💧 Week 4 | 水車館の殺人 🩸 | Mystery Book Club

Welcome to the reading club for 水車館の殺人!


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Reading Schedule

Week Chapter(s) (MT) Page Range (MT) Total # Pages (cat) Total # Pages
Week 4 第八章 & 第九章 149-205 57 46

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That’s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.
Are you reading along with us?
  • Yes! :smile:
  • I’m reading at my own pace :smiling_face:
  • I’m just here for the discussion :popcorn:
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I can’t understand 紀一’s thought process here. He doesn’t use the room, so it doesn’t matter if he can open the door or not? Was the room completely empty or does he just not need the things in there? And wouldn’t you want to at least be able to clean the room from time to time? It’s not that hard to have a replacement key made. The only way this makes sense to me is if he was lying, but if so it’s not a very convincing lie.

正木’s ring got brought up several times now. This could be just so we know that the finger in the prologue really belongs to him, but it might also become relevant in a different way later.

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He’s totally lying. What d’you bet that the missing man’s remains the mysterious picture are both in there?

I’m wondering if it’s to remind us he was engaged. Maybe his fiance will be relevant at some later point?

Did anyone else feel like the explanation of ‘wet carpet = someone was on the balcony’ went on way too long? As soon as he explained there was wet floor ahead of them as they returned inside I was like ‘ah yeah, someone was on the balcony’ but then they still went and explained it to death :skull:

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I have now definitley learned that this type of mystery is not for me. I am so utterly bored reading this. I don’t care about any characters or the plot. I will finish this, because I am now slightly curious of what the big end reveal will be and because I started it, but I need to remember not to pick up another one in this series. :melting_face:


Yeah, I have to say I’m not a big fan of the pure 本格/新本格 mystery subgenres either; some “guess what has happened and how” is fun but I prefer a decent dose of 社会派 in my stories.


I think I may be the only person really enjoying this book :joy: It’s not the best I’ve read, but I’m having fun. I’m in it for the spooky vibes of the weird building and the masked man and the questionable relationship between him and the girl he stole away from the world as a child.