Week 12 👻 🍰 Medium 🔮

Ok I’m finally done with this week’s reading and props to Kougetsu for being such a dedicated mystery fan that despite everything is just eagerly listening to Hisui solving the puzzles - “properly” this time - and taking “logic” lessons from her and even asking questions.

Going through the cases once again, Hisui’s gestures and Kougetsu becoming a bit dumb all of a sudden is somehow painful :sweat_smile: , but I can imagine with good acting and smart direction this whole scene can be much more entertaining in live action adaptation.


Thanks for the recommendations!
I’ll probably try 錬金術師の密室 once I am done with the pile of books I got for christmas (famous last words).


Especially since she told him she is a (stage) magician. When they move their hands in weird way, it means there’s something else going on that they don’t want you to see.

I would have tied her back the moment she said she is not a medium. But you know, I’m not a super careful and logical serial killer.


I actually started liking the book a lot more at this point! Hisui was acting too pathetic and fanservicey to be real because she actually was lol. It also amuses me that Kougetsu prided himself on explaining stuff simply to her and now the boot’s on the other foot. I feel pretty certain at this point Makoto is not in Hokkaido at all and Hisui is just buying time. A funny point I remember from the ‘Grimoire’ tale is when Kougetsu is surprised she eats so much meat as it doesn’t fit her image. Actually, it does suit her as a slightly savage conwoman who’s been laughing at him the whole time imo. I disliked Kougetsu so thoroughly even before the killer reveal that I am quite enjoying her roasting him :grin: