So I’ve been in book club catch up mode so far this year, and I’m now up to date with my current book clubs. Over here I’m reading along with the current Children’s Book Club with 人類サバイバル, while over on Wanikani’s forums I’m reading ぼっち and ぼっち with the BBC and IMC respectively. I’m also probably going to join 魔法少年なつき×らびっツ with the BL Book Club here.
Aside from book clubs, I’ve now got some time to pick my own reading material again with the holiday backlog out of the way. I have an order from Amazon JP en route with:
- Volumes 5 to 8 of the 本好き junior novel (Part 1 Volume 3 and Part 2 Volume 1 for readers of the full novel version). I had the full novel versions of Part 1 Volume 1 and 2 in physical copies because that’s what my European retailer stocked, but I kept going to my digital furigana versions so I’m just getting the physical furiganas editions to hopefully do more physical novel reading
- Volumes 2 to 4 of とんがり帽子のアトリエ
- Volumes 7 to 12 of 葬送のフリーレン
- Volumes 1 to 2 of Spy X Family
And in terms of physical manga still lying around, I have Dr Stone volume 1, 本好き part 2 manga and Made In Abyss volume 1 to 3. I don’t super feel like overdosing on 本好き with my plans for more volumes of the novel also, so I’ll probably leave the part 2 manga for now, but I might try read volumes 1 of Dr Stone and Made in Abyss in the 2 weeks until my Amazon order gets here.
Other things that are on my radar (with some encouragement from the bingo thread).
- 一週間フレンズ | L22 which I first heard of in Animegraphy… 2014? and had the concept sitting in my head as intriguing but now with a need to fill the Natively bingo square for character with a disability, seems like a good excuse to actually go and read it
- ブナの森のアリア 第1巻 | L25 which was recommended to me on the bingo thread when I commented on the small amount of manga set in Ireland
- とある魔術の禁書目録外伝とある科学の超電磁砲 1 | L27 - I’ve had this in progress since last year and it’s the one thing in my in progress list on Natively that isn’t a book club read so it’ll be nice to clear it off the table. I don’t think I’ll do future volumes in the short term though, as while I love the setting, the amount of sci-fi/fantasy or just plain made up language for this manga makes it not great learning material. Still, it’ll check off the sci-fi bingo card