What are you watching today?

Let us know what you are watching in German today!


I’ve just finished a childhood favourite, Zurück nach Hause: Die unglaubliche Reise | L25?? - wonderful performances by the animal actors! :dog2: :service_dog: :cat2:

I’ve just started Bob's Burgers | L25??, which I recently finished rewatching in English, but it’s definitely a series that lends itself to multiple rewatches! I’ve also started Die Simpsons | L25??, which I haven’t watched in 10+ years. There’s 50 seasons between the two shows, so lots of material to work through! :rofl:


I am watching Blue Period S1 | L30??. So far it is very fast paced (too fast in my opinion), and it seems like it is going in a very predictable direction, but I just finished episode 2. We’ll see if it will surprises me. It is certainly exposing me to alot of Art terms, many of which are very similar to English. I feel as though the conversations outside of the Art explanations are pretty easy to understand, and that is encouraging.