What are you reading today?

try removing the / at the end. :slight_smile: (I’ve come across this issue before.)


If it was the trailing slash, why would the same URL not convert, then convert, then not convert, on three edits of the post which didn’t change the URL? And I just edited out the trailing slash, and it still didn’t convert.


I don’t know why, but it does that for me sometimes. Thought it was worth a shot. :sweat_smile:


And this shall now act as motivation for me to finish it! :rofl:


I just finished 森があふれる by Ayase Maru (published in English as The Forest Brims Over). It’s the first Japanese novel I’ve actually finished in a really long time - I paused studying Japanese for a long time because of career stuff and mental health stuff, but I’m trying to get back into it because I hope to go back to do some traveling in Japan soon.

Great book, though I can really only recommend it to people who want to read a book that’s unabashedly feminist.


I have set up a home thread for it: きらきらひかる (Profoundly Weird Book Club) so we can discuss the details over there.


Since you’re setting up threads, I’m only reading like 6 books at the moment (soon to become more), so whenever you’re ready to read むらさきのスカートの女, let me know :grin:


I must confess the thought DID cross my mind today :rofl:

Let me quickly wrap up 木漏れ日 and Replaceable Summer, and then we can talk about it :sweat_smile:


Discourse is dropping poll results again…

I had I think 4 yesses last I looked at it though, so a reasonably small group. Mostly was checking to see if I should single-thread it or do a weekly thread (which would make sense for a bigger group).

But calling out the bug recurring incase anyone else has some open polls that might be hit :confused:


Hmm. Definitely not the same bug as last time though. That time, on multi-option votes, every person was retroactively reduced to exactly one vote.

(You didn’t edit the poll, right?)

1 Like

Wait, have 8 people voted since you took the screenshot? This is how it looks for me:


I reloaded and it’s still blank for me :exploding_head: I also don’t see any of the link clicks shown for the book :thinking:


That’s super weird, but at least it’s nice that no data was lost.

There are some basic things you can try, which might either fix the problem for you, or that would at least be useful for a bug report:

  • Try logging out.
  • Try logging in again.
  • Try clearing your cache.
  • Try a different browser.

And after every step, check whether you can see the poll results.


I appreciate you writing out debugging steps, it’s very kind of you. I am giggling a little bit though as I happen to be very familiar with all those steps. :joy:
Knowing that the data isn’t truly lost was mostly a relief though, I went to sanity check I hadn’t lost my mind earlier and left it at that. Next time I’ll be looking will be the end of October by which point I suspect any passing issue will have resolved itself.


I can also see the poll with 9 voters now. So strange that it’s empty for you. :thinking:


I have never encountered so many IT people outside of language learning circles. :eyes: I wonder if the language-like structure of programming lends itself to people generally being interested in languages. :thinking:


today I’m reading about a horse turning into a human after dying to save her prince owner
it’s free :crazy_face: :upside_down_face:

edit: apparently the entire volume is coming out on the 4th of November so this is an in opportunity before it’s official :joy:


Yesterday, I finished 東京かくりよ公安局 | L30??
As expected, it was good but nothing special. It had moments I really liked, but some parts (especially the ending) felt really poorly thought out (also, the whole volume builds up to something that is resolved in three (3) pages; that was a bit frustrating)
Still, the series is available from my local library, so I’m planning to continue.

Today, I read 魔法少女事変 1 | L27 volumes 1 and 2 since they were heavily discounted on Booklive (and probably other places). I also just gave in and bought volume 3 which I will probably start reading right after I post this.
The premise is funny (an average salaryman turns into a magical girl) and I enjoy the humor a lot, but the story has some issues figuring out if it wants to be serious action or comedy… the protagonist friend having enough money and political power to just summon an attack helicopter to help in a pinch kinda breaks the suspension of disbelief for me.
Although, I have to say that I found it funny that the author had both questions about gender (besides the sex change, having the main character commenting that he/she is more comfortable with 俺/私 depending on form) and an attack helicopter in the same story… I do believe it’s a coincidence though, since it serves the plot anyway and I don’t think attack helicopter jokes are a thing in Japan.

Edit: Sadly, volume 3 makes basically no sense AND is the end of the series. Volume 2 introduced a bunch of stuff that where never used, so I assume that the author was planning for more… too bad.


So I restarted 天久鷹央の推理カルテ | L35 after giving it a whirl as audiobook only earlier this year, but this time I am doing text+audio for Go Fast Fun :tm:

I know it’s not categorized as a LN, nor is the author known for LNs, but I’m going to just say that if a medical LN sounds like something you’d like, give this a try.

I just finished the first little medical mystery and now am a few pages into the next one and I’ve noticed the following tropes:

  • Main character is an adult woman who looks like a high schooler and is a genius 部長 doctor at 27
    – Points here for not sexualizing her. Zero fan service type stuff so far
  • Her subordinate/相棒/Watson is an Average Joe who it feels like we’re intended to self-insert as
  • All the clues so far have been neatly placed, but without a clear expectation that you as the reader will solve it and instead need to wait for the genius to swoop in and explain it all. Feels a bit like 体育館の殺人 | L31 in a way
  • Each chapter begins with an anime style drawing

Anyways, it’s fun. Not going to rock my world, but I have heavier reading planned during my upcoming vacation so this is a good palate cleanser.

BTW, personally think that 35 is too high based on what I’ve read so far, but time will tell


More like what I’ll be reading soon rather than today:

With October just round the corner, I am again in a mood for horror. We already have 夏と花火と私の死体 | L28 (learnnatively.com) lined up over at the WK Halloween club (everyone is welcome to join, by the way), but I wouldn’t mind reading something else too. Is anyone interested in reading リング | L35 (learnnatively.com) with me? I’m open to other horror too if you have something in mind.

As for what I’m reading today, I’m frantically trying to catch up with the マリアビートル | L35 (learnnatively.com) book club. It’s entertaining, I guess, but not as much as I expected from the description. It feels fast paced and frustratingly slow at the same time, and for a book about funny and violent shenanigans between killers on a shinkansen, there are a lot of supposedly deep diversions on human nature, and revisiting of sad past events. I was expecting a pageturner, but so far I could take it or leave it.