Wow, I feel like I don’t often see manga listed at that high a level; I’m curious if it actually falls that high.
I’ve been jumping around quite a few books lately, though none are really new; just been working my way through series.
Flesh&Blood 12: finally starting on the next F&B book. I took a couple months’ break in order to read through some of the 外伝 stories the author’s written for the series; there’s an absolute ton of them. Anyway, this book starts at a really exciting part of the current arc and is the first book with a new (and the current) artist, so there’s lots of reasons to be excited.
Flesh&Blood外伝 女王陛下の海賊たち: speaking of the F&B 外伝 stories, this contains four of them. I’ve finished two of the four in this book; I’m hoping to squeeze in #3 at some point, but #4 will have to wait a bit. I’m reading the short stories after the volume they were released, so I won’t be able to get to #4 until after finishing F&B 13.
告白: reading with the mystery book club. Good stuff, good stuff. It also feels like an easier read than our previous book club books, which I’m grateful for. This next reading section is really long, so I might need to start early. @.@
レバダン・希望の花 6: I’m close to finishing this series (it’s 8 volumes total). It continues to be a fun one; I’m curious what the last arc of the story’s going to be, since the villain I thought would be the final boss appears to be, for the moment, defanged. For those who read my earlier recommendation post, the art does improve; it’s not distracting in the least, and hasn’t been for a few volumes at least.
ファイアパンチ 5: I’m actually reading this with my English book club; I thought it would be a good series to read along in Japanese, and I was right. Easy read, fast paced. I’m kind of looking forward to being done with it though, honestly. It’s entertaining, but I’m not really sure how the author’s going to resolve things in any good way. There’s 8 volumes total, and I have a feeling everyone’s going to have a bittersweet ending, if even that.
吸血鬼ドラキュラ: Reading alongside Daily Dracula and @DIO-Berry. Just taking this one slow; I really appreciate not needing to worry over it, haha. This one should wrap up sometime in November, iirc.
D.Gray-man reverse 2 四十九番目の名前: the eternal hanger-on. I should’ve finished this way back in January, but here we are. I’ll either devote a weekend to it or make it a priority after I finish up レバダン and ファイアパンチ. I honestly want to read it, but F&B keeps pushing it to the side.
Hmm. This is way more than I usually like having on my plate, but there’s just enough “I’m only reading this every once in a while” that it kind of balances out, I think. Once I finish レバダン I need to pick another series from my manga backlog. Might be time to finally try out that fancy “What should I read next?” thread.
I’m convinced that 七回死んだ男 wasn’t actually hard, it just felt hard because the writing was so bad and everyone had unusual names that didn’t get furigana
I was lucky enough to get through interlibrary loan, so I started that when it came in this past Tuesday. So far I’ve read 3 of the 5 stories; the third one is a significant jump in difficulty from the first two. Additionally, the loan included the audio disc (wasn’t sure what condition the book would be in), so I’ve been able to listen to the stories as well. The loan is for five weeks, and I should be able to finish well within that.
I had started on the week prior, but that’s on hold until I finish the ILL. I’m only about a chapter (~20 pages) in so far - it’s noticeably harder than my last LN foray, but I’m also enjoying it a lot more.
Hah, I remember that jump. Iirc the fourth story shouldn’t be as bad, and the fifth I remember being a bit difficult as well. It’s a nice collection of stories, though.
I just “read” 刻どキ. It’s a short one shot from ジャンプGIGA 2016 vol.4, but they made this cool voiced youtube adaption. I enjoyed it and it was pretty easy considering I understood most of it just by listening.
While this may show a lack of understanding from me, they’re currently just submitted as a standalone manga… is there a reason they would have special handling?
I think there’s also the consideration that the OG work is a magazine, and seanblue read one story from it, not all of them, so they haven’t read the full book, even if they’ve read all that was interesting to them.
Yeah I know there’s a lot of digital only manga which is quite popular that we don’t support.
Unfortunately, I think that’ll be the case for quite some time. But if people have a well defined request / desire for more content types, happily consider / approve a product request for the backlog
Finally finished わたしの幸せな結婚 vol 2 today. This felt much more difficult than vol 1 and thus much slower and thus a bit boring and thus I was reluctant to pick it up and thus it took me ages to finish. (thus is a very convenient word. )
I restarted 記憶屋 | L30 because I didn’t really remember much - generally, plots of Japanese books seem to vanish from my brain faster than English or German.
And finally, I am on track with the mystery bookclub read 告白 | L 34 which I am enjoying very much.
Edit: fixing links, since the automatic system still seems broken.
I finally started 人間失格 after like ages (2 weeks) of wanting to. for something of that level it’s actually pretty easy although I am kind of used to Dazai’s writing style at this point. I also started さよなら絶望先生3 yesterday and I’ve been trying to savour it since it’s my favourite series so I’ve been going through it slower than I could.
Finished 暁のヨナ 41 (which hasn’t been added to the site yet). Edit: just finished SAO 26, which is the 2nd light novel I’ve completed (though I’ve partially read others in the series). Gonna start SAO 27, and should get back to Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle one of these days.
New Game is far easier than Bocchi the Rock. I’m currently reading Bocchi volume 4 and just finished New Game volume 10, and the difference is really noticeable.
Anything particular you find easy/hard about either of them?
I finished my first nonfiction book of the year, パパ活女子 - it was a pretty good read, although rather depressing. I don’t think I’m going to make things any better for myself as my other in-progress read is 死体は語る (basically tales from a medical examiner) and I think I might start 面白いほどよくわかる!犯罪心理学 (Bookmeter link) (criminal psychology).
I’m trying for 4 nonfiction books this year, so I do need to speed up!
I actually mostly read nonfiction in English so it’s interesting to do it in Japanese where the vast majority of my reading thus far has been fiction. The nonfiction selection in Japanese doesn’t seem quite as varied as it is in English, and often when I find something that looks interesting it turns out to be a translated work. Then again, maybe I’m looking in the wrong places or expecting things to present differently than they are. Who knows.
If you know a good nonfiction book (that isn’t self help, politics, or business) I’m all ears!
If you’ve read a lot of similar books (I have ) then the medical ‘notes’ will feel a bit basic and repetitive, but the stories themselves are actually quite interesting, if sometimes on the gruesome side. There’s definitely been a story or two that made me flinch and I’m only ~15% done.
I haven’t picked it up for a bit, but I do recall feeling like there was a bit of judgeyness from the author about certain lifestyles. It was written ~20 years ago, though.
It’s actually a very popular book / was a popular book in Japan - 1,979 check-ins on Bookmeter!
Oooh 世界のニュース looks like something I’d enjoy. It’d be interesting to see a Japan critique of its own media compared to other countries