What are you reading today?

I read the first two chapters of きらきらひかる | L33 today, and it’s oddly harder to follow than I would expect for 33. I suppose I just need to adjust a bit to the writing style. I don’t feel like I’m necessarily lacking facts so much as the intended emotions :thinking:

I also have read the first quarter of 天久鷹央の推理カルテII: ファントムの病棟 | L35 which is the second in the series. It remains mindless fun that I can plow through quickly without taxing my brain. I was delighted that I didn’t guess the solution to this case early like I did the last two, but I did guess it well before it was revealed and the ‘proof’ scene took place.

I’m going to pretend that binge reading a silly hospital drama is just preparation should I ever be in Japan and need medical help :upside_down_face: