Visual Novel Reading Club | It's nomination time

Thank you for the suggestion! Also @Legato and @shitsurei !

I will have a go this week and see what I can manage, hope to join you all :blush:


Is the Switch version the same as the free Steam version?

Can take a quick look assuming you don’t get an answer before that, I’ll try getting back to you in the evening.

Mind you there’s always the 07th-mod thingy for PC:


Thanks, I appreciate it!

  • Switch is voiced
  • Switch has OP sequence that might contain spoilers.
  • Switch phrases are split more evenly, while on PC some parts takes the full screen. (The 07th-mod, 3rd picture, gives the option to change this)
  • Some parts on the PC are auto progressing, while in switch you can manually advance everything.
  • Sounds/Music is different
  • Character models/sprites are different, even when selecting NEW/OLD in settings.
  • Switch is 16:9.
  • BGs have been reworked from the photo stylized ones in PC

- Switch has a prologue that it’s not in the PC version (It starts from the 共通/Common Route instead)

All the points can be changed to match the Switch (and other consoles I assume) version with the 07th-mod, except for the last point

Personally I’ll probably play PC with the 07th-mod, if you have more questions do let me know.

I think I have the PS4 version too but my PS4 is in a box.


Damn this is really detailed, thanks g

I’m a bit short on cash so I’ll probs just get the mod you mentioned, as long as nothing too drastic is changed I can deal with older art or 4:3 ratios. Thanks!


The mod also switches to 16:9 is a pretty much identical copy to the console version.
As mentioned, the only thing I noticed being different, even with the mod applied, is the prologue.


Is the switch game just the first chapter? Given the price I assumed it’s all the chapters (not relevant for the club purposes I don’t think, but on Steam you can either buy the whole game, or the individual chapters)

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P - Console Exclusive? - Prologue
C - Part of Ch.1 in PC - Common Route
1 - Ch.1 Onikakushi
2 - Ch.2 Watanagashi
3 - Ch.3 Tatarigoshi
4 - Console Exclusive - Tsukiotoshi
5 - Console Exclusive - Taraimawashi
6 - Console Exclusive - Someutoshi

In the Timeline of them happening:

Then you have also Hou+ and the answer arcs in the Switch version.


That is beyond confusing… But sounds like the PC version gets everything (but old school unless you patch), and the switch version gets some things but prettier + original content? (Like what happened with Tsukihime remake)

Glad I’m borrowing from a friend lol

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It’s not just the switch, but something the Consoles get. But yeah, in usual 竜騎士07 fashion, nothing can be simple and everything has to be a convoluted mess and confusing, including the stories itself.

In any case, for club purposes, the PC version with the mod can be identical to the Switch version. While I would love to continue and complete the thing, most people will want to jump to other titles I imagine, so there’s that.

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I’m assuming you can text hook on PC yeah? That will probably decide it for me as I’d rather have the prettier one on Switch, but text hooking is such a QOL upgrade that I can’t pass it up.

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Should be able to get the pretty version with the mod and a hook just fine in PC.

Here’s the TextractorConfig.txt for the moded version, the non-moded version might look slightly different:

string:Equals (string,string)	string:Concat (string,string)

And here’s SavedRegexReplacements.txt to remove the HTML tags:

|REGEX|(<([\/a-zA-Z=#0-9+])*>)|\\n|BECOMES| |MODIFIER|g|END|

Yay, tyvm!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You are more than welcome!

Mind you this is for the moded version. If you play the OG, you might need to play with the hooks and REGEX replacers


gotcha. I regularly forget that other consoles exist, b/c it’s the only one I own :sweat_smile:

The mod you linked above says it’s not compatible w/ the JP versions btw… It works fine w/ Steam version regardless of language

I wish the Switch version had all 8 of the main story. 残念… for PC, It looks like this bundle has everything after Ch. 1 then, besides the console-exclusives

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Actually we didn’t even decide yet who is making the home thread.

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They are either referring to these ancient disks I have from Comiket when it came out:

Or the ones that you can find in digital JP distro sites, such as DMM.

The switch has 19 arcs, and the main 8 ones are included, you have a list here:

The screenshot above involved only the question arcs, and not the answer arcs, thus you are not seeing the “other 4 main” ones

The list above includes:

  • 4 Question Arcs
  • 4 Answer Arcs
  • 2 Rei Arcs (They come from a fan disk)
  • 9 Console-exclusive Arcs
    (Total 19 Arcs)

ohhhh thx for the clarification & correction… I think get it now. Nice to see the CDs in such good condition, given their age!


They are from comiket, and they are a bit of a personal treasure now.
You can see the lack of barcode :sweat_smile: