シャドウ Week 5 👻

Welcome the fifth week of シャドウ !

Home thread for announcements, wiki, etc

We are following the below schedule (page counts may vary based on your medium):

Week Up to Approximate Pages Approx. Percent Paperback page
Week 5 - July 8 Read up to chapter 4, sentence ending を信じていた 52 65% 221 (文庫本)

I will generally copy this information over thread to thread each week for ease of finding - you can always expect the schedule at the top of any weekly thread :slight_smile:

:policeman: Law and Order :policewoman:

  • Any reveals, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Questions on vocab, grammar, nuance, and the like are both welcome and encouraged. If you’re not sure if it’s a spoiler, assume it is and use one of the above options to hide the text.
  • You are encouraged to speculate and guess wildly
  • Be kind about other peoples’ wild guesses :sparkling_heart:
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.

To gauge participation - a poll!

Are you reading week 5 of シャドウ ?

  • Yes, I’m planning to read along/am reading along this week
  • I’m reading, but not at the same pace as the club
  • I’m just following the discussion :popcorn:
0 voters

Happy sleuthing! :male_detective:

Small reminder that this week ends on pages 223.

Also, oof. We’re definitely getting closer to unravelling the mystery… I’m hoping the clues are misleading and we’ve been wrong all along…


I’m still in the middle of reading, so maybe it’s already been revealed, but why would Megumi’s suicide note be on Yoichiro’s computer? Is it actually a suicide note or is it something completely different? What is going on here? I can’t wait to read more!


Vaguely weird stuff is happening but tbh I’m not really getting that into it. I need a specific crime to sink my teeth into!

I really hope the note being on Yoichoro’s computer isn’t as obvious as it seems. Ousuke is assuming that Aki’s dad molested her but it could’ve been Yoichiro, maybe.

Repressed memory feels odd to be, because… I mean, has anybody here ever remembered something that way? Remembering a memory and not realizing you’re remembering a memory just makes Ousuke sound like an idiot. Anyway, I think the odds this is right is low, but right now my feeling is that the adults are Megumi and Yoichiro, the boy is Ousuke (looking in a mirror… if he’s dumb enough to not know what a memory is he’s dumb enough to not know what a mirror is), and the dangerous square bottle is a camera.


Me too. But it’s looking less and less likely. I’ll keep hoping we were purposefully mislead until we know for sure though. The kids don’t deserve all that pain.

I’m glad that Aki is slowly opening up. Unfortunately she doesn’t really have any adults she can rely on. I get why Osuke thought calling his father was the only option, but I was all No, don’t do it during the scene. Taji would have been a better choice. That last sentence… given what I suspect Yoichiro of, that sentence hurts.

I agree that the repressed memory explanation is a bit lacking. I’ve never had memories pop up like that, but then not everyone’s memory works exactly the same. I hope there’s more to it than that though.


Despite being the title we still have really no idea what it’s about or referring to, but my random impulse is that the shadow is Taji, so… I think these kids might just be screwed all over.


Saaaammmmeeeee. But I also kind of wonder if the dad has a split personality or something? Also the timing of that note on the computer makes no sense. I also haven’t ruled out the good ol’ “the shadow is a character that has been here all along but carefully not mentioned” ruse.


Oh another thing I forgot - what was up with the woman (I forget her name, 竹 something) being so perplexed by the dad’s patient? Also is she trying to shoot her shot with him or is there something else going on with how she is acting…?


I forgot about that, but that was weird. There have been multiple instances people behaved weird in regard to his patients, too. Right at the beginning, wenn his pushed them on 田地, and basically any time he talks about them.


To add to this, I have in my notes how strange and unprofessional I found it for him to protest that he’s not 頭がおかしい when talking to Taji. Surely a psychiatrist wouldn’t normally use this term?


Ah, I forgot about that! I also was like ‘wait psychiatrists in Japan surely don’t call their patient 狂う normally right? That feels rude’ :thinking: