I played some games back in the days, but I had to mostly stop about 7 years ago.
Some of them were from the cheap bin of my local Book Off and were completely unmemorable (so I can’t even remember their title).
Stuff I do remember:
- 幻想水滸伝ティアクライス (DS) Text-heavy RPG. I’d say L30?
- Skyrim (Xbox 360) Text-heavy RPG. L32?
- ロストオデッセイ (Xbox 360) Text-heavy RPG. L32?
- キャサリン (Xbox 360) Puzzle game? With some heavy discussion parts. L35 due to the play on names (the two love interests have the same katakana for their names). I never finished that game because I’m just bad at thinking under pressure… so timed puzzles was not my thing
- 真・女神転生 (Super Famicom) RPG. L35? (The extra difficulty is because it’s entirely written in kana; you can’t rely on the kanji to guess the meaning of words you don’t know).