What are you reading today?

Thanks to @bungakushoujo’s suggestion I discovered ルポ塾歴社会 日本のエリート教育を牛耳る「鉄緑会」と「サピックス」の正体 幻冬舎新書 | L30??.
read a few pages and according to the book most of successful students in Japan come from only two cram schools, and the author wants to discuss the reasons behind these 2 huge cram schools’ success and domination.
It caught my interest because in my country too there’s a competitive university entrance exam and each year many of those accepted in top universities come from few specific schools. So I like to compare the 2 countries.
I’ll skim through the book for now and only read parts that I’m most curious about, then pause and come back to it later when I have more time and focus for a nonfiction.