It’s been uh… 3 months? Since my last proper update. And I haven’t read much besides manga in that time. But to be fair, as excuses go, I have a pretty good one:
Moving to Japan
I'm officially living and working in Japan now! If you'd asked me 5 years ago when I first started learning the language, I never would have guessed in a million years that I'd actually decide to live here. But after graduating college and doing some part time work as a bartender, I decided that if I was going to make the plunge into a real career, I might as well go big.
How did I get a job in Japan? Well for starters, my degree was in Computer Science, which makes things easier, but I was picky and wanted a job related to game development, which made things harder. For me, the hardest part was getting an interview. I applied to probably 40 companies independently and didn’t get a single response (even with N1 and a portfolio website). But then, I found a recruiter on LinkedIn who was willing to talk to me directly and was very impressed with my Japanese skills.
It seems I have somehow acquired unusually good pronunciation, which does wonders for first impressions. I genuinely don’t know how this happened. (I did pay for Dōgen’s patreon once and speedran the whole pronunciation course in a month, but I ignored all of his drills and other study suggestions, so… I guess the baseline knowledge was still helpful?)
In any case, by having this recruiter apply on my behalf and put in a good word for me, I was able to get interviews from two companies who eventually both gave me an offer. I picked one, and about 3 months later, I moved into an apartment in Tokyo.
Try to spot the 2 months I was unemployed and waiting for a visa!
Since moving here I’ve had a lot of stuff to do, both necessary-for-moving stuff and fun-living-in-a-new-place stuff. On top of that my job is a consistent 9 to 6, with occasional overtime, so I don’t have time for nearly as many hobbies as I used to maintain back in college. And the new Factorio DLC isn’t helping either…
With that out of the way, what have I been up to instead? Visiting lots of bars local businesses near me has been fun, and I’ve found the time to pick up a few new interests, the most consuming of which have been the rather unusual combination of arcade rhythm games (nothing activates 100% of my brain like オンゲキ does) and Rakugo.
落語 rant
It's hard to pinpoint what drew me to Rakugo so much. At first, I think it was just curiosity. I found out about it from the anime 昭和元禄落語心中, and I wound up spending weeks reading the Wikipedia articles listed on the page for 古典落語, since each one of them was was a fun, challenging read with a guaranteed payoff. But armed with that basic knowledge, going to a Rakugo performance feels like being 'in' on an inside joke, performed live for an audience.
My workplace is right near one of the major 寄席 in Tokyo, so I walk past it every day on my way to and from work. If I happen to be heading home late as intermission ends, entry is half price, so I find myself stopping by for the end of a performance quite often. I’ve even been going to some 特別興行 or my favorite performers’ 独演会, to the point that I’ve decided to set myself a budget for Rakugo performances
I also found out only recently about the show 笑点, which for the uninitiated is basically Whose Line but with Rakugo performers doing the improv. For a solid two weeks I was up into the AM watching youtube clips of old 笑点 episodes, and I’ve been keeping up with the new ones every week too (though they’re not quite as good as the 1990s-2000s golden age eps). I’m applying for the chance to see it in person whenever I can too, hopefully I’ll get lucky one of these weeks!
Anyone looking for suggestions, 春風亭 一之輔 and 三遊亭 ごはんつぶ are probably my favorite current performers. On Youtube you can also find recordings of 桂 歌丸 and (六代目) 三遊亭 円楽, who in addition to being iconic on 笑点 also do excellent 落語 performances.
Whoops, that’s two long text walls no one cares about Let’s get to the books, shall we?
昭和元禄落語心中: I can’t remember if I talked about Volume 1 already or not, but this is a character drama (BL? Depending on who you ask) with Rakugo as the central theme. I watched the anime first, and honestly I might just continue the anime instead of the manga, as I think the audiovisual medium enhances this series a lot. But the manga is excellent as well.
あかね噺: (Oops, all rakugo?) This is another rakugo based manga, which I picked up because it was a rakugo based manga. Fairly entertaining so far. The first volume felt like it was trying really hard to explain rakugo to the reader, so I’m hoping the series comes more into its own soon.
ゴールデンカムイ2: This series has been on my radar for a long time, so I thought I’d finally pick it up now that I was in Japan and it was easily accessible. Progress has been slow but I like what I’ve read so far. It’s almost scratching my Fullmetal Alchemist itch… but unfortunately, that also means it’s making me want to read FMA instead, which I might end up doing first.
やがて君になる: This series is like a bag of cookies. I could just keep eating them all day, but I know I’ll eventually run out, so I try to ration myself.
オレが私になるまで: I tried this book a long time ago, and got immediately turned off by the free preview. But I saw someone here (@seanblue maybe?) comment on it awhile ago saying it gets better by the end of the first volume, and since I already owned it I decided to finish it off. It defied my expectations in a lot of ways, and although there are still things I don’t love about it I did buy the next volume already.
本好きの下剋上:アンソロジー: I’ve been reading these for free on LINE manga on the train, and it’s been fun in that format. I don’t think I could sit down and read one of these books from start to finish, but for 10 minute periods with nothing better to do they’re thoroughly enjoyable.
本好き LN: Ah, I remember when I had dreams of finishing this series by the end of the year… Alas, it may be 無理 now. I swear I’ll at least finish this volume but I don’t know if 3 more is feasable…though as I type this, it seems like maybe I could squeeze them in… Time shall tell.
When the new year rolls around, my two goals will be getting back to consistent reading and picking up Mandarin again, since I want to visit China while I’m on this side of the world. Will I be able to fulfill either of these goals? Stay tuned to find out, dear listeners!