What are you reading today?

Finished the first chapter of 마녀의 소녀 and there’s already been a disturbing ritual. How fun! :laughing:


I’ve been slowly reading 달까지 가자 while listening to the audiobook at the same time to get in some hours of listening practice. I’ve been quite busy at work recently and there are a lot of scenes where the narrator is stressed by her job, so it maybe wasn’t the best choice to read right now but I’m still enjoying it! Hopefully this weekend I can make some good progress and finish it finally.


Reading the first Harry Potter along with the audiobook; it’s taken two and a half hours just to reach Diagon Alley, but we can finally leave those annoying muggles behind! :mage:


So I think this might be the most appropriate thread. I was wondering if any Korean users knew of any Android Korean dictionary apps that allowed export of words/lists to Anki.

Still working my way through the 두루책방 - Free (series) | L0-20 books, and one I particularly enjoyed was https://learnnatively.com/book/aa7e9904a9/. :snake: :fairy:

I don’t use any, but Naver dictionary (online & app) has a ‘wordbook’ that saves your lookups. It might allow exporting word lists, but you have to have a Naver email account to use it. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Finished the prologue of 책벌레의 하극상 제1부 - 병사의 딸 1 | L30 for the book club!

Definitely a stretch of my abilities vocab-wise, but nothing I can’t handle so far without a little sprinkling of papago. The grammar is quite straightforward so far. We’ll see how it continues!

It seems like i’ll be ending up learning a lot of book-related vocabulary :joy:


I started reading 쇼코의 미소 | L30 yesterday and I’m really enjoying it so far. It contains a series of short stories that depict the complexity of female relationships with simple but sharp prose. This is a really accessible option for anyone who wants a literary read that isn’t too hard. :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:


I started reading it cause of you LOL
its really cute I’m enjoying it so far :)) thanks for the recommendation!!!


Nice! I hope you’re enjoying it! :blush: I’m only on the third story still but the stories are a bit sadder than I was expecting so far! :anguished: We will have to compare impressions if we both finish.


I just finished reading 고양이 해결사 깜냥 1 | L22 and it was pretty good. It’s a very cute story about a traveling cat who stays at an apartment security office for a while and helps the tenants with their problems. I just bought the second book in the series where he works at a pizza shop. I can’t wait to read it later.


I’ve started 작은 공주 세라 | L20?? and listening to the audiobook, which I’m really enjoying - so nostalgic! :smiling_face:

I finished the first volume of 낭만 강아지 봉봉 시리즈 (series) | L17 and plan to read the others soon. They’re fairly quick reads and there are audiobooks available, which is always a plus.


I finally finished reading 춘향전 lv 22??, a B2 graded reader from the darakwon series. It was really nice, although definitely above my level. Hopefully in a couple month I’ll be able to read it again without having to look up so much vocab! And well, at least now I’ve learned a lot of new grammar, so that should be a lot easier next time.
I might just start 전우치전 lv 20?? in January which is also B2, but I really need to finish 흥부전 lv 13?? first.


I’m slowly working my way through 간니닌니 마법의 도서관 1 and 영어 잘하는 사람들의 작은 습관. Between the two, I find 영어 잘하는 사람들의 작은 습관 easier.

간니닌니 마법의 도서관 is a fantasy children’s novel where the two main characters, a pair of sisters, get sucked into a book world called Fantasia and have to explore different (very Disney-based) fairy tales to find their way out. It has some pictures and occasionally uses a comic format which helps with comprehension.

영어 잘하는 사람들의 작은 습관 is a nonfiction book for Korean people about building good English learning habits (for example, for vocabulary, using 단어집 of related words, learning 7 words per day, learning words in context with audio/writing them out for spelling). It’s interesting for me since I like language learning. I’m reading it in Kimchi Reader, which is super helpful since it has integrated reading/dictionary/flashcards!


I didn’t know this existed! I just got a one year LingQ subscription for over 100€, and this is less than half the price :melting_face:


:sob: Maybe they’ll refund you? FWIW I think this parses better


I finished 영어 잘하는 사람들의 작은 습관. It was great and now I’ve officially finished my first book in Korean! I’d recommend it to upper beginner/lower intermediate learners since there’s a lot of repeated vocabulary around a specific topic, making it much easier than a novel imo.

If anyone has non-fiction recs, please let me know! I’d love to read more.


Just finished 할머니의 비밀 일기 | L17, which I can’t recommend for the story, but is good reading practice.


Wow, just going off of your review but the plot of that book sounds very similar to 엄마를 부탁해 | L30?? except perhaps not as good. :laughing:


I finished 너의 유니버스 | L21 a couple of days ago, and today I read through 4(!) children’s books: 하멜른의 아이들 | L16, 이 세상에서 제일 예쁜 못난이 | L14, 이게 뭘까? | L13, and 어른 세계에 온 걸 환영해 | L15. I’ve written reviews for all of them, but in a nutshell, they were all “meh”. :expressionless:

I think I read most of my easier children’s books (<L12) last year, so I may try to plough through the rest of the ones I have that seem to be <L20. :triumph:


The books I’ve finished over the past couple of days, with emoticon reviews:

:smiley: 파벨 아저씨의 개 | L15
:neutral_face: 세상을 비추는 아이들 | L10
:face_exhaling: 눈 오는 날 | L18 (in 강원도 사투리)
:disappointed: 펭귄이랑 받아쓰기 | L16

They all have actual reviews as well that go into detail.

I made a list that I’m planning to work through, and I’ve just started 꿈에서 만나 | L25??, which so far has lots of new vocab related to epidemics… Maybe not the quick read I was hoping for! :sweat_smile: