What are you reading today?

I’m waiting for @nikoru so we can read it together. No idea when that will be. Maybe you can join us?


I would be down to re-read if there is a reading group! :eyes:


I may sneak in on that one too if the timing works out :eyes:


And here I was trying not to join any book clubs where I don’t already own the book… Why do you all tempt me like this?


Same here :sweat_smile: Especially since it’s currently 50% coin cashback on Bookwalker. But then again, my 積読 is calling for some love and care, and the book is 500 pages, so maybe not.

Oh that’s an interesting perspective! For me 3 stars is kinda “meh” so I noticed the many 3-star ratings and was not impressed… but this sounds a bit different.

You called? :grin:

Actually just yesterday I checked my new and amazing toy, the stacked chart of book clubs, and I wondered whether I should ping you to ask you about that book :rofl:
So I think either I will massively speed up リング (with or without the book club) and then we can start once I’m done with that (let’s say in 2 weeks or so?) or I will not speed up, then we can start as soon as I get this 死体 book sorted (which will be on Sunday latest, as I’m not taking it on my journey). Or any time after that. :wink:

You know what, let me quickly set up a thread for it, then we can discuss the details in there as it seems that a few other people are interested as well.


OK, here it is:

Tagging @omk3 @Biblio @bungakushoujo @cat @MintTea just in case :wink:


Started reading ブラック・ジャック 手塚治虫文庫全集(1)(an edition not on LN yet) even though I really should be reading something more at my level like ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん 1 | L14 but I guess I’m in a dictionary mood… so far it’s not too hard to guess meaning from context either. I’ve also read the English version (a long time ago) which helps? I guess?

Also recently started しまなみ誰そ彼 1 which is a similar experience.

Not very efficient but I guess it’s fun :stuck_out_tongue:


For me 3 stars is a good solid book I had fun reading, 4 stars is great and very entertaining, and 5 stars somewhere where I thought it was excellent, a masterpiece, or spoke to me on a deep personal level. So, my 3 stars are still good! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hurray, another book club! Let’s goooo


For me three stars is “this was fine to good; if you’re a fan of this genre of book or this series you’ll probably like it but I’m not likely to actively recommend it to people unprompted”, so somewhere better than “meh” but perhaps a little worse than “good solid book” :slight_smile:

(That leaves me 1 and 2 for “I didn’t like this book” and 4 and 5 for “I would actively recommend this book to others”. Scale still biased to higher numbers because I tend to avoid books I don’t think I’ll enjoy.)


同感 :+1:t2:


Same. Nothing speaks truer to this than that the series I’m currently on book 3 of I rated 3 stars. It’s fun, I enjoy it, but the writing kinda sucks and the cases are often way too easy to guess.

2 means I dislike and don’t recommend. 1 means I hated it.

4/5 are kinda wishy washy tbh. Sometimes I look at my old 4s and think they should be 5s, or my 5s and think they should be 4s :person_shrugging:


Yeah. In theory, my 5s should be books I will remember because they were so good or impacted me so much… and then I look through my 5 stars and am like… “What was this book even about?” :rofl:


I can’t believe my example of an author I didn’t enjoy spawned another book club :joy: I guess we’re all incorrigible!


Truth be told, omk2 and I had planned to read this together for some time now, and we had narrowed it down to “end of the year” iirc. So “spawned” would be a bit strong, I think, but I guess your example helped bring it to light :rofl:


Yeah so I forgot ダイヤのA Act I has 47 volumes, a.k.a. 2 more than HQ. I thought it had fewer. So if I do finish it, that will end up being a new top series! I ended up finding a set pretty cheaply on eBay and getting it. No Act II, though, even the cheapest set I found was a fair bit more expensive than some of the Act I sets despite having 13 fewer volumes, though I suppose that’s probably for the best actually. I still have a larger 積読本+読んでる本 pile than 読んだ本 pile even before adding all the books I’m getting soon! (It’s something like 75. I mean, not all at once, but. lol and y’all were just talking about spamming the feed earlier.)

Nope, did not, and I didn’t miscalculate the number of books of hers I’d read, so maybe when a book has multiple authors, that grouping is counted in a single author in stats, like iTunes? Oh well, guess I’ll just have to read more of her novels. Although these past couple days I’ve had a marked increase in fic ideas, so I’ve slowed waaay down in reading. I’m barely past the halfway mark in おっさん聖女, and I’d hoped to be a lot closer to finishing by now. And I haven’t had much motivation to pick up any manga either, so I don’t think I’ll be finishing anything until the second half of October…


Cheering for you to finish :tada:
And start the second :tada:
Since it’ll kick me back into gear again :tada::crazy_face:


Today I started and finished 推し、燃ゆ | L36 which marks the first time that I managed to read a Japanese book in a single day :tada:
I’m not into idols at all, so I didn’t expect to be able to relate to the main character, but I was pleasantly surprised. I’d recommend it, but it is rather depressing. I felt sad for pretty much everyone.


Will anybody be interested if I try opening a GL club? (seeing the BL club kinda made me consider this for a while now lol)


Did you have any specific series in mind?

Side comment about the term GL

I have heard that in Japan the term “girls’ love” refers not to yuri but to pedophilia, which if true is a good reason not to use it. The Japanese Wikipedia article called 少女愛 confirms this (saying 少女愛 is synonymous with ロリコン), though to be fair I don’t know if that meaning is transferable to the English phrase “girls’ love”. Either way, this is why I avoid that term and prefer the term “yuri”.


I was thinking just anything Yuri/GL/wlw in general

(It’s kinda funny you say that because I avoid using Yuri because of the original specific uses they have lol (as in it’s Yuri only if it’s created by women - like it’s always a huge plus especially with how women are depicted by men but if a guy created something I like I try to be inclusive about it - plus it’s a bit exhausting to have to check for every series of the author is male or female each time I want to try something out for a bit), in the end the western-original use dispensary will always exist I think. I’ll just put GL/Yuri/wlw in the title instead to be clear about this)

Edit; for some reason I read genre instead of series lmaooo
I have several actually!!
But I would love to have suggestions (it’s partially why I want to open the club in the first place :crazy_face:)