What are you reading today?


It was interesting reading やが君 in such close proximity to ささ恋. For the first few chapters of ささ恋, they seem similar (main character designs and the initial hook), but they really have nothing in common otherwise. They’re probably my two favorite yuri - or at least the ones that have left the strongest impression on me - but for completely opposite reasons. (青い花 | L27 is a close runner up, and citrus | L25 also left a strong impression on me… but for the wrong reasons)

君に紡ぐ傍白 will probably be my next reread. 3 full color volumes. College student yuri with characters who aren’t hiding their relationship, and aren’t afraid of physical & emotional intimacy. I can finally write a review for volume 2, this time around :slight_smile:


I finally was able to get myself to start 2.43 next4years today! The front and back covers have pencil sketches by the series’ illustrator Yamakawa Aiji of Subaru, Chika, and Yuni in their Keyakisha game uniforms. They’re so pretty. I wish I could draw like that one day…


Not that I read a whole lot today though; I’m way too tired. I’ve read part of the prologue before—tried reading it online at one point, I think while I was still on the 代表決定戦編? idk my memory’s terrible—and while I do remember some of it, I don’t remember this opening bit lol

Ahhh but I’m so excited to finally be reading this. I’m excited to see how their dynamics change in college, and also to get more of Yumikake. I got super attached to him in the 春高編, and it’s entirely possible he may usurp Aoki as my fave.


I’ll report back after my subscription renews towards the end of May, if i get locked out again.

If you do get access back though, I recently discovered that you can save the files locally (ググってくださいね), so even if you do get locked out again, at least you can still listen to them. You’ll just need some dedicated disk space of course.

Oh and just an extra note, I had two cards on my account, I removed the one I hardly ever use, so just leaving the one card on the account. Just thought i’d mention in case that might make a difference, maybe all cards need to be switched to a JP address?

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Sadly seems to be too late, I’ll probably won’t be renewing, and go back to stuff I can buy in Audible.com

Just for reference, where did you add the billing address? I did it on Amazon but yeah, it didn’t change the lock behaviour. I didn’t even use my normal amazon accounts so it doesn’t get any mixed data in…

I did it on amazon.jp too.

Perhaps I did just get lucky then.

Started playing 夢現Re:Master b/c it’s 60% off on Steam for GW, and it has overwhelmingly good reviews, sounds interesting (yuri + game dev office setting), etc. I’m only 3 hrs in, but so far I’m very… confused? on the fence? underwhelmed, but still interested? Also started NEW GAME! -THE CHALLENGE STAGE.


The premise is completely unbelievable - a girl who can’t so much as touch type, and barely knows anything about computers or game design/development, gets scouted to a game dev company b/c it will somehow be helpful for her younger sister (who cut off contact with her 5 years ago)… but just gotta roll with that. The way the office functions is also incredibly unrealistic so far. The coworker interactions border between mysterious and kinda fun and interesting, to asinine and borderline insulting to your intelligence. I guess it depends on your expectations…

The part that really should be interesting: the game dev aspect is so far a really lost opportunity, as it starts from the most basic of basics (which is bg knowledge that anyone playing a VN probably already has). I can’t help but compare it to NEW GAME! | L22, which really nailed making the game dev stuff both accessible and interesting.

On a brighter side, the protagonist is enjoyable, and the emotional side of things is kinda interesting so far, and the aesthetic is really on point. The language is a good level for me (at most 2-4 unknown words per screen). So it’s great for vocab acquisition. Everything besides the protagonist’s internal monologue (which there is a lot of) is voiced.


This one is really simple language wise, so far, and everything is voiced (besides Aoba’s internal monologue). So far it’s basically what you’d expect from the anime. EAGLE JUMP got an urgent request for DLC, and Aoba’s put in charge. There’s different routes (non-romantic I assume). The (mostly) simple language almost felt like a let down, right after 夢現Re:Master… but it’s not like I have zero lookups either. So far though this has been the easiest VN I’ve tried to read, and I can mostly follow in realtime. So I guess I’ve got something nice to relax with :slight_smile:

If anyone’s played 夢現Re:Master, I’d be curious to hear your thoughts. I’ll probly keep playing it for language learning, and also cuz I already spent the money on it :sweat_smile:


Hey thank you, this worked for me after a bunch of titles started being region locked recently :pray:

Maybe unlikely but just in case - did you check whether the address looks right when editing your credit card on Audible directly? I tried adding a Japanese address on Amazon first and that didn’t work, until I saw that while that updates Audible automatically it didn’t quite fill the right address fields on Audible (the 区・市町村 value was in the address field or something). Shifted it around so it’s correct and now it works :see_no_evil:


I finished 魔法少年なつき×らびっツ 4 完 | L24 last night, and thus the series. What an awesome series, @shablul and @bibliothecary! Fantastic recommendation, and I wish there were more volumes. :smiling_face_with_tear: Like, I’d take filler episode-esque “let’s track down the magic doodads!” type thing; I just want more interactions with the main cast, haha.

Now I’m curios @bibliothecary: is your banner official art, or fanart?


Official, found on the mangaka’s twitter - I just added the background. :slightly_smiling_face:


If you liked I really do recommend trying the mangakas other stuff

Her style of storytelling and character build is very distinctive across all her works and I honestly think you would like them!

