What are you reading today?


And I think people would be thankful regardless of tone :slight_smile:


Today I started my adventure of reading 1M characters every month of 2024 with ティアムーン帝国物語III~断頭台から始まる、姫の転生逆転ストーリー~ | L31.

ミーア姫殿下、帝国の叡智 万歳!


I got tempted by that, and now I only have 8 volumes left until I own all 42 暁のヨナ volumes… So much for not spending money on books this month :sweat_smile:


I just finished 山本アヒルの実録4コマ 1 | L24?? which was a rather zany 4koma gag collection. I actually have a hard time rating the difficulty because there are 4 separate sections that all have their own kind of feel, but it was pretty accessible aside from some cultural jokes and some gags that are just plaint weird for the sake of it. I’ll probably move onto the second volume next since it was a fairly quick read.


Found an interesting typo in my book: somehow, the chapter heading 7章 got skipped. It goes 6章 ->8章. I think I do see where it was supposed to be broken; it’s got all the usual signs: big paragraph break before, change of scene, ふりがな re-given for names and such. I think this is the first time in any language I’ve seen this kind of mistake.


I tried some more and I still hate it, but I will finish it eventually. Out of spite of anything else.

As a distraction, I read the first two volumes of 葬送のフリーレン 1 | L26 since someone mentioned that it’s free to read right now. It’s (obviously) a tearjerker (the plot being that the main character, an elf who can live literal millennia, has to deal with the loss of her friends, since they are mostly humans, the one dwarf is still alive so far, but he is near the end), but I like those anyway. It’s also fun to think about what happens after 魔王 has been defeated (that was the quest that made her meet said friends).

I like the story a lot, but I have so many things I am (obviously not) reading right now that it will have to go on the “maybe someday” pile.


Sounds a lot like “Highlander” :rofl:

although I don’t want to compare Sean Connery with a dwarf :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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at least the accent would fit. :rofl:


Thanks to Legato’s lovely suggestion, I have now achieved my coveted 365-day streak in Bunpro. :tada: And now I’m off to hide the streak counter from my dashboard to spare myself future grief, haha.


Have you seen the anime? If so, how does it compare?

I tried reading it a while back and was bored to tears, so stopped after ch 1. Then months later the anime came out and I was still super bored, but stuck with it until it became interesting. Might make a good distraction read, now that I have some investment in the characters/story.


I’m reading 老女的少女ひなたちゃん

Today I laughed at this panel. The girl climbed into a second story window nonchalantly to see her sick friend.



I am more than half way through the second volume and so far manga and anime are one to one. Usually I would not like this, but in this case it helped to fill in some gaps from watching the show. At last, フリーレン got thrown into the dungeon.


I haven’t seen the anime, but I found the manga interesting from chapter 1, so I don’t think my opinion would help you anyway :sweat_smile:


I started watching the anime, then read the first volume of the manga. I found the anime a lot more enjoyable than the manga, which felt pretty bland/generic.


So I uh… didn’t do that. I didn’t read much, if at all, over the holidays but I just finished volume 3 :joy: I still don’t feel like I’d get burned out if I continued reading right now but it’s time to start working on my bingo card! Next thing I’ll read will be 改良 | L29 for the “author’s debut work” square! It’s pretty short but I’ll think about what to read next when I get to that point. Maybe I’ll just go straight back and read volume 4 LOL (the rest of my TBR is weeping)


Whoa, that’s an awesome cover! I see @bungakushoujo seems to have read the book; what’s it about?


I love 改良 | L29 and 東野遥!! :heart_eyes: It’s about a male college student who is obsessed with beauty and spends all his money on becoming more beautiful. A really interesting look at gender dynamics and beauty norms + a quick gripping read! A great debut work for anyone else who needs a bingo square. :wink:


I finished up 老女的少女ひなたちゃん 1 | L20 today - it’s cute, I enjoyed it, left a review.


So I should be reading my book clubs but convincing myself to be productive today was a lost cause with all my :sparkles: shiny new :sparkles: books in front of me.

I decided to read a little bit more of 私の夫は冷凍庫に眠っている (小学館文庫 や 28-1) | L28?? and suddenly I’m 50 pages into a 260 page book and kinda feel like continuing reading?! I’ll say that the writing is nothing special and it’s probably something of an airplane novel, but I’m enjoying it. It doesn’t waste time on endless setup, we know exactly why we should be interested in this story within the first few pages and are given just enough backstory to flesh the characters out, and then fed another plot tweak (not so intense as to be a twist, but a change to keep things fresh).

I will say as a content warning in case anyone wants to pick this up, domestic violence and murder are mentioned in this book. Neither so far is particularly graphic, no idea if it will stay that way. Not a spoiler, it’s also mentioned on the summary on the back of the book.

edit: Huh, this maybe qualifies for my debut work bingo spot? Apparently it was originally published on https://estar.jp/ (which seems kinda like 小説家になろう except maybe with more TL? Though maybe they both have a lot of TL, dunno) and I don’t see anything else published by her

edit 2: 【本文】私の夫は冷凍庫に眠っている|1ページ - 小説投稿エブリスタ damn I could have read this for free. I also maybe just spoiled the ending for myself by checking the last page of each, whoops


Finished 死亡遊戯で飯を食う。 | L33 - had a hard time rating this one - it’s entertaining but as literature it’s profoundly lacking - and my standards for that are not exactly high.

Moving on to 竜愛づる騎士の誓約 上 | L30?? - not sure what to expect. Feels very orthodox fantasy from the first few pages though.