Week 5 of 📚 本好きの下剋上 / 책벌레의 하극상 🪱

It was not a bandit, I think it was a random noble (or person invited by a noble) who thus needed a document check.

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Oh, is that right? Guess I misread that part. Maybe it was just Myne who speculated it might be a bandit. I guess there goes that theory.

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I just checked the text and it was Count ロウィンワルト (Roinwalt? I don’t know German and most names are German-based). His documents were in order, so Günter ordered to let him through.

No, she just asked what it meant for someone to need a check. Her father said that it’s either because you look like a bandit (which makes her think that it’s discrimination, but at the same time there’s no other way to go about it) OR like a noble/VIP (since they also cannot come and go as they please). The waiting room for the rough looking people and for the nobles/VIP are different, though (and at that time, they were themselves in a VIP room).

Edit: ah, but before that conversation, she saw everyone running around and, since it’s the gate, thought that something might have happened (and then her father said that no, it’s just that someone needing a check got to the gate)


Ah, that clears things up, thank you! Yeah I got the two different waiting rooms and her noticing everyone running around, but for some reason I thought it was Rainwalt that put out a notice on someone or something. I don’t know how I got that impression… :sweat_smile:



My take on this was that a.) they just think she is doing experiments and some of them work out and b.) they simply think that she is a bit of genius that was hidden because she was so sick all the time.
Humans go with the easiest explanation when they don’t know why something is happening. I mean, it’s their daughter. She comes up with stuff that no one has ever heard of before. What else could they possibly believe?
What would you think if your 5 year old started reading books or doing maths or playing the piano without ever having been taught? Demon possession? :upside_down_face: I think most would just be proud that their child is so clever (which Myne’s parents clearly are).

but I guess with how bad those candles seem to be, even 1 time might already be a noticeable improvement.


This assumes that that world has the same fundamentals as our medieval times. :thinking:


It would be Reunwalt - but all those names are only very loosely based on German.

Edit: I actually found that it was translated into Lowenwalt in the beginning - which is a stretch in regards to pronounciation, but possible. (Löwe being lion in German)


True, it assumes that physics/chemistry works the same way, which isn’t a given.

Yes, later stuff indicates that the author might not be a fluent speaker :stuck_out_tongue:

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And I did specifically refer to this:

The :avocado: :hammer: incident isn’t exactly the same as discovering your child is a piano prodigy… :joy:


I do wonder what will tip the scales in favor of “there might be something wrong with our daughter”; you know it’s gotta happen. I mentioned up there I was chalking most of her antics as being passed off as 5-year-old willfulness, but like previous posters mentioned, making your own shampoo and improving the candle recipe are pretty darn specific.


By the way, there’s a chapter in the web novel that gives Tuuli’s opinion on that. I thought it came later but it’s just published in the short stories compilation book (so it’s not going to appear in the main series). I don’t think it’s spoiler (it’s around the time of the shampoo stuff in the web novel) but maybe someone wants to read the short stories on their own, so I’ll just put it behind the following dropdown:

Tuuli's opinion

The chapter tells us about how intense the fever at the beginning was and everyone assumed that Main would die. She didn’t, but suddenly she started speaking in tongues and doing random stuff, so Tuuli just thinks that Main got brain damage from the fever (which, you know, could also be an explanation for everything). She thinks that the shampoo working is just a lucky accident.


Have less available time than when I started, and been feeling overwhelmed with stuff I’m trying to finish lately, so dropping out sadly. Maybe I’ll manage to pick up again at some point.

Anyway, hope everyone continues to enjoy


The threads will remain open and you can jump back in at any time and drop your thoughts/questions/comments. :smiling_face:


Very interesting; thank you for sharing! You’d think that after having read enough of this stuff brain damage would come up as a possible option in my mind for someone in a book acting weird, haha. It’s a rather reasonable guess on Tuuli’s part, I’d say.

Sad to see you go! But I definitely understand; no reason to make the book another stressful experience on top of anything else going on. Like Biblio said, both the thread and readers will still be around if you decide to jump back in, even way after the fact.


I’m enjoying reading this too much, I’m up to chapter 16 now :sweat_smile:
I don’t have too many thoughts to share since I already know the story from the anime, but I’m grateful for the book club otherwise I wouldn’t have started reading the book.


I am looking forward to some character development on マイン’s part. I do have sympathy for the extreme culture shock and newfound limitations she’s been dealing with, but I am starting to get a little tired of the you are all uncivilized, I know better than you and I’m just gonna do what I want attitude. I get that she wants to improve her living conditions and hygiene, but the attitude is what is starting to get to me.

Small rant (contains spoilers for this week)

A small example that wasn’t a huge deal in itself, but is a good example of her overall attitude. With the herbs on the candles, she could have framed the idea as a suggestion. “What if we tried this? It might make the candles smell better.” But no, she knows better (even though she wasn’t sure it would work), so she doesn’t need to ask if the herbs were being saved for something else or anything.

That honestly wasn’t a huge deal, but then she broke the window shutter because - again - she knows better, and instead of apologizing she just commands her dad to fix it and then scoffs at her family for being too poor to afford to fix everything. Yikes.

She’s offended that her family doesn’t see her as helpful or trustworthy, but when has she actually done anything to be seen as such? She sneaks around, does whatever she wants, and often creates more work for Tuuli especially. And it’s not like her family has put her down or anything, they accept her and take care of her but understandably treat her as the child that she seems to be.

I do wonder how much her maturity is affected by inheriting some of original マイン’s tendencies. Or maybe being treated like a tiny child all the time makes you act like one…


I think that it’s more like being a small child makes you act like one (brain chemistry and all that)


That hurts my brain a little bit :joy: I guess I’ve been thinking of it as “Urano’s mind is trapped in the body of a small child but that doesn’t affect the brain part that much apart from some bonus ‘original Myne’ memories*.” But maybe that’s not how it works… this identity stuff is confusing!

If she really is just a small child now with an obsession with books and some otherworldly knowledge, then I can forgive her the immaturity. Doesn’t mean it’s not a bit annoying, but it would be more understandable for sure.

*Edited for clarity


I don’t want to diagnose anyone with anything, but Myne seems very much coded to be somewhere on the spectrum or at least Urano probably was. This one track obsession with something and disregarding anything that does not go your way, being inflexible, etc. :thinking:


You know, after reading the next few chapters I take back the whole rant about Myne. Everything makes so much more sense when I’m reading her as a child, not a 20-something in the body of a child. Thank you guys for helping me shift perspective!