To be honest, I first started learning Japanese in March 2009. It’s crazy to think about that number, as it’s already been half of my life. My motivation back then was the fascinating language itself and the way it sounded in anime openings. It also seemed like quite a challenge, and I wanted to take it on just for the sense of achievement I thought I would feel someday in the future.
I was mostly focused on the JLPT back then and didn’t consume much native content, except for anime with subtitles. After passing N2 and graduating from university with a major in Japanese, I took a long, unintentional break that lasted for years. For some reason, I disconnected from the language-learning process: a) I wasn’t willing to do formal textbook study, and b) I didn’t think about incorporating native content into my life. During these years, I read only one light novel, some manga, and I dropped 1Q84 by 村上春樹 after a few pages.
Being a Japanese learner nearly 16 years ago was very different from what it is today, though it would be a mistake to blame the timing or circumstances. Nevertheless, Japanese has always been more than just a part of my life or a passing interest. It has influenced my life and personality as a whole, and there’s no way I would want to or see how this could be undone.
Luckily, I’m back on track and motivated to immerse myself as much as I can. Thanks to the Japanese learners’ community here, on YouTube, and on Reddit, I found the motivation to become a consistent reader of Japanese. Fortunately, I have a solid foundation in the language, but on the other hand, I naturally struggle when reading books (which, in my case, are works by 新海誠). However, I’m looking forward to expanding my vocabulary and improving my reading stamina over time.
I’m not sure how often I’ll update this thread, but I hope to make it a timeline of my journey.