Spanish Beta - Feedback from Spanish Users & CEFR Update!

So, there’s been a slight update.

I’ve changed the CEFR level mapping - I set ‘A0’ as the bottom level range and pushed up all the other ones. So the new mapping is:

A0 : 0-5
A1 : 6-12
A2 : 13-19
B1 : 20-26
B2 : 27-33
C1 : 34-40
C2 : 41+

Why? Well, I want to keep Harry Potter vol 1 around lvl 29… so that the Japanese and other grading systems are somewhat close (Japanese has harry potter around lvl 29… actually lvl 31 currently, but it fluctuates).

This does mean, however, that all the books submitted at an initial level will now be wrong if you did it by CEFR lvl approximation. However, this isn’t a terribly big issue.

What’s next for the grading system? See Come help the grading system! Request for Benchmark Books~