Shitsurei, ne! (aka my learning log and other random musings)

I’ve been thinking about this too… and for me it’s also that missed text makes up a much higher proportion of the content. So the ambiguity feels like a much larger barrier to understanding it. In an LN, even if you can’t get 2 sentences, there’s like another 10 on the pg, to help you figure it out. Also the phrasing & grammar in manga is often more concise, and relies a lot more on implied/understood context, I think.

It does get better as the book & series goes on… in the very beginning, he’s particularly insufferable tho.


I definitely never thought of that, but I would agree. I used to think novels were way harder, but I think I’m changing my mind on that. There’s a lot of narration speak, so to say, that you need to learn, but it’s pretty common to most novels, and once you have that as long as you understand enough grammar it’s just a matter of looking up (or being ok guessing at) vocabulary.

That’s what I had heard and part of why I was willing to start it. I can deal with insufferable with a plot arc.


Week 7

:jp: Japanese
I’m realizing this winter has kinda been a struggle, which seems to be manifesting as self doubt in Japanese :upside_down_face: Despite keeping up with my language goals I’m feeling like I’m not doing enough and I’m not learning anything (which are both not true). Anyway, winter sucks and I’m really looking forward to warmer weather.

Outside of book club reading, I feel like I didn’t do a lot of reading, and I think that’s at the core of my feeling bad.

I’m most of the way through あの頃の青い星6 | L22, which is adorable and charming as ever. I’ll probably finish that today or tomorrow. I only read a few pages of ひげを剃る。そして女子高生を拾う。 | L26, not because I didn’t want to, but I was just struggling trying to find the attention to read I guess? I also started, which as been on my shelf for probably somewhere around a decade now. The prose is a cinch, but (as expected) I’m constantly looking up scientific words. Which is mostly the point of reading it anyway. There’s a whole series of the 忘れてしまった高校のX books (I also have the 物理 one) that I’d like to get into a read a few pages a day habit of, but given my current moods, I’m not gonna try and push it right now.

My watching went better than reading this week. I finished season 1 of 干物妹!うまるちゃん | L21 and started S2. I think I binged 3 or 4 episodes in a single evening one day. Umaru is such an unhinged spoiled brat and I love her so.

My friend was live-texting me while she watched 恋はつづくよどこまでも | L30?? last week and told me that I have to watch it so we can talk about it so I started that, and randomly ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | L30 since they’re on Netflix and have Japanese subs in the app. I started watching both shows using Language Reactor so I can pause and replay lines I miss, but I always find that so fussy, so I’m not sure why I did it. And now I feel like I have to finish them there, even though I could just watch them on Netflix.

I don’t know where all of these feels about Japanese came from but it needs to stop soon. :joy:

:fr: French
I went crazy with finding native content this week, so any fears I had last week were entirely unfounded. I am almost done with the episodes I found of Jeu de Bleue though, which I’m sad about. I can’t think of any other preschool shows that I could stand to watch besides maybe Sesame Street which I do plan to check out once I’m done with Bleue. I do love Sesame Street, but it’s not nearly as “What is this? That’s right its a _” that Blue’s Clues is, which I think is what’s been so good for comprehension.

I’ve kept up with watching Pokemon with subs, which has been a lot of fun. I always wanted to go back and watch it in Japanese, but Netflix doesn’t have the Japanese audio tracks anywhere I’ve lived (and clamping down on password sharing has also had the knock on effect of making it impossible to VPN, which I’m sure they are delighted with).

