Visual Novel Reading Club

Should be able to get the pretty version with the mod and a hook just fine in PC.

Here’s the TextractorConfig.txt for the moded version, the non-moded version might look slightly different:

string:Equals (string,string)	string:Concat (string,string)

And here’s SavedRegexReplacements.txt to remove the HTML tags:

|REGEX|(<([\/a-zA-Z=#0-9+])*>)|\\n|BECOMES| |MODIFIER|g|END|

Yay, tyvm!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You are more than welcome!

Mind you this is for the moded version. If you play the OG, you might need to play with the hooks and REGEX replacers


gotcha. I regularly forget that other consoles exist, b/c it’s the only one I own :sweat_smile:

The mod you linked above says it’s not compatible w/ the JP versions btw… It works fine w/ Steam version regardless of language

I wish the Switch version had all 8 of the main story. 残念… for PC, It looks like this bundle has everything after Ch. 1 then, besides the console-exclusives

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Actually we didn’t even decide yet who is making the home thread.

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They are either referring to these ancient disks I have from Comiket when it came out:

Or the ones that you can find in digital JP distro sites, such as DMM.

The switch has 19 arcs, and the main 8 ones are included, you have a list here:

The screenshot above involved only the question arcs, and not the answer arcs, thus you are not seeing the “other 4 main” ones

The list above includes:

  • 4 Question Arcs
  • 4 Answer Arcs
  • 2 Rei Arcs (They come from a fan disk)
  • 9 Console-exclusive Arcs
    (Total 19 Arcs)

ohhhh thx for the clarification & correction… I think get it now. Nice to see the CDs in such good condition, given their age!


They are from comiket, and they are a bit of a personal treasure now.
You can see the lack of barcode :sweat_smile:


Should we decide how to split and pacing first and start date?
Or we will create a home thread with placeholders and then discuss?

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Sorry for my late answer I am pretty busy with classes. I think we should decide the start date and pacing first imho.

@senkuma Do you want to run the home thread for Higurashi or should someone else do it?

I nobody else wants to do it I will run the home thread but like I wrote I am busy with classes the threads may be a little late.

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When should we start reading the Higurashi visual novel?
  • 15th March
  • 22th March
  • 29th March
  • 5th April
  • Right Away
0 voters

I’m far too busy and would be likely to mess it up. Would be nice if someone more reliable could handle that


I’m super unreliable but I will make the home thread it will just
take some time. No idea how to make an awesome thread or how to use discourse properly but I will figure something out.


I have never run a home thread, I’m aware of how to do styling in discourse, but I might need help with stuff that it’s not as easy as copying other templates, such as how to split the game in parts.

Speaking of splitting the game in parts, it’s related to the club pacing, and is probably too tight to start the 15th of March.

If you are both busy I don’t mind giving it a try. Seeing as it’s going to be only a home thread and not divided per weeks I shouldn’t be making too many mistakes?


It would be awesome if you could do the home thread.

About how to split the game. I checked it today and the game seems to be divided by TIPS screens. There 16 chapters, of course I have no idea if they are around the same length.

I would split the first Higurashi visual novel into four or five parts but I’m sure the other club members would hate me for that and would prefer a much slower pace.

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I’ll work on it later today, I’ll check the script and see potential ways to split it, and then we hold a vote for pacing, within the thread.



Home thread is up here:

Pacing poll is here:

If there any mistakes or something I should change, do let me know. First time doing this.


I managed to find a pretty consistent hook for the modified version that doesn’t require any extra regex or extensions, and doesn’t get mangled when you hot swap back and forth to english using the L key:

string:Replace (string,string)

Hooking into string:Equals and string:Concat was eating up a lot of resources, and they were seemingly spamming new updates multiple times per second. I tested this on a few reboots of the game today while setting it up and have yet to run into an issue with it.


And for those who don’t want to play around with the Textractor software they can just straight up open the assets folder in the Steam version, the scripts are sorted by day, and in plain text.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Higurashi When They Cry\HigurashiEp01_Data\StreamingAssets\Scripts

It looks something like this:

That’s the first two lines of Day 1 so, no spoilers, but hidden just in case.

So it’s totally readable for finding and copy/pasting or whatever you need to do.


is now in progress.

If there’s anyone undecided, remember that it’s possible to join without paying, no purchase is required as the first chapter is free in Steam.