Reading Goals 2023 (and some OT musings ;))

Right now I’m reading JK, after that I will read 悪寒


I want to get through the pile of Japanese books I picked up last year, at least to the point where I feel I can justify buying some again :sweat_smile: last year I managed 11 books in Japanese - this year is off to a good start so I reckon I will be able to at least equal that, all being well!


I think I currently have something like 65 novels in my 積読+読んでる? (probably most of them are considered light novels, but they’re all the same in my head. a novel is a novel is a novel) The first half is from buying stuff that looked interesting that I knew I wouldn’t get around to for a while back when it took me 2 months to read a novel when I didn’t get distracted from it, and the second half’s from no longer being able to resist buying a bunch now that I can read a novel in a minimum of 3 days (providing it’s not too difficult and I have the time and the energy to read that much and I don’t end up getting drawn in by something else… it still usually takes me quite a bit longer than 3 days to finish a novel)

So yeah I wanna make a dent in that. Last year I read mostly manga, and this year I wanna try and read an equal amount between novels and manga, if not do more novel-reading than manga-reading. I’m aiming for 25 novels this year, and I think that’ll be pretty doable. I’m at 14 rn


So I learned this was a topic from @enbyboiwonder 's bump. My goal was to read a manga without furigana, but I’m actually going to hit that pretty soon, whether it’s from finishing 本好きの下剋上 's first volume, or from the current WK beginner’s book club, so maybe I’ll extend that to the entirety 本好きの下剋上 part 1 since there’s still 5 months left :slight_smile:


Late to the party, but my goal is to read 150 novels/LN/Children’s Literature. I’ve been following Dr Richard Day’s advice (reading i or i-1 books) lately to focus on improving my reading fluency, which is helping me read more books. And also switching to JPDB from anki has been a great choice for me.

I’ve sort of lost count of where I am but I think I’m on about 60 ish books at this point.

Kindle Unlimited is making this goal very affordable lol.


Since this thread was resurrected, I might as well do a check-in on how my year is going.
In short: I am not doing great but also not doing badly. I have logged 56 things as finished, about a quarter of that are manga. That is pretty much about the same as I read the whole of last year, and there are still some months left for this year. (I had a stretch goal in my head of reading 52 books - with 10 vol of manga counting as 1 book - and I might just about be able to reach that. :flushed:)

I won’t meet the 本好き goal, simply because the volumes seem to be getting harder for me to follow purely on audio (less slice of life, more political intrigue), so I have switched to reading the ebooks and I haven’t really been doing that, because there is so much other stuff I also want to read. :face_holding_back_tears:

I have read a few of my 児童書 but by far not as many as I had planned and generally, I need to focus a bit more on physical books. I don’t think I am anywhere near the 25 books I wanted to read from that. (edit: after checking, I am at 9 :see_no_evil:) I do, however, see a couple of gaps in my TBR shelf, so there is at least a bit of progress. :slight_smile: [let’s ignore that my 積読 pile actually increased after my visit to Japan this year. :sweat_smile:]

English audiobooks also by far outweigh Japanese audiobooks and I won’t be able to change that. A better goal would probably have been for every 10 English audiobooks, I listen to 1 Japanese. I was a bit over-ambitious with that one. :see_no_evil:

How is everyone else’s year going? Any adjustments to your goals? Any goals you flew past? Any goals that you abandoned or postponed to next year? Any goals you completely forgot about? :see_no_evil:


oh yes! I love how many つばさ文庫 books are available and they switch them around, so if you wait long enough pretty much all volumes in a series will eventually be free to read at some point.


Not sure if I’ve posted on here previously or not but my original goal was just to improve my reading comprehension skills. Now though, I would like to be able to re-read キノの旅 book 1 of the light novel series by the end of the year and understand most of it if possible.

I have already read it but only understood small parts of it and very few of those were parts I understood without looking things up and translating full grammar points. I know the gist of what’s going on in each chapter but I want to see how much I’ve improved since reading it the first time.

Hopefully next year I’ll be able to have a bigger goal but for now, just being able to re-read キノ and understand more is my goal. If I can do that, I’d like to read the rest of the light novels for it going forward :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s on my TBR. I like short stories in general, and from what I have gathered, this is basically short stories connected by the protagonist and the world. :+1:t2: I was low-key hoping the LN bookclub would pick it up eventually. :see_no_evil:


Not exactly forgot, but my plan was for my light novels to be less than 50% of the total.
But then, since I was not so much in the mood for reading, I thought that I would read in the ballpark of 40 books for the year, so 20 novels, non-fiction, etc. At 11 such books, I thought I was on track.
Except I’m already at 34 books, which means 23 light novels and there’s a bunch more coming :sweat_smile: I guess I will have to just go for “actually 20 such books”.


I think it didn’t sit well with a lot of people on Wanikani book clubs so they dropped it, but not sure if anyone here might pick it up.

I did enjoy reading it and watching the original season anime though so I’ll continue with it. Just not sure I could be organised enough to start a book club of it :joy:


I’m actually not doing too bad on my goal, despite forgetting about it completely 0.3 seconds after I posted. Checking my stats, I’ve read 9 light novels and 4 novels, and I’ll easily be able to finish another LN this week. Man, I could actually finish that goal this year with some dedication… :thinking:


LINEスタンプ48 柴犬の応援 | ようつべ - 楽天ブログ


The other language has been pushed to next year due to some life events that made throwing in another study routine unreasonable, but I’m at 4509 pages read have no worries about hitting that minimum.

I’ve only completed one nonfiction book though :see_no_evil: I’ve started 2 others but am at 28% and 15% on those and am not sure how enthused I am to continue. Not bad books just… Not terribly engaging either.


Oof, when is the switch more or less happening?

I’m reading more but I also dropped some other tasks I used to do in language learning. I found that those tasks burnt me for when I finished with them, I barely had any willpower/time left for reading.

So not sure how that will fare for language learning. I’m also doing quite a bit of overtime at work, so it would probably have been shitty anyways.


It’s a gradually phasing out from when she starts to live at the… uhm… monestary? Basically the interactions with her family are less and less and the interactions with priests and nobility and military are steadily increasing while she is fighting political battles alongside learning about the country, her powers, etc. :thinking: I finished 6 volumes before deciding to stop audio. And I might re-read vol 6. :thinking:

that kills any will to study for me. I feel for you. :face_holding_back_tears:


Since we’re all checking in…

  • I’ve read 11/24 books! I’m a bit behind, but I’ll try to catch up by the end of the summer.
  • I talked about this a bit on the WK forums but I’ve adjusted my non-manga book goal to be 5 books. I think I overestimated my ability and the amount of time/energy I’d have dedicated to reading. So I’m at 1/5 novels
  • My highest difficulty book I’ve finished is still L26. But right now I’m reading an L29 book.

I’m still pondering for next volume, since I’m very interested in continuing with 異世界のんびり農家, go for the audiobook for 本好き to be able to tackle both at the same time.

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If I remember correctly the first 3 volumes are all about her family and building her business and figuring out various manufacturing processes. All pretty slice of life-ish. :+1:t3:


Finishing Vol. 01 of のんびり農家 soon-ish, hopefully this week. Vol 3 of 本好き is what I have next (or Vol. 02 of のんびり農家) or something else all together…

I’ll probably leave my chances to a poll.