Edit; forgot to say that I’m really happy to hear you liked it :heart_hands::heart_hands::heart_hands::heart_hands:

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I’m definitely thinking I’ll have to; なつき surprised me with how consistently entertained I was, and I was impressed how the author managed to give each character a reasonable amount of screentime despite only having four volumes to work with.

Do you have a suggestion with with series I start with?


魔法使いの弟子 is also a finished series so I would personally go there and then to 僕の呪いの吸血姫 since it’s still ongoing (the longest so far!)


Woah, 僕の呪いの吸血姫 is by the 魔法少年なつき×らびっツ author? I would’ve never guessed, considering how different they are in genre and subject matter, but since I think both are brilliant I now gotta check out the third one there :smiley:


I just read chapter 1 of Crystal Hunters. I was able to mostly understand the sentences, looking up a couple words here and there. But what’s nice is that those words were repeated multiple times, so I’ve already learned a lot just from this. It feels almost like I’m cheating, being able to read this early, but if it works, it works.


Nah, I’d say crystal hunters is doing it’s job, then! You are being served a quality product.

Wait a minute, I didn’t realize they expanded into other languages. Do not look at them, do not look at them…


Sooo it’s been a hot minute since the last time I posted an update here, huh.
Technically, I did mention I read the next (and last so far) volume of TRPGプレイヤー in the bingo thread, but still.

Since then, work has been crushing my soul (like every year around this time, it’s kinda funny looking at my yearly dip in number of books read). Looking at those numbers, it usually takes me until July/August to recover and start reading again (despite the rush being contained to April).

As a way to get back in the saddle (and following recommendations from the “what should I read next” thread) I decided to finish どうも、噂の悪女でございます 1 (not on Natively yet, huh), because it’s short, easy, and I really want to be sure of myself before giving it a one star rating. Because, you never know, maybe it’s just an elaborated setup and everything turns on it head at the end. But it seems not. I can’t get myself through more than 1 or 2% at a time before ragequitting.

Minor spoilers shown; major spoilers hidden

It’s one of those typical stories where the main character was betrothed to the crown prince but at the beginning of the story he accuses her of being evil or something, breaks the engagement and get with a different girl (who is the source of the accusation, manipulative and/or just stupid).
The unintended “twist” here is that I agree with the other girl, not the main character. In particular, the ground for the main character to be on the right side reeks of reverse sexism, honestly, and is pretty enraging.
You see, the crown prince is a 10/10 who’s pretty smart, hard working, and kind. He literally collapses in the library trying to study more stuff on the side to be a good king in the future. Pretty mid, honestly. We need a real high value male, like his younger brother, who’s a 12/10, who’s the best swordsman in the realm, can achieve 25 hours of work per day without breaking a sweat, and still find time to date the main character (and pay for everything, of course, despite her being rich anyway). So they (the younger brother and the main character) conspire to have the crown prince lose his claim to the throne so that they can get married instead. Can’t have a weak guy as king, you know. Plus, that guy is obviously too easy to manipulate. How could he fall for disinformation given to him by his closest advisor (his own brother) and his own mother (who is unrelated to the plan, but can see it happening and willfully doesn’t warn him)? Trusting your own mother? How silly.

So, they are the bad guys, right? Right? But, err, seems not.
Also, the way the other girl “seduces” the crown prince is by telling him that he doesn’t need to work to the point of collapsing. He doesn’t need to know all the things, that’s what advisors are for. He doesn’t need to be the strongest swordsman in the realm, that’s what bodyguards are for (or is brother, I guess?). One thing I hated was that despite her being pretty smart and level-headed, she suddenly became childish and selfish as soon as she is engaged to the crown prince… Like, she just saw him break one engagement, doesn’t that would tell her to be careful at least until marriage? Plus, that side of her was never established so far. I guess it may have come out become she is in over her head? Still, weird.

Meanwhile, the bad thing the main character did to that girl were not “bad” from the point of view of said main character, but… seriously? “I just told her to know her place, it’s for her own good!” Maybe I’m just too French for this book, but that scene made me internally call for the guillotine. And it’s not all. The main character’s “virtue” is that she is behaving like a cog in the machine. I mean, at least she does live by what she told the other girl, but she is the embodiment of “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

The only thing I liked so far is that the other girl is not collapsing yet (contrary to the scheme of the main characters) despite having to perform the magical tasks of the main character in her place because she is taking time to rest and delegates everything else to others who can do it.

Anyway, maybe there’s eventually a reversal (I’m only at 60%), but I don’t think so. Somehow the author is putting a lot of effort into showing us how the crown prince and his fiancee are dumb and arrogant (despite the incompatible initial setup), so it would be weird for them to become the good guys at this point.

Instead, I read 神様はじめました | L27 19 and 20 yesterday. Not only is it much more refreshing to read manga, it does feel good to read actual paper books, AND I like the story and the characters. I will still finish the other thing at some point, though.

*takes notes*


Ah, see, I always get excited when @Naphthalene comes to visit; I love getting hear about these poorly-written books without having to suffer through them myself.


So I read the first volume of 魔法使いの弟子 (in English, so I’m not going to rate it here), and… unfortunately it didn’t mesh with me at all, despite liking the other two works of the author so much. Pity.

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I don’t have a credit card in Audible because all of my cards get rejected there for being non-japanese.

The 金井千咲貴 cult grows once again :smiling_imp: