What are you reading today?

So, yesterday, I finally finished 吾輩は猫である | L48 and I have to say that overall I liked it a lot, but the end really took me by surprise.

The plot is just brutally wrapped up, the main characters go on some random rants (not really surprising at this point, to be fair), one of which saying that art is going to die because of individualism: whatever one person likes and think is art will just be boring garbage to others because everyone is too different. Then the titular cat just dies, while saying why even struggle, it feels so much better to just let go. The end.

I can’t help but wonder, is that related to something that happened in real life? I know that the content was actually serialized, did it get bad reviews leading the author to just give up?

Moving the following here since it’s more relevant:

That would have been a great end too! And he could have still just ended the story here.

Anyway, as a way to change my mind, I started reading TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 1 ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ | L45?? for the silly reason that I absolutely do not believe that it is level 45. After reaching the end of the free preview, I just took the plunge and read one third of the book.
There’s some very suspicious loli content in it, such as an 11 years old girl topless in the color illustrations at the beginning. On the one hand, she has been a very fun character so far and sus content has been very few so far. On the other hand, sus content hasn’t been zero so far, which is… not great.
Now, the writing is pretty good otherwise for a light novel and it’s a stonk; line goes up type of story, which I do enjoy in general. The book is on thin ice so far, but I’m still reading.