シャドウ Week 6 🍉

Welcome the sixth week of シャドウ !

Home thread for announcements, wiki, etc

We are following the below schedule (page counts may vary based on your medium):

Week Up to Approximate Pages Approx. Percent Paperback page
Week 6 - July 15 Read up to 終章(四) 44 81% 276 (文庫本)

I will generally copy this information over thread to thread each week for ease of finding - you can always expect the schedule at the top of any weekly thread :slight_smile:

:policeman: Law and Order :policewoman:

  • Any reveals, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Questions on vocab, grammar, nuance, and the like are both welcome and encouraged. If you’re not sure if it’s a spoiler, assume it is and use one of the above options to hide the text.
  • You are encouraged to speculate and guess wildly
  • Be kind about other peoples’ wild guesses :sparkling_heart:
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.

To gauge participation - a poll!

Are you reading week 6 of シャドウ ?

  • Yes, I’m planning to read along/am reading along this week
  • I’m reading, but not at the same pace as the club
  • I’m just following the discussion :popcorn:
0 voters

Happy sleuthing! :male_detective:


Ok so I was actually kind of bored for a chunk of this chapter because the book suddenly went from vague posting to over explaining (I did not need all that logic laid out for me, thanks) and also @Bad_Player was spot on with Ousuke being an idiot who doesn’t recognize when he’s looking at himself in a mirror :rofl: But I literally just finished the section and that cliff hanger :skull: I’m going to chew on it a bit and see if I can figure out how Aki is responsible for her mom’s death, but since next week is the final week I suspect I’ll read on before the end of the week :sweat_smile:


By children who are suddenly geniuses, no less :rofl: but I also got whiplash going from the confusion to facts and logic and didn’t enjoy the explainy part as much as the rest of the book.


We were all kinda right with the unreliable narrator.