The くまクマ熊ベアー Enthusiastic Appreciation and Recommendation Society

Lol you caught me red handed

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Is there a good point to stop early in this series? Such as 3-4 books in? I don’t think I can read dozens of volumes, but is there a good first “big moment” like beating some boss, etc?

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At the end of the 3rd book, she wraps up her affairs in the Imperial Capital and heads back to the first city. With the exception of her recruiting someone to work for her at the very end of the 3rd book… pretty much everything is wrapped up. So it seems like a good stopping point.


But the fight in the 4th book is one of my favorites. :person_shrugging: So it’s also fine.

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You speak of the future!!!
You must be an oracle.

(Still haven’t started 4th book)

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Ah, well, I hope you won’t get your expectations too high :sweat_smile: It’s one of my favorites in the context of this series.

By the way, no one asked, but my favorite fight in the series is around volume 8 or 9 (I forgot).

Edit: volume 7

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Started on volume 2. Such a breeze compared to the N2 reading :laughing:

It’s so nice to read at a faster pace, rather than the lookup-fest I had to deal last month.

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I started reading book 4. Sometimes I have been reading some of the chapters online at the Shosetsu site during work free time.

I wonder how they differ. Without doing a side-by-side, I feel like he website might have slightly more difficult kanji usage. There are a couple of characters I read and thought that they probably have furigana or are changed into hiragana in the print version.

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I absolutely don’t remember if it was from this series, but I remember one あとがき where the author mentioned getting their kanji usage fixed a lot. Your post just reminded me of that. (Again, might be completely unrelated)

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i’ll add this to my pile :smiley:

the anime was quite enjoyable as light entertainment, and i won’t mind reading something slightly easier once i finish my current series ^^


Through the magikcks of the internet (syosetsu) I am now in the middle of book 5. How did I get here?? Book 4 was pretty good, maybe the best one so far.

If anyone is interested in a somewhat similar series … check out とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ1 豚の生姜焼き×伝説の魔獣. It’s more difficult, but generally has the same feeling and is easy to read once you get the hang of it. It is a the same larger style book with larger print and more spacing compared to other light novels (much like Kuma Kuma).

The guy is essentially a beast master (like Yuna), they kill beasts and then sell them for skins, magic stones, and other components to the adventure’s guild (like Yuna), has a huge magic item bag (like Yuna), serves up delicious foods and drinks (like Yuna), he comes up with some ways to start businesses and make money from the merchant’s guild (like Yuna).


I have now finished what would be Book #6 using the syosetsu website.
Book 6 was pretty good overall.
I went back in time and changed my rating of Book 2 to 3 stars, because I feel like it is the worst one out of the first 6.

I am reading it when away from home and I have some free time, so it fits my needs nicely. I would like to own the physical books, but … it seems like a waste if I am just going to put them on a shelf. The pictures are quite cute and tempting though.

I only have watched about half the anime episodes. It seems like they are doing a season 2 for it as well? I will finish up watching season 1 once I have some free time and am in the mood for watching anime.


There are also extra stories at the end. Honestly, I don’t care much for those, but some people might.

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I picked up book 3 for Tadoku, it’s much better than book 2 was :smile_cat:

I made it up to book 8. I thought book 7 was pretty good, but book 8 is about a birthday party with some drama between nobles in another town. For me it was terribly boring. I did manage to finish it and now Yuna is back in the main town. I am taking a break from the series for a while. She goes to Elfland in book 9, which may be more interesting.

I think I recommended とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ1 豚の生姜焼き×伝説の魔獣 | L28 in this thread once already. But it’s a really great series and has some similarities with Kuma kuma kuma max. I just recently finished the 5th book. The manga seems very popular, but I haven’t read it.

痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。1 | L28 has also been recommended as another similar series. I am on the second book in that series I think I will keep reading it. I like it, the anime is nice too.

All three of these are readable on syosetsu btw


That’s funny, that was one of my favorite parts. She basically crushes all the schemes by being OP, she wears something else than the bear suit, and the last fight was short but fun.

I can confirm it is pretty similar… and similarly gets boring at some point. I’m currently reading volume 13 and the current “plot” is okay-ish. At least, I don’t mind reading it.
There are also hints about how the series could end, which is a nice touch (it doesn’t mean that it will, though, but it would be a good place to stop). Still, time is elastic, so there’s no way to know how much more content will be produced.
I just checked on なろう, and the publication seems basically at the same point; barely any extra chapters compared to the last published volume. Hard to predict how long it will keep going.
Still, 15+ volumes (probably ~20?) is a long enough series.


Ah, you seem like you get bored of a series quickly, so if you made it to Volume 13, that is a good sign!!!

I really liked the first book, but kind of put down the second book and was reading other things. I will start reading it again maybe today or this weekend. It has a lot of spacing so it is very easy on the eyes. I sometimes see Japanese people on the train squinting and reading books with tiny print. That’s crazy, I don’t I will ever be able to do that.

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It really depends on the series.
This one gets quite repetitive, but it’s fun anyway and pretty easy to read. Like Kuma^4, it’s something I pick when my brain is mushed by work and I don’t want to think. It’s not really a series that’s appropriate to binge, though.
On top of that, each book starts with a recap of what happened recently, so it doesn’t matter if I haven’t read it in 6 months and don’t remember anything.

So, do not have high expectations, but it’s fine as a “once in a while” pulp series.

I’m reading the ebook anyway, so I set the font on my phone to a comfortable size. :slight_smile:
I agree that tiny fonts are the worst.

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On that note, I just finished volume 13 which was better than average for the series, and ended on a cliffhanger. And the cliffhanger was not resolved in the preview of the next volume…
Still, it’s a bit expensive to just buy it. I’ll wait for a random discount from booklive. (I guess I can also check the web novel version too…)


This post is exactly what I needed, thanks everyone who contributed to it!!

I’m at volume 8~ now and it has become so comfortable to read that I do it on my phone in bed every night, instead of having to use my PC like every other thing I have read. (Still, I use Kiwi Browser with yomichan on my phone)

I’ll be checking all of the recommendations from this thread. Please keep those coming, even though I have 500 chapter to go on syosetu, it’d be nice to have another series to read when I want a change of pace.

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