
新完全マスター読解 日本語能力試験N4
日本語総まとめ grammar reading listening N4
and Tobira


Hello all, nice to be here.

My main goal this year is to read 魔女の宅急便. Getting a EPUB reader that has instant lookup yomichan func has helped significantly.

But I still need to start smaller and just read more widely. I have been reading NHK Easy for some time fairly decently but I still get tired after 3 or 4 articles. So I need to build my stamina.

Recently finished フライングウィち1 to my surprise, so I think my level is closer to here than to Kiki. So will probably start trying to read around here, and check the other threads for recs on big slabs of text to try and read.


Hey there, I’m new here and loving it so far.

I’ve not been reading for too long, so I guess my main goals for the year would be:

  1. Not specifically related to reading, but Anki every day unless I’m away from home.
  2. Read something, however much or little I can manage, 5 or more days a week.
  3. Dubious if it’ll happen this year but I’d love to read (or at least begin) an actual book, not a manga. I’m interested in かがみの孤城 and have seen there’s an edition aimed at younger kids so maybe that one! Still undecided though.

I didn’t think I’d have any specific goals for 2023, apart from the nebulous “reading more than in 2022” - but I just realized that getting out of my comfort zone would make a great goal!

So, here goes.

In 2023, I’d like to…

  • …start and finish at least two manga without furigana. (Hopefully that’ll cure me of my fear of leaving furigana behind without being able to use Yomichan…)
  • …start and finish a book from the L27+ orange zone. (My highest level so far has been L24.)
  • …finish up at least the main storyline of Yokai Watch 1. (And maybe even the same for Pokemon Legends: Arceus too!)

You could try reading along to an audiobook as a step in between. :smiling_face: