What are you reading today?

I’m glad you liked it! It’s one of the first things I read, so I’m sure I missed a lot but it was still really fun. I should really re-read it sometime soon.

Also, you should check out 神様2011 if you haven’t yet, a new version of the first story written after the 2011 earthquake and nuclear disaster. It’s an interesting look at the emotions and fears people were feeling around that time, and especially gripping when you have the original story to compare it with.


i’m reading 少女革命ウテナ 1 | L23. i started it back in august, but didn’t get very far. i’m most of the way through the fourth volume now, and really really enjoying it.

i first watched the anime many years ago, and it’s been a favourite of mine ever since. with a few rewatches, i know the characters and plot quite well. going into the manga, i knew to expect some differences. and there are plenty, sometimes small details, sometimes quite large differences. but the characters remain true to themselves.

and the characters are really the core of Utena. they are layered and complex, and few (if any) are unequivocally good or evil (expect for the main villain, he is a manipulative, gaslighting, abusive bastard. almost as bad as kyubei (from Madoka Magika)). it’s a delight to see Utena and Anshii grow and develop.

talking about abusive bastards, there is violence in here. often very cold, calculated, manipulative violence. the physical violence is restrained, never gratuitous. but with much fewer comedic elements than the anime, and the ability to pause whenever it feels right, i find that the manga hits harder.

fully recommended, and i’m really looking forward to discovering how it ends in the manga! :smiley:


I have one volume left (which I’ll get around to when my book club assignments aren’t piling up :see_no_evil: ) and hard agree to everything in this post, but especially this. He’s evil in a really realistic way, despite how fantastical everything else is.

I’m overall enjoying the manga, but Juri’s arc and Miki’s arc where my favorites from the anime, and the manga just didn’t live up to those for me.


I grew up with stuff like Utena and 90s BL… It’s a miracle I even know what a healthy relationship looks like. :see_no_evil:


in particular i’d have liked to see more of Juri, yeah. their arcs got sacrificed to length, i guess?

thinking about it, this is why i compared him to Kyubei. because in Madoka Magica also, if you wash away all the fantastical elements, you have a very clear portrayal of what this kind of abuse looks like.

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Today I finished reading とんがり帽子のアトリエ 11 | L28 and NEW GAME! 5 | L22.

とんがり帽子 is beautiful as always, but also frustrating as is often the case. The story doesn’t progress fast enough and introduces too many convoluted elements. A simpler (and more focused) story that moved more quickly would be more to my liking. (And honestly, I’d prefer if it was a bit darker.) The only reason I keep reading it is because of the art and because I read it with a reading buddy.

For New Game, I was surprised that I enjoyed volume 5. I don’t find the series to be very funny compared to my favorite Manga Time Kirara series, but I enjoy the story and characters. However volume 5 is a spinoff/prequel volume showing Aoba in her senior year of high school, meaning it doesn’t move the main story forward at all. But I still enjoyed it just as much as the first four volumes.

I also bought 28 (I kid you not) volumes of Manga Time Kirara manga because there was a crazy 55 yen sale. So those 28 volumes cost what 2 volumes would normally cost. The thing is, this sale was just for first volumes in a series, so I now have 28 new series to check out. :sweat_smile: I’m sure I’ll be back to post a poll in "What should I read next?" Megathread soon enough, because I’m going to have trouble deciding what to read!


Aaaah I went to the book store yesterday and forgot to buy this one. Bah.

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Just finished it. There were some unfortunate production decisions towards the end (they used this echo effect for some of the dialogue in the flashbacks that made it a bit hard to understand), but overall the audiobook was really great. I loved the book when I read it the first time and the audiobook added even more emotion. Highly recommend.


I noticed yesterday that you hadn’t read book 11 yet. Guess I should have said something!


I remembered to grab シャドーハウス (series) | L22 (well, the first 3 volumes) instead!


I finished the audiobook of 本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~第二部「神殿の巫女見習い1」 | L31 yesterday (the weakest volume so far, imo), then binged an English audiobook and then tried to find something that wasn’t 本好き as I don’t want to burn myself out on 1 series. I eventually settled on そして、バトンは渡された | L29 (I don’t like this cover :face_holding_back_tears:) as it’s ranked fairly low in difficulty and I have also watched the movie before (and really liked it).
Physically, I am still making my way through https://learnnatively.com/book/33e4a42953/ but It’s a fairly straight-forward, quick read. Very chill.


Gotta love those movie covers; glad to see they’re just as terrible in the Japanese market as the English.

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Yes, but in Japan, you often get the original cover underneath, so you can just strip the movie cover if you don’t like it. :face_holding_back_tears:

book getting nekid :flushed:


Dang, now that is nice. I’m jealous!


There are places called 三田 in Kansai and Kanto. Sanda in Kansai and Mita in Kanto. So, your reading is perfectly alacceptable.

Oh it wasn’t my choice of reading at all, it was given that as furigana. I suspect it’s a rare, though valid, reading.

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Or just the author having fun. Japanese have a long history of assigning random readings to random kanji… looking at you 寿司 :eyes:

I received and finished today

I came across it as a recommendation and I really enjoyed it.
There’s a volume 2 coming on in February.

The physical book itself has a very nice quality to it too.


Heads up for isekai fans on Kindle: the first volume of とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ1 豚の生姜焼き×伝説の魔獣 | L28 is free for the moment. Not isekai, but the first volume of ティアムーン帝国物語 ~断頭台から始まる、姫の転生逆転ストーリー~ | L30 is on sale for ¥99.


Thanks for the info!

Got both for free! (The 99yen one was done with points)

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