What are you reading today?

Let us know what you are reading in German today!


Making my way through Learn German with Stories: Dino lernt Deutsch Collector's Edition - Simple Short Stories for Beginners (1-4) (Dino lernt Deutsch - Simple German Short Stories For Beginners) | L10??, which is okay, but as with most graded readers, it’s not particularly engaging.

I’m about halfway through Sternenschweif, 1, Geheimnisvolle Verwandlung | L22??, and although I’m not part of the target demographic (9-year-old girls obsessed with horses), I’m rather enjoying it! :unicorn:


Im currently re-reading Zwischen Uns Tausen Bilder by Neda Alaei
I highly recommend it, I found it super comprehensible, and the story is really compelling. I will warn, its very sad!

I had just finished Die Schuler Der Magischen Tiere 1, and found it rather challenging but also boring, so i opted to re-read this book because its easier and a more engaging story.


I finished Das magische Baumhaus 2 - Der geheimnisvolle Ritter | L19, which was fun! I’ll proabaly continue the series since it’s a fairly easy read and the accompanying audiobooks are free on Spotify. :smiley:

I started Sternenschweif, 2, Sprung in die Nacht | L21?? a while ago and only got a little way through, so I think I’ll finish that next. :unicorn: