Reading Goals 2023 (and some OT musings ;))

Since we’re all checking in…

  • I’ve read 11/24 books! I’m a bit behind, but I’ll try to catch up by the end of the summer.
  • I talked about this a bit on the WK forums but I’ve adjusted my non-manga book goal to be 5 books. I think I overestimated my ability and the amount of time/energy I’d have dedicated to reading. So I’m at 1/5 novels
  • My highest difficulty book I’ve finished is still L26. But right now I’m reading an L29 book.

I’m still pondering for next volume, since I’m very interested in continuing with 異世界のんびり農家, go for the audiobook for 本好き to be able to tackle both at the same time.

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If I remember correctly the first 3 volumes are all about her family and building her business and figuring out various manufacturing processes. All pretty slice of life-ish. :+1:t3:


Finishing Vol. 01 of のんびり農家 soon-ish, hopefully this week. Vol 3 of 本好き is what I have next (or Vol. 02 of のんびり農家) or something else all together…

I’ll probably leave my chances to a poll.


Checking in - I have finished six books so far, so 11 should be attainable. However I have added quite a bit to my pile of books, completely unjustifiably :sweat_smile:


book reading and book buying are 2 different hobbies. :rofl: :sunglasses:


I feel called out :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Since we’re all checking in then:

Done! So far I’ve finished 19 books compared to last year’s 15, and I’m currently in the middle of another 5. :books:

Erm, well. Does it still count if I keep adding to it faster than I read? I’ll have to accept it, my 積読 will never be 0, or even single digits.

This at least is going exactly according to plan! :grin:

Absolutely true, can confirm. I generally try to be efficient and combine them as much as possible. Too bad one is way easier than the other. :sweat_smile:


I wish. Mine isn’t even getting close to double digits. :see_no_evil:


Think mine is currently in triple digits and I’ve another 26 still on the way….


I have been refraining from buying stuff for nearly a year (not completely, but strongly curbed the tendency) and I made it down to 8! I am currently back to 10, but I have 2 books half finished plus a little bit from a third one… so that’s like I’m at 9, right? Right?


I hearby suggest we all stop being ashamed of our 積読 and begin referring to them as our ‘stockpile’ as we shall never want for reading.

‘Stockpile’ is apparently 備蓄 and since ‘stockpiled rice (by the govt for emergencies)’ is 備蓄米 I’ll just go ahead and coin 備蓄読びちくどく :wink:

Nevermind that typing that initially gives 備蓄毒 or "stockpiled poison’


No, no, that sounds about right. :thinking:



Never mind, that brings pictures of emergency water bottles (本 as in the counter, then).


If I include all the ebooks I have collected I am in 4 digits. :see_no_evil:
I have added a good junk of those to natively in the past days:
but if I take out the series, it’s not so bad:
still bad but not AS bad. :rofl:

I think, I’ll probably do a “read the first volume of all the series and DNF what isn’t interesting” type of thing next year. Maybe I’ll already start this year, if the LN club reads something I am not interested in (or don’t already have).

And the year after that I might do a “read the first chapter of the lowest rated books and DNF if not interested” thing… :thinking:

That should get my numbers down a bit. :eyes:


If I add my wish list (783) I’m close to that :rofl:
195 is my to be read or 278 with my textbooks/graded readers, but that’s not including some of the books I’ve bought recently that aren’t yet on site or are non-fiction.

That’s a good idea. I’d do the same but most of mine are purely for learning/experience purposes with the exception of a few I bought specifically because I wanted to read. The things I’ve got whole series of are the ones I have a decent level of interest in, the rest I’ll read just for experience, if I ever get around to them :joy:


I am so impressed by your self-discipline! I don’t think I could stop myself from buying new books for so long.

And I also realized that your low 積読 stressed me out a bit. Which makes me realize that @cat makes a very good point:

Back in the day of paper books, I did indeed stockpile on purpose, because the books I wanted to read weren’t readily available in the neighbourhood bookshop, so I had to buy them in bulk every chance I got. Having a pile of books waiting for me was reassuring.

Now that I’ve gone digital, stockpiling has lost its meaning, as I can get anything instantly. It’s usually offers and such that make me buy what I may be interested in sooner rather than later. But that’s still a good thing, surely? As long as I actually read the books at some point, at least.

So yes, let’s embrace our 積読, or stockpiles, or 備蓄読. More interesting books come out all the time, but it’s reassuring to know that I already own interesting books that I can get to at any time if I choose to. :chipmunk:

You mean you buy whole series without having read the first volume to know whether you’d like them? And you’re okay with not finishing books you bought? :flushed: I’m completely the opposite, I have a hard time not finishing a book I started (which is also one of the reasons I avoid long series). I can set it aside for a long period of time due to circumstances, but actively decide to not finish? It has to be really and truly awful for me to do that. Although of course letting go of things that take up your time without giving much back is definitely a much healthier approach. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s fine to consider it a digital stockpile. In case the internet is closed by the big corpos or government, we will still have books to read!


A big junk is on KU. And I have learned that my time is too valuable to read things that I am sure will only be 2 star reads. I don’t always realize in time that we are heading that way though… or my hope for it to get better is too strong. :sweat_smile:


Now you’re stressing me out again, as my Japanese digital library is basically owned and controlled by Bookwalker. :sweat_smile:
and I know of no way to free it

Is that Kindle Unlimited? I’d hardly consider it 積読 then. It’s more like a wish list to me, since you don’t actually own the books, or even pay extra for them.