🐺 Week 2 | 人狼サバイバル 1 絶体絶命! 伯爵の人狼ゲーム 🧐

Loving the optimism. :sweat_smile:


Prediction: Now that they are well rested, ウサギ will finally get a nice meal and then they’ll all be safely at home by the end of chapter 2!

Thoughts on Week 2

Holy cheeseballs that was nuts. Yamane over here asking the real questions. Doesn’t look good for the supervisors but maybe it would have been a good idea for them to have the conversation where the kids could see them.

Hanging on to a sliver of hope that this is just a prank but… けっこうヤバいね、これ。


Spoiler tags, please.

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Sorry doing that now.

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Would be nice, but where is the fun in that? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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