I’ve also gotten into Premiers Baisers, which is delightfully bad, and since I don’t understand most of it, it’s not that painful to watch. I do wonder how much it’s helping because I get maybe 50% of what’s said and mostly can only follow the plot bc it’s way overacted and follows really cliche sitcom tropes. Apparently there’s a bunch of spin-offs, and Helen et les garçons is supposedly better (although also not actually good). There are hundreds of episodes of each, and I’ll probably just watch some combination of the shows until I can understand enough to get annoyed with them😅

I’m still making progress through Alice Ayel’s Teen stage on her website. I’m not doing any of the writing that you’re supposed to (I don’t like the idea of forced output when I don’t feel like I can do anything but parrot someone else or say one or two word answers). Reportedly the next stage up is a fairly large difficulty jump, so we’ll see how that goes in a few weeks. I’ve still been watching 30-45 mins of content for learners on YouTube lately as well, but I think I’m up to more than half native content most days. Mostly because it’s a lot easier to just turn on a tv show than it is to figure out what videos I’m going to watch from what French learners channel. I suppose this is all for the best, but it’s always hard to trust the process since I’ve never actually gotten to fluent in any other language than my own :slight_smile:


The 数学ガール series could be interesting for you. It’s 10-20% light novelish frame story and the rest mathematics, explained in form of a dialog between the protagonists.

Contents is more about things you don‘t learn in school, though it is based on what one learns in high school with some small repetition about things one probably knows.

Their also are some books about Physics.


Oh man, that sounds like my jam. Added to my wishlist. Thanks for the rec!

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:gift_heart: :chocolate_bar: February in review :cloud_with_snow: :love_letter: :teddy_bear:

Despite having my doubts about halfway through, I did a TON of language activities last month.

Pages read :open_book:

Total 1,548
Manga 1,327
Book 221

TV Shows :tv:

Episodes: 47
Hours Watched: 20.2

I cannot be bothered to log time spent reading, and honestly, after decades of study how many hours I’ve spent in Japanese is unknowable. I did realize though that I do have the length of audiobooks when I’m reading with those, and I’ll probably track that somewhere now for books I finish/stop.

I’ve also been watching anime with my partner with English subs and who knows how to count that towards learning. I definitely am listening because I can pick up places where the subs diverge from the original dialogue, and I also can look away and mostly keep up, but for me that’s like a nice bonus and not a learning activity.


Input Hours: 50

I met my goal of an hour of content a day, and was on my way to making my stretch goal of two. I also started watching Pokemon and Sailor Moon French dubs, along with some other TV shows. With all the added native content I’m up to about 30% of my total time spent on stuff made for natives, which also feels pretty good. My rule of thumb for watching a show right now is “need to be able to laugh at some number of (non visual) jokes” to feel like my time spent with native materials wouldn’t be better spent with learner materials. I’m helped by both shows that I’ve seen large parts of both in English and/or Japanese, but I do feel like I’m actually keeping up, which is nice.

Another big win is that I’ve added in the innerFrench podcast. I was watching his videos on YouTube which it looks like he’s stopped doing now, but he’s still recording weekly podcasts and there are 150 or so of them. All of his content is genuinely interesting (to the point that from time to time on YouTube he has to tell French speakers that this is learner’s content so that’s why he’s speaking so slowly, explaining words, and has videos that are about basic French culture), but I thought 30 mins of listening only would still be unobtainable for me, but did two of them this week and missed a few words here and there but never lost the meaning of any of the sentences.

More commentary and charts for nerds

Native vs Learning Content
I’m really proud of this one!
Content Type

Learning Materials
YouTube is still the top, but TV shows are catching up.
Activity Type

I finished out the last of the “teen” stage videos on Alice Ayel’s site this week and moved on to the “adult” stage. It is definitely a jump up in difficulty for me as she’s talking a little faster (although I was watching the other videos on 1.25x) and using more complicated grammar/verb forms without explaining them. I can definitely keep up, but will probably need to do the lessons more than once. I’ve been meaning to take a lap back through the earlier lessons’ audio only recordings so I might just do that once I finish this stage. Her website is probably the best deal that I’ve seen for learning content in any language. If anyone is learning French through CI methods and isn’t subscribing to it, you’re missing out. Her YouTube stuff is also very good, but the website is structured to build on itself in a much better way.
French Comprehensible Input is still the most fun I think, although I think I’m to the level where innerFrench is giving it the run for it’s money. Outside of Wandering French, most of the rest of the channels talk about French (or worse, grammar), which is less interesting for me. I quite like Nelly’s personality so I watch a lot of hers. Wandering French is actually CI from someone who does a lot of traveling and talks about what she sees when she’s out. It’s great, but the videos are about 2-3 mins tops and I prefer to settle in to a longer video. I will queue up a bunch of her videos when I do watch her (the only problem being her relatively long intros and outros. Ah well).

Ignore the default chart formatting, I was lazy. I’ll probably update that next month.


:sun_behind_rain_cloud: March in review + French 200 hour update :cherry_blossom: :rainbow:

Whoops, didn’t mean to skip a month and a half but then it felt like I had nothing to say and suddenly I have way too much to say. I guess I’ll go with some highlights.

March summary

Total pages read 974
Manga 660
Book 314

Tv Shows
Episodes: 62
Hours watched 18.6

I read a lot fewer pages, but had a lot more text pages read, so we’re going to count that as a win. I’m a little surprised that my watching hours were lower in March compared to February since I felt like I finished a lot more shows, but I think ヤマノススメ S1 | L19 with its 5 minute episodes is giving me an inflated view of what all I watched.

Media highlights of the month:

  • がっこうぐらし! S1 | L21
    Full review here: shitsurei's review of がっこうぐらし! S1 | Natively
    I did not expect to get so invested in this series, and I’ll definitely need to pick up the manga when I read down some of my TBR pile (like that will ever happen).
  • 埼玉のホスト S1 | L26
    What a weird show. I started it on a whim when I was covid vaccine sick and binged the whole thing in a day. I was actually a little sad to find out that it was an original story and there wasn’t a manga or LN to read more of the story.
  • 新機動戦記ガンダムW S1 | L30??
    Drawfee was talking about Gundam Wing again and I decided to give it a try with subs. I remember watching it on Toonami but all that I really remembered is that the theme song slaps. It’s above my level; I don’t really understand a lot of the political intrigue and am mostly watching it because big robots go pew pew. But it probably doesn’t hurt to have a few shows/books that push me further out of my comfort zone than I like to be.


I hit 200 hours of French input hours this afternoon! :tada:

Input Hours
You can really tell when I decided to start tracking my time spent!

I’ve averaged a little more than an hour an a half of French videos (and a litttle itty bit of reading along with audio books, but almost all videos) over the past two months. 38% of my hours watched in March were the French Sailor Moon dub :joy:
I’m getting to a point where most content for learners is starting to bore me (innerFrench, Piece of French, and French Comprehensible Input are still in the mix). I’m still having a bit of trouble finding more native content that doesn’t feel like drowning or isn’t boring af (any suggestions, esp yt channels or shows with a lot of episodes are very welcome). At least I have another three seasons of Sailor Moon, and I’m thinking of picking up the French dub of Inuyasha when I get done with SM (or, honestly, when I get to SuperS because I think I’m going to start watching the plot episodes in Japanese and filler eps in French since I’ve only seen the last two seasons once through each).

I’m still kinda amazed how quickly this has happened. Granted, my only real comparison is Japanese and the vocabulary overlap with English isn’t even close compared with French.

All that said, there was a word I kept on hearing over and over and I had no idea what it was. I heard someone say it today and was able to turn on subtitles. It was “un petit peu”. So. Yeah. I still have a ways to go. :sweat_smile:


If you put it on your TBR list and then start reading it, you’re technically reading from your TBR list… That’s how these things work, right?


:waning_gibbous_moon: :last_quarter_moon:April in Review :waning_crescent_moon: :new_moon:

Almost on time this month!

(As you may be able to tell from the emoji) we spent a week with family to visit and also see the total eclipse in North America. I also got super sick twice in the month (although one of the times was expected since I still get covid vaccine sick even after 5 or however many doses I’ve already had). Long story short, I didn’t get in nearly as much language time as the last few months, but I’m really happy with how much I still managed to do when life got in the way.


Total pages read 905
Manga 479
Book 426


Hours Watched 8.1
TV Episodes 20
Movies 1


Input hours: 37


Just generally I’ve been feeling a level up in my Japanese lately. I decided to start reading ペンギン・ハイウェイ | L28 last month for a bit of a challenge. It started out a bit difficult, mostly because the narrator for the audiobook speaks a little quickly and there’s some scientific vocabulary, but now that I’m almost halfway through the book I’ve been able to extensively … read? listen? to most of the story, only going back when I feel really lost. I had wanted to finish it before getting back to ひげを剃る。そして女子高生を拾う。 | L26, but that series reeled me back in and now even outside of book clubs I’m reading 3 different books. :melting_face:

All that said, I decided to dnf (for now) NHKにようこそ! | L32 since it was enough above my level that it was more stress than enjoyment. I even tried to throw it into Edge browser’s tts to see if that would help. It definitely did, but I think it’s a bit of a reach right now.

I’m definitely a little bit worried that reading + listening is a bit of a crutch for my reading, but at the same time I’m sure that’s what’s been making TV a lot easier to watch so it probably comes out as a wash.

In the next month or two I’m definitely planning on finishing out ひげひろ (at least the main line books), and my next plan is to read a series in the 28-30ish range. I’ve definitely felt like reading multiple books in a series has been really helpful for acquiring vocabulary and turns of phrases that the author tends to favor. And since my ADHD refuses to read less than 8 books at a time, I think I’m also going to read-listen to a book in the 23-25 range entirely extensively without any lookups.

Media highlights


I was a little disappointed with my input hours this month, but it still exceeded my stated goal of an hour a day so I should really not be so hard on myself.

I haven’t been disappointed with my progress though. I’m feeling comfortable with Sailor Moon (more below :slightly_smiling_face:) and I’m really loving the Learn French with Tintin series on the French Comprehensible Input channel. I watched a few episodes of Cardcaptor Sakura in Japanese recently since I’ve seen it come up in the activity feed so much, but I think I’m going to pick that up in French instead.

I wish I had more French language (not dub) content that I was interested in watching. I did just realize the other day that the Asterix movies and Tintin cartoons are on one of the streaming services here, so I’ll probably give those a try soon too. I’ve also been considering buying the innerFrench course. It’s rather expensive (€199 I think), and I’m not actually all that excited about doing grammar. But on the other hand I really like his content and I’m sure that the videos for that would be interesting like all the rest of his content, and if I am planning on taking any proficiency tests I’ll need to study at least a little bit of grammar…

I’ve been a little reluctant to add reading to my studies (mostly just being lazy), but I feel like I should add in some of the for learners books and/or Magic Treehouse that I have audio for this month. My biggest issue with French right now is not having Natively to find new content that I’m excited to read, haha. Although, sadly, I know it’d be pretty lonely over there even if we did have it as a language.

I have so much to say about Sailor Moon that it's getting its own section

I just finished Sailor Moon S in French yesterday. I’m getting a little exhausted with the dub* and my reward for making it through the 127(!) episodes in French was that when I got to SuperS and Stars I would watch plot episodes in Japanese and filler episodes in French since I haven’t seen the last two seasons nearly as much as the first three. I watched the first SuperS episode in Japanese and hoooboy is my comprehension way up compared to French. I mean, I’m also watching it subbed, but I really only need subs for when the bad guys talk.

My SIL who was also there for the eclipse brought down her (English translated) manga. I made it through 3.5 volumes while I was down there and immediately came home and needed to buy them (the originals) to continue reading. I decided I’m going to catch up to where I am in the anime and then read the next books after I finish those corresponding episodes. I don’t think I’ve ever read through the whole manga, but I’ve read parts of it in both English and Japanese before. It’s been a nice extensive reading exercise since it’s so close to the anime and I know the stories so well that I’m mostly willing to let go of vocab words as long as they aren’t coming up a bunch of times and I’m not entirely lost.

I’ve also been watching the movies as I get to the end of the seasons since I’ve never seen them before. They are… very ok, but still feel like a nice capstone on the end of a season.

Honestly, I don’t know what it is about Sailor Moon that I just like so much, but I’m glad that it can be a path to fluency in multiple languages. I always knew that anime was really motivating for my language learning, I just didn’t realize that it would also motive me outside of Japanese.

*for the most part the voice acting is good. There were some choices made that I cannot agree with: Mamoru/Bourdu sounds 45, Haruka/Frederique gets a male voice when she’s not Sailor Uranus–even though they most definitely acknowledge that she’s a she, Artemis sounds like a girl–even though they definitely acknowledge that he’s a he. They are lazy with the transformation and attacks in that even when they get a new power up they just call it the same thing as before. They didn’t even try with Uranus and Neptune’s attacks and just describe what’s happening on screen. It’s just, ugh.


I’d definitely recommend those. I have the entire Tintin series in DVDs, and all the comics too, they’re both great. Idk if you’ve come across “Lucky Luke” and “Spirou”, those are great as well, and the adaptations have a lot of episodes.
For other comics that have adaptations (movie adaptations this time) you could also watch/read “Les profs” and “Gaston Lagaffe”. I think the vocab used shouldn’t be too complex :thinking:

YouTube recommendations

For YouTube channels, there are quite a few I could recommend, but it all depends on your level.


  • NotaBene (vocab is probably going to be pretty hard for you, but he doesn’t speak too fast and he has full French subtitles on every video)
  • Ketella (genealogy and history, no subtitles but the author has a nice and steady voice)


  • C’est pas sorcier (this is a whole series of basically science for kids and teens, the title itself being the equivalent of It’s not rocket science)
  • Épicurieux - Jamy (a channel by one of the guys from C’est pas sorcier, with French and English subtitles available)

(Be careful with whatever vocab you learn there, most of them have the tendency to curse quite a lot)

  • Étoile (he does a lot of trivia questions)
  • Domingo (one of his series that might interest you is him reacting to shows, with permission of course, for example he reacted to two seasons of The Island)
  • AngleDroit (a mix of everything, but again be careful about the cursing)


  • Paul Taylor (he’s English but his french is great, although most of his videos are a mix of French and English)
  • Mateo Bales (most of his content is shorts, with French subtitles, but he does have a couple longer videos. He also recently started a podcast, Fallait que ça sorte)

I know about the Lucky Luke comics but didn’t know there was a show (although I’m not at all surprised). I’ll definitely see if I can find those somewhere too. I hadn’t heard of Spirou before though, I’ll check that out too!

I had found NotaBene and Épicurieux - Jamy before. NotaBene felt just above my level last time I tried (he speaks a little fast) but I was able to follow a few videos of his that I already knew a lot of the topics. I had heard of C’est pas sorcier before but didn’t know that Épicurieux - Jamy was from that! Now I’ll def give it a try. He’s great and exactly at my level with subtitles.

I’m also excited to check out the streamers since they’re so easy to watch for a long time.

I curse a lot in English :sweat_smile: so if for no other reason I’m just curious to hear what all the curse words are :joy::rofl::joy:

Thanks for all the recs, now I’m excited to go check them all out!!


If you really don’t mind cursing then I’d also recommend Antoine Daniel. He’s one of my favorite streamers. He has a lot of those codenames streams that I find super fun. Also, for a deep dive into old French youtube, you could watch his What the cut series. Just, well, don’t hold me accountable for anything you might see there.


The easiest French anime series I saw so far, is Marcelino, pan y vino, a Spanish, French, Japanese co-production, so you can find a “native“ version for all these languages. It‘s in fact based on a Spanish children’s book, so not as cool as Lucky Luke, but therefore easy.

Japanese updates

I’ve lamented lately that reading manga feels harder than reading prose at the same level, so I’m planning on focusing on that in the near term. Especially since manga was really one of the major draws for me into Japanese (back in ye olden dayes when translations into English were just starting to become a thing).

Besides reading through more Sailor Moon, I also read the next volume of はなにあらし | L17 and also started チェンソーマン | L23.

はなにあらし is just such a delight, I wish it wasn’t constantly out of stock at Surugaya. I think I’m going to just start ordering whatever volumes they have when I’m placing an order and just plan to take a while to get the full set.

チェンソーマン also was great as a manga that I want to read that is also perfectly at the level for stretching my abilities but not so far it feels like work. It does help that I watched the first 4 anime episodes (what the first volume covers) twice already, so hopefully I don’t hit a wall as soon as I make it to non-anime content. But I think the first 2 seasons cover to book 9 or 11, so I still have a while to go.

I also had a fun happenstance that one of the words that they used a few times in チェンソーマン (雑魚) showed up in a Sailor Moon episode that I watched today. Hooray for multiple contexts!

French updates

I tried and so far haven’t been very successful at adding reading to my daily routine. It’s not so much that I’m even opposed to it, but I don’t have a good setup for it. With Japanese I use the Jidoujisho app which has a bunch of books and manga loaded on it on both my phone and my tablet. With French I have some Kindle books and some physical books and audiobooks in different places. It’s easiest to do it at a computer, but it doesn’t feel super comfortable to read on a computer compared to my phone or tablet. I know it’s a pretty lame excuse to not get any reading done, but at this point in my life I’ve realized that it’s easier to accept that if something’s not working for me and it’s not necessary for me to do it that way, that it’s a lot easier in the long run to figure out what will work better than to just keep on banging against the same metaphorical wall.

In less pessimistic news, I realized the other day that I was hearing a word awfully close to アンケート , and so I sorta substituted that meaning for it and it seemed to make sense. Turns out it was enquêter! I never thought Japanese would help me in French! Unfortunately for me though I can’t really hear the difference between that and inquiéter, which actually turns up a lot more often but that seems to usually be used mostly reflexively, so it’s been relatively easy to pick out now that I know there’s two verbs that I keep confusing. Anyway language learning is fun/weird :joy:


Oh noooo, we’re gonna be in competition on this one :stuck_out_tongue: good luck to us both! They’re surprisingly hard (or too expensive) to find used tho. Might have to just do a cdjapan order one of these months.

I also feel this way, and I read way more manga than prose lol

It’s so cool when that happens


Bring it!

I only for real started reading prose last summer, so have decades of manga reading against about 10 prose books. It doesn’t make sense but :upside_down_face:

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I think it makes a lot of sense actually. The challenge of Japanese is in reading what’s not explicitly written. Manga generally uses terser sentences, moves more quickly, and provides a lot less descriptive context - only some of which is made up for with illustrations. A few lookups per pg in an LN is a much smaller proportion of information than a few lookups per pg in a manga. I think speaker identification in LNs is often easier too.

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So #19 of 世界一初恋 ~小野寺律の場合~ | L26 came out last month and I’ve been wanting it for a while. Surugaya hasn’t ever had #18 in stock so I figured I probably needed to buy them new somewhere. Which means paying for shipping anyway, so I decided to throw in all of はなにあらし while I was at it. So you’re welcome to all the Surugaya copies now @暁のルナ :joy:

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i’ve been thinking recently and i’m not sure how i feel yet! It might just be that the instant lookups portion of the way I currently read prose is a lot easier. I’ve only read, like, 夜カフェ、不思議駄菓子屋1 and most of また夢 so far but I’ve been kind of surprised at how good and easy it is to enter more of a flow state in prose compared to even ‘easy’ manga right now. I might try to Mokuro some manga and see if that makes reading multi-lookup manga ‘flow’ better or not.


Funny enough I ended up ordering from cdjapan too, b/c I really wanted the ガールズバンドクライ album (限定版) (minor spoiler for band name, if you click link) and Suruga-ya didn’t have it.

Came out to just under $8 USD per vol… which is more than I’m used to, but still cheaper than I could find it on eBay.